How to Make a Basket (with Pictures)

How to Make a Basket (with Pictures)
How to Make a Basket (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Baskets provide a place to store various items and are often used to decorate homes. You can buy a basket buy it at the supermarket. However, you can also make them using materials you can buy at a craft store, or just use things you have in your home. Get started with the first step to creating your basket!


Method 1 of 2: Weaving Reed Baskets

Make Baskets Step 1
Make Baskets Step 1

Step 1. Make the base of the basket

You have to line up 5 strands of reeds with each other, with a distance of 0.9 cm between them. Weave the sixth reed perpendicularly through the other five reeds. Weave the sixth reed through the top side of the first reed, through the bottom side of the second reed, then the top side of the third reed, the bottom side of the fourth reed, and over the top side of the fifth reed. Weave another 4 strands of reed in this way, making sure that they line up with the sixth reed.

Make sure the woven squares for the bottom of this basket are no more than 0.9 cm

Make Baskets Step 2
Make Baskets Step 2

Step 2. Bend the reed strands

Bend the reeds protruding from the base woven box upwards. These bent reeds are called bars. By bending it you will find it easier to weave and the bars will serve as support for the basket.

Make Baskets Step 3
Make Baskets Step 3

Step 3. Split the middle bars

Split one end of the third or eighth grate, starting at the base of the grate to split it. You now have eleven bars. You will also weave these slits.

Make Baskets Step 4
Make Baskets Step 4

Step 4. Weave the basket

Insert the tapered end of the reed (the smaller end) into the opening of the bars and secure it with a clothes pin. Keep the reeds being weaved close to the bottom of the basket and weave, alternating over the top and bottom of the bars.

  • If you want to make a square basket, secure the four corners with clothespins. This will help hold the bottom shape of the basket.
  • Continue to thread and weave the new reed through the bars in 3 or 4 rows, depending on your desired basket height. Each new reed must be arranged on top of the reed woven underneath.
  • Do your best to weave tightly and tightly, but not so tight that you could damage the bottom of the basket. You, too, have to make sure that your webbing isn't too loose.
Make Baskets Step 5
Make Baskets Step 5

Step 5. Cover the base

This means closing all visible square holes in the bottom of the basket. Starting from the left corner of the basket, take the bars in the corner of the basket and gently pull it out. Pull harder on the second bar. You'll need to pull harder on the center bar because you'll be creating an arc at the bottom of the basket. Proceed to the fourth grate and pull it back slowly.

Straighten the bars and repeat on all four sides of the basket, until all the holes are covered

Make Baskets Step 6
Make Baskets Step 6

Step 6. Continue weaving

Continue to weave and weave new reeds through the bars. Make sure you don't pull too hard on the corners, as this can bend the bars too much inward and damage the shape of the basket.

  • You don't want the corners of the basket to loosen, which can happen if you don't keep the bars straight and straight while you weave.
  • Stop weaving when you have reached your desired basket height.
Make Baskets Step 7
Make Baskets Step 7

Step 7. Tighten the bottom of the basket

Push or pull the rows down as you weave. Make sure you don't leave any holes between the bottom of the basket and the rows above it. Start pressing or pulling starting at the bottom of the basket and working your way up with new strands of reed.

A fairly tight basket will have a beautifully curved base, parallel, upright bars, equally spaced corners, and fairly tightly woven rows

Make Baskets Step 8
Make Baskets Step 8

Step 8. Finish the top edge of the basket

Stop weaving your reeds once you have weaved through 4 bars after split bars. Trim your reeds with scissors, from the fourth bar to the last reed. Weave until all the reeds have been woven into the bars.

Make Baskets Step 9
Make Baskets Step 9

Step 9. Cut the basket to tidy up

Cut the bars with scissors. Your bars should be 1.3 to 5 cm higher than the last reed. Fold the bars to the inside of the basket past the top row of reed webbing. Make sure each lattice is folded parallel to the inside of the basket.

Make Baskets Step 10
Make Baskets Step 10

Step 10. Draw the edges

You'll wrap a reed around the top row and secure it to the basket with clothespins. Now, attach the new reed strands by weaving the bottom edges into the top few rows in the basket. These reeds are called lacers.

  • Bring the lacer over the top of the reed attached to the basket into a row of webbing. Now dance the lacer into the basket.
  • Continue wrapping the lacer around the reed, around the rim of the basket.
  • Glue the end of the lacer on the inside of the basket.

Method 2 of 2: Weaving with Newsprint

Make Baskets Step 11
Make Baskets Step 11

Step 1. Make your newsprint bars

You will use the newsprint bars as the bars and the wicker for the basket. Take thin bars, such as thin knitting needles or skewers or 3mm dowels.

  • Cut the newspaper horizontally in half and repeat horizontally.
  • Place your stick on one corner of the piece of newsprint with a sharp corner on the newsprint. Start rolling the newsprint on the stick, making sure you roll it tightly.
  • When you have rolled it to the other corner, tape your paper roll to hold it in place. Remove your knitting bar or needle.
  • One end will usually be smaller than the other, but that's how it should be. When weaving, you will insert the smaller end into another piece of newsprint to make it longer.
Make Baskets Step 12
Make Baskets Step 12

Step 2. Make the base

Cut two rectangles from cardboard to the size you want to make the basket. On one side of the cardboard strip, apply double-sided adhesive. Lay your newspaper bars on the sides (you will need 13 sticks for the long side and 7 sticks on the short side).

  • Always use an odd number when making the base.
  • Apply double-sided tape to the second piece of cardboard and glue the fabric in the color you want. Apply the adhesive on the non-facing side and glue the two pieces of cardboard (the one with the cloth on and the one with the newspaper stick on) together. Place something heavy on top and let it dry (about an hour).
Make Baskets Step 13
Make Baskets Step 13

Step 3. Start weaving

Start at one of the corners. Take a newspaper stick (for weaving) and fold it in half. Braid it on the rod that is in the corner. Using both halves of the rod, weave around the upright bar with half the stem and the other half behind.

  • Keep the upright bars parallel to each other and maintained, and keep the weave tight. You don't want your webbing to be too loose.
  • At the corners you'll want to make additional twists (through and through) before proceeding to twist to the next side.
Make Baskets Step 14
Make Baskets Step 14

Step 4. Make your newspaper bars longer

When you reach the end of the bar, you'll have to add an additional bar, so you can move on. It's easier than it sounds! You just need to insert the smaller end of the rod into the end of the first one and push it tight.

Make Baskets Step 15
Make Baskets Step 15

Step 5. Complete the basket

When you've added rows to your desired height, it's time to finish the basket. This is very easy. Cut the remaining newspaper sticks to a height of 2.5 cm.

  • Each upright stick of newspaper you will fold into a basket and glue. Use clothespins to keep them.
  • The bars that you don't fold into the basket, you will fold to the outside of the basket and weave over the top of the basket.
Make Baskets Step 16
Make Baskets Step 16

Step 6. Color it

This is an optional step, as the newspaper basket will look cool without being colored, but you can also color it in any color of your choice. You can use white acrylic paint and add colored varnish (which will make the basket look more 'authentic'), or you can use a bright, bold spray paint.


If you need to take a break while making the basket, use clothespins to hold your weave together


  • Use your glue a little at a time, you won't want your glue to splatter on your work.
  • Your first basket will look a little messy, as it will take you some time to adjust the pressure of your webbing, but that's okay! Keep practicing and you'll get used to measuring density and looseness to make waves.
