Easter is a fun time for children. There's nothing better than turning an old basket into something to complete your Easter day. Make a cute and simple Easter basket for the kids to enjoy with this guide!
Method 1 of 2: Making a Basket

Step 1. Prepare the workplace and collect the materials you use
While ultimately your basket will have its own materials and tools of choice, you may want to start with the following:
- Basket/box
- Plastic grass or colored paper
- Glue
- Crayons or markers
- Scissors
- Decal
- Candy
- Plastic eggs
- Small toys

Step 2. Cut a piece of paper to wrap the box
Hold the paper against the square and mark with a pencil or pen to indicate how much paper is needed. Cut out the paper and stick it to the box. Easter colors are generally pastel colors -- light yellow, pink, blue, green, and purple.
An ordinary wicker basket can also be used instead of a box. If you don't have it at home, you can find it in many stores

Step 3. Draw and cut out some Easter eggs on the paper
Use crayons or colored pencils to draw some designs on the paper. Then take your extra colored paper to make the handle. Make sure the handle is long enough; better if the handle is too long than not long enough, because you can always cut off the excess. Set aside.
A handle of colored paper will not be very sturdy. So if you have a heavy basket, it is advisable to lift the basket from the bottom and not lift the handles. The handle only serves to enhance the appearance of the basket

Step 4. Glue the eggs on the sides of the box
Add decorative stickers if desired, including designs like Easter bunnies, chicks, candies, ribbons, and more. If you don't want to make your designs by hand, print out some samples from the internet or grab an old coloring book.
If you're the creative type, don't stop here! You can add ribbon to your basket, feathers, fabric, or whatever fits your fantasy

Step 5. Glue the handles to the sides of the box
Glue on one side first and make sure each side is aligned. You can also use a stapler and attach decorations around the stapler to cover it from view.
Method 2 of 2: Filling the Basket

Step 1. Fill it with grass
The first step for a traditional Easter basket is grass -- that means you'll need to use plastic grass (which now has multiple colors) or shredded colored paper.
As an alternative to Easter grass, you can use tissue paper, straw, or ribbon. Anything that will coat the bottom of the basket can be used

Step 2. Add candy
What does Easter mean for children without sweets? The standard Easter items are a large chocolate bunny, some mashmallows, peanut jelly, and other egg-shaped candies.
But don't forget your child's favorite candy! Easter good or not, make sure your child gets the candy he loves on Easter

Step 3. Add plastic eggs and small toys
Open the plastic egg and fill it with candy or small jewelry. Then, place the candy in the middle as well as some items that can last longer than the food. Some of the things you can include include:
- Coloring tool
- Candle or plasticine
- Cartoon character dolls or miniatures
- Game cards
- Bubble
- Temporary tattoo

Step 4. Arrange it aesthetically and hide it somewhere in your home
If you want to use real eggs that your child colored, remove the eggs from the refrigerator just before your child will search the basket. You don't want the eggs to stink!
If the weather's nice outside, you can make this basket part of their Easter egg quest -- once they find the eggs inside, they'll be sure to head out in search of some great treasure
- Make shredded colored paper with a document shredder to make your own Easter grass. Paper grass is safer for children and pets than store-bought plastic grass. Dogs or cats can die from ingesting plastic grass.
- When you put Easter grass in the box, make sure some of the eggs are left visible to make the basket more attractive.
- Coat the colored paper that wraps the box with glue; Smooth it evenly to cover all the decorations you attach such as eggs and handles before use.
- If you're designing for kids, adapt the design to their favorite TV show. Some of the famous shows include: SpongeBob SquarePants, Phineas and Ferb, Hannah Montana, and Wizards of Waverly Place.
- The handle part is intended for decoration only. Unless your basket is filled with light items, such as jelly beans, or marshmallow eggs, don't carry the basket right by the handle.
- Don't use too much glue; This glue will show and reduce the overall appearance of the basket.