Potassium levels in the body affect the nerves and communication of muscle cells with the digestive system, heart, and all other muscles. Most of the potassium is in the body's cells and the level of potassium in the blood circulation is usually kept within a certain range by the endocrine system. Hypokalemia is a medical condition in which potassium levels in the body are very low and reduce insulin sensitivity. Patients with hypokalemia will experience various physical barriers.
Method 1 of 3: Identifying the Symptoms

Step 1. Watch for early symptoms
Early symptoms of potassium deficiency can include muscle aches, cramps, and unnatural weakness (including weakening of the respiratory and intestinal muscles if the potassium deficiency is severe). Low potassium levels make muscle nerve cells unable to recover quickly so they are unable to produce repeated signals. As a result, the muscles become difficult to contract.
Loss of consciousness, muscle spasms, and numbness or numbness in the muscles indicate a worsening of potassium deficiency and should immediately be seen by a doctor

Step 2. Get a diagnosis ASAP
Prolonged or severe deficiency of potassium levels can have an impact on the heart. Lack of potassium levels can cause changes in heart function. These include irregular heartbeats, eg arrhythmias (arrhythmias) in some severe cases. Prolonged potassium deficiency can result in changes in the structure and function of the kidneys.

Step 3. Be aware of the various conditions that can cause low potassium levels
If you have diarrhea, dehydration, vomiting, or weakness, you should have your potassium level checked. This test includes a blood draw and basic metabolism panel of tests (BMP) including testing for electrolytes (i.e. sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride, hydrogen phosphate, and hydrogen carbonate).
Depending on the situation, the doctor may instead perform a comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP) test, including liver function tests in the baseline panel test
Method 2 of 3: Getting a Diagnosis

Step 1. Check your potassium levels
A serum potassium level of less than 3.5 millimoles per liter (mmol/L) is considered low. The normal range for potassium levels is 3.6-5.2 mmol/L. Levels of additional electrolytes such as calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus will also be checked.
- Blood urea nitrogen and creatine levels will also be checked in metal testing as they are indicators of kidney function.
- For patients who are given the drug digitalis, digoxin levels in their blood will also be checked because the drug affects the rhythm of the heartbeat.

Step 2. Get an electrocardiogram (ECG)
This device will monitor heart function and signs of damage or other problems. The doctor may shave some parts of your body if your body is full of hair, and attach 12 electrical leads to your arms, chest, and legs. Each lead will transmit the electrical data of the heart to a monitor for 5-10 minutes. The patient must remain still while the device is in use and the process may need to be repeated.
Low potassium levels may be related to magnesium levels. This may prolong the ECG interval and may cause Torsades de Pointes
Method 3 of 3: Determining the Cause of Low Potassium Levels

Step 1. Talk to your doctor about taking diuretics
The use of diuretics can have a direct impact on low potassium levels. Some patients with medical conditions such as high blood pressure may require diuretic medications. However, if the result is low potassium levels, you need to ask your doctor to find other ways of treatment.
Diuretics are a class of medicines that include furosemide and hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ). Diuretics work to relieve high blood pressure by increasing the rate of urination. However, this can cause minerals such as potassium to have difficulty maintaining the balance of the body's needs because they are excreted through the urine

Step 2. Evaluate your lifestyle for potential causes
Some cases of low potassium levels are due to medical reasons, and some can be prevented with lifestyle changes. If you are an alcoholic, use laxatives frequently, or sweat a lot, this may be the cause of your low potassium levels. Consult a medical professional about the lifestyle or environmental changes needed to address this issue.
- You may need treatment for alcoholism if you feel you can't handle it on your own.
- If you use laxatives excessively, talk to your doctor about how to reduce your dependence on them and replace them with natural ways.
- If you sweat a lot, you may need to change your work or living environment. Try to stay cool, stay hydrated, or take medication to reduce sweat production.

Step 3. Get checked for other medical problems
Low potassium levels can be an indicator of another serious medical condition. Chronic kidney disease and diabetic ketoacidosis can cause low potassium levels and should be treated immediately. Other conditions that can cause low potassium levels are folic acid deficiency or stomach pain that causes persistent vomiting or diarrhea.
Hyperaldosteronism can cause syndromes that include hypertension and hypokalemia

Step 4. Adjust your diet
The best way to increase potassium levels is to eat foods rich in potassium. You can also take potassium supplements, but be sure to tell your doctor beforehand so you don't overdo it. Potassium-rich foods, for example:
- Banana
- Avocado
- Tomatoes
- Potato
- Spinach
- Beans and peas
- Dried fruit
- You may need to take potassium in pills or liquid during testing to increase your blood potassium level (in addition, ask your medical professional about hidden causes of low potassium, including diet and medications, such as diuretics).
- Severe cases of hypokalemia can be treated medically by injecting a potassium solution directly into a vein or taking potassium pills. This method is required by patients suffering from diabetic coma and ketoacidosis.
- Potassium is a chemical element that is only found naturally in salt. For example, potassium chloride used as a salt substitute (but less popular) has a different taste than table salt (sodium chloride). Potassium is abundant in seawater and other minerals, and is an essential substance for all living things.
- Moderate hypokalemia may not require prescription treatment, when “symptoms do not appear”. Doctors may simply rely on diet and the body's ability to naturally improve potassium levels. Thus, the patient should eat enough foods rich in potassium.