Istikharah prayer is a sunnah prayer to ask for guidance when you are confused about making choices. To perform the istikhara prayer, you must first be in a holy state, with wudu. Start praying two rak'ahs, then say the istikharah prayer. Instead of waiting for magical and symbolic visions, you should meditate on yourself to find answers and seek advice from people you think are wise and highly religious. When praying, do it solemnly, avoid begging or whining, and be prepared to follow the answers you receive.
Method 1 of 3: Performing the Istikharah Prayer

Step 1. Ablutions
Before starting the prayer, you must purify yourself with ablution water. The procedure is, the first intention is to wash the face. Second, wash your face. Third, wash both hands up to the elbows. Fourth, rub part of the head. Fifth, wash both feet up to the ankles. Sixth, sort according to what has been mentioned above from first to sixth.
- After that say the creed: "Ash-hadu al laa ilaaha illallahu wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan rasuulullah", which means, "I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah".
- Sometimes, you are required to take a mandatory shower, such as if you had previously passed semen or after having sex.

Step 2. Prepare the prayer place
Make sure your prayer area is clean for prayer. Spread the prayer rug on the floor to ensure the cleanliness of the prayer area. Position the prayer rug facing the direction of Qibla, or Mecca.

Step 3. Begin the prayer
Start by reciting the intention then do the takbiratulihram by raising both hands to the ears while standing and saying, "Allahu Akbar", which means "God is great", to start the prayer. Then recite the iftitah prayer, or the opening prayer, followed by reciting taawuz and basmalah.
- Iftitah prayer reading: "Allaahu akbaru, kabiiraw-walhamdu lillaahi katsiira, wa subhaanallaahi bukrataw-wa'ashiila. Innii wajjahtu wajhiya lilladzii fatharas-samaawaati wal ardha haniifam-muslimaw-wamaa anaa minal mushrikiina. Inna shalaatii wa nusukii wa mahyaaya wa mamaatii lillaahi Rabbil 'aalamiina. Laa syariikalahu wa bidzaalika umirtu wa anaa minal muslimiina”, which means, “God is great as much as possible. All praise is due to Allah. Glory be to Allah in the morning and evening. I turn my face to God who has created the heavens and the earth with all obedience and submission, and I am not one of those who associate partners with Him. Verily, my prayer, my worship, my life and my death belong to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, with whom He has no partner. With all that I was ordered and I am one of those who surrender (Muslims)."
- Taawuz reading: "A`ūdzu billāhi minas-syaitānir-rajīmi" which means "I seek refuge from the temptations of the accursed devil".
- Basmalah reading: "Bismi-llāhi ar-rahmāni ar-rahīmi", which means, "In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful". You should recite the basmalah before reciting each surah.

Step 4. Read surah Alfatihah
Before reading the istikharah prayer, perform two rak'ahs of sunnah prayer, starting with reciting Surah Al Fatihah. Remember to start each surah by reciting the basmalah.
Surah Alfatihah is read in every rakaat. The reading is:
Bismillahir rahmanir Rahim.
All praise is due to Allâh, the Lord of the Worlds.
Arrahmānir rahīm.
Sovereign of the Day of the Judgment.
Iyyāka na'budu wa iyyāka nasta'īn.
Ihdinās sirātal-mustaqīm.
Sirātal-lażīna an'amta 'alaihim
ayril maġdūbi 'alaihim
walāddāllīn. Amen.
It means:
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds,
Most Merciful, Most Merciful,
Owner of the Day of Judgment.
You alone do we worship and you alone do we ask for help.
Show us the straight path
(ie) the way of those whom You have bestowed favor upon; not (the way) of those who are angry, and not (the way) of those who have gone astray.

Step 5. Read surah Alkafirun
After surah Alfatihah, continue by reading surah Alkafirun, or the 109th chapter of the Koran. Make sure you start each surah by reciting the basmalah.
The reading of Surah Alkafirun is:
Qul yaa ayyuhaa alkaafiruuna
Laa a'budu maa ta'buduuna.
Wala antum 'aabiduuna maa a'budu
Walaa anaa 'abidun maa 'abadtum
Wala antum 'aabiduuna maa a'budu
Lawum diinukum waliya diini.
It means:
Say (Muhammad), “O disbelievers!
I will not worship what you worship,
and you are not worshipers of what I worship,
and I have never been a worshiper of what you worship,
and you are never (also) worshipers of what I worship.
For you your religion and to me mine."

Step 6. Second rakaat, after reciting surah Alfatihah, continue with reciting surah Alikhlas
Read the basmalah before reading each surah.
The recitation of Surah Alikhlas is:
Qul huwalaahu sunday
Allahush shamad
Lam yalid walam yuulad
Walam yakun lahuu kufuwan sunday.
It means:
Say (Muhammad), He is Allah, the One and Only.
God the place to ask for everything.
(Allah) neither begets nor begotten.
And there is nothing equal to Him."

Step 7. Read the istikhara prayer
After praying two rak'ahs, you are ready to recite the istikharah prayer.
The reading of the istikhara prayer is:
Allahumma inni astakhii-ruka bi 'ilmika, wa astaq-diruka bi qud-ratika, wa as-aluka min fadh-likal adziim, fa in-naka taq-diru wa laa aq-diru, wa ta'lamu wa laa a'lamu, wa anta 'allaamul ghuyub. Allahumma in kunta ta'lamu anna hadzal amro khoiron lii fii diinii wa ma'aasyi wa 'aqibati amrii faq-dur-hu lii, wa yas-sirhu lii, tsumma baarik lii fiihi. Wa in kunta ta'lamu anna hadzal amro syarrun lii fii diinii wa ma'aasyi wa 'aqibati amrii, fash-rifhu 'annii was-rifnii 'anhu, waqdur lial khoiro haitsu kaana tsumma ardhi-nii bih.
It means:
O Allah, indeed I ask You for the right choice with Your knowledge and I ask Your power (to overcome my problems) with Your omnipotence. I ask You for something from Your Most Great bounty, verily You are All-Powerful, while I am powerless, You know, I do not know and You are All-Knower of the unseen. O Allah, if You know that this matter is better in my religion, and as a result it will be successful for me, make it easy for me, then bless you. But if You know that this matter is more dangerous for me in religion, economy and its consequences for me, then get rid of this problem, and keep me away from it, ordain goodness for me wherever it is, then grant Your pleasure to me."
- After pronouncing "hadzal amro" (this matter), state the problem that is the reason for you to do istikhara.

Step 8. Repeat the istikhara prayer as many times as you wish for as many days as desired
You may insert the istikhara prayer into your daily obligatory prayers until you find a definite answer. Try doing it for seven days, but stop if you think you've found the answer.
Method 2 of 3: Asking for Instructions

Step 1. Perform the istikhara prayer if you have to make a decision
Performing the istikhara prayer is highly recommended whenever you have to make a choice that is not mandatory. This prayer is useful for asking for guidance whenever you are unsure about a decision. For example:
- Choose a college.
- Decide whether to accept a job offer.
- Choose a life partner.

Step 2. Perform the istikhara prayer after the evening prayer
It is highly recommended that you perform the istikhara prayer after performing the night prayer or the tahajjud prayer. The tahajjud prayer is a sunnah prayer that is performed at night after sleeping. Even though he takes a short nap and sleeps before the Isha prayer, the tahajjud prayer is still performed after the Isha prayer.

Step 3. While performing the istikhara prayer, seek advice from knowledgeable people
When you perform the istikhara prayer, you should also seek advice from people you believe are wise and knowledgeable. Avoid thinking that your answer will just appear in a dream or in a vision.
For example, suppose you are confused about whether or not to accept a new job. You should consult with a knowledgeable older person, such as a relative or mentor. They asked, “Would you please explain how much this new job has affected my life and beliefs? Is this the right decision?"
Method 3 of 3: Adopting the Right Mindset

Step 1. Pray fervently
If your intentions are sincere, you will be telling the truth in your heart and mind that you are asking for guidance and need help. Next, you must be open to accepting the answer and taking action. To be serious, you have to be willing to accept an answer and follow it even if it's not the answer you want to hear.

Step 2. Say the prayer with firm conviction instead of begging
Your intention should be to ask for guidance only and do it with strong conviction. Avoid begging and whining. If you're pleading or whining, you're not really asking for directions, you're asking that something you want come true.

Step 3. Be patient after performing the istikhara prayer
You can't force a schedule on God. Be patient, and don't rush or despair. Remember, don't expect miracles or symbolic visions while performing the istikhara prayer, but be open to answers in the form of advice and signs or subtle feelings within you.