The Russian dwarf hamster (also known as Campbell's dwarf hamster) is still the 'brother' of the Syrian hamster. Although not as popular as the Syrian hamster, the Russian dwarf hamster is starting to become quite a popular pet because of its easy maintenance and relatively low cost. By learning how to care for a Russian dwarf hamster, you can keep it healthy and happy. In addition, you will become more familiar with it.
Part 1 of 4: Choosing a Home for Russian Dwarf Hamsters

Step 1. Choose a cage that is safe and easy to clean
The right cage for your hamster is one that is safe for him and easy to clean. A wire cage with a fully enclosed bottom or floor is usually the most suitable type of cage.
- The gap between the bars of the cage should be as small as 4 centimeters to prevent the hamster from escaping. Also, make sure that the wires that line the cage are lined with PVC so they don't rust.
- Make sure you use a soft material for the floor of the cage. Your hamster's leg may get caught in a wire gap in the floor and a leg fracture is possible. If the cage is wired, cover the cage floor with a smooth-surfaced material, such as cardboard or laminated wood (available at hardware stores).
- The cages with colorful plastic tubes or tunnels are indeed interesting to see. However, cleaning is usually very difficult. In addition, your hamster may chew on plastic objects in the cage.
- Clean the hamster cage and its components once a week with hot water. Every time you do a cleanup, make sure you also change the bottom of the cage.
- In a glass aquarium, there is not always good circulation or air circulation. This can lead to an increase in ammonia levels in the tank which, of course, is toxic to your hamster. If you are using a glass tank as a cage for your hamster, clean the tank regularly to prevent ammonia buildup in the cage. In addition, glass aquariums also lack good air ventilation so that the temperature in the aquarium can increase sharply if the aquarium is placed or exposed to direct sunlight.

Step 2. Choose a large cage
Even though Russian dwarf hamsters are small in size, that doesn't mean you can keep them in a small cage. In fact, the bigger the cage used, the better. The cage used must have a length of (minimum) 60 centimeters and a height (minimum) of 40 centimeters.
- A large cage also usually doesn't get dirty quickly.
- With a large cage as a home, your hamster will not easily feel bored or restless. If your hamster is happy, it's likely that it won't exhibit compulsive behaviors (like biting the bars of the cage) that aren't good for it.
- If you keep more than one hamster in the same cage, the large size of the cage can prevent the hamsters from becoming aggressive towards one another.
- If you are using a glass aquarium as a hamster cage, make sure it has a volume of (at least) 40 liters.

Step 3. Cover the floor of the cage with the cage mat
Cage mats have several benefits. First, the bottom of the cage helps keep the cage clean by absorbing the hamster's urine. Plus, the cage pad makes your hamster feel more comfortable. He can also look for food among the cage mats and dig nests as often as he wants.
- Pine shavings make a very comfortable cage base for your hamster.
- never ever using cedar wood shavings as the base of the cage. The oils in cedar wood can cause hair loss and dry, cracked skin. If the skin cracks, it can become dehydrated and sick.

Step 4. Choose the right place to put the hamster cage
Place the cage in a comfortable room temperature (around 18 to 24 degrees Celsius). Try to keep the room temperature constant and there is no air flow or strong winds entering the room. In this room, you should not place the cage near a heat source (such as a fireplace or a window with a lot of direct sunlight) as this can increase the temperature in the cage, especially if you are using a glass aquarium as a hamster cage.
- A room that is too cold (below 15 degrees Celsius) can make your hamster very lethargic (possibly until it hibernates).
- The bedroom may not be the right place to put a hamster cage because hamsters like to play and be active at night. The noise that comes from the hamster's activity can disturb your sleep.
Part 2 of 4: Feeding Russian Dwarf Hamsters

Step 1. Choose hamster food products that are widely available in the market
Russian dwarf hamsters eat the same types of food as other hamsters. Hamster food is usually available in the form of pellets or a grain mixture. Your hamster will need to eat one tablespoon of pellets or one to two teaspoons of grain mix daily.
- Pellets are a very healthy type of food and will allow your hamster to nibble and chew on them. By chewing pellets, your hamster's teeth will be trimmed naturally (and safely) so it doesn't hurt his mouth.
- You need to be extra careful when feeding your hamster mixed grains. He may be picky and eat only the tastiest grains so he doesn't get other important nutrients.
- Mixed grains tend to be high in fat.
- Good quality hamster food usually contains at least 15-20% protein. Read the product composition label to find out how much protein the product contains.

Step 2. Provide fresh vegetables as food for your hamster
Your hamster needs to eat more than just pellets and seeds. He also needs to eat fresh vegetables so that there is a variety of types of food, as well as additional vitamins. Before giving it to your hamster, wash the vegetables thoroughly to remove any pesticides. Give your hamster vegetables every day and make sure you get rid of the old ones so they don't get moldy in the cage.
- Green leafy vegetables (such as spinach or Romaine lettuce) can be a good addition to your hamster. Other types of vegetables you can give your hamster are broccoli, cauliflower, and cucumbers.
- Add vegetables to your hamster's daily diet gradually (very slowly). Give vegetables (in small amounts) once or twice a week. This is done so that your hamster does not have diarrhea.
- Gradually feed your hamster (still in small amounts) vegetables once a day.

Step 3. Feed your hamster a protein-rich food
Protein is an important substance or component in a balanced diet for your hamster. Good sources of protein include boiled chicken or turkey, boiled egg whites, and canned or dried tuna.
- Some good sources of plant-based protein include tofu, flaxseed, and roasted soybeans.
- Provide the type of food that can provide additional protein intake to your hamster once a week.
- No matter what type of protein source you give, make sure you give it in small amounts at each meal.

Step 4. Give grain to your hamster
Whole grains (eg whole wheat bread, rice, pasta (cooked), or unsweetened cereal) can be a delicious and healthy snack for your hamster. If you want to give cooked rice or pasta, do not give the rice or pasta if the temperature is still hot.
- Crunchy whole grain breads and cereals are also good treats for your hamster to nibble on.
- As with any other type of food, make sure you give your hamster a small amount of grain.

Step 5. Add treats to your hamster's daily diet
Snacking can be a great way to add variety to your hamster's daily diet. Hamster treats are widely available in pet stores.
The pet store you visit may sell or give out yogurt drop treats for hamsters. However, these treats can be fattening, so make sure you don't give them too often

Step 6. Avoid giving your hamster certain types of food
Russian pygmy hamsters are prone to diabetes so it is necessary to avoid feeding them high-sugar foods (eg fruit). In addition to fruit, other types of foods with sugar content that need to be avoided are corn, white bread (bread made from wheat flour), and rice.
Some foods, such as raisins, potatoes, onions, garlic, and sprouts (eg bean sprouts) are toxic to hamsters and should be avoided

Step 7. Provide fresh water for your hamster
Your hamster needs to have regular access to its drinking water. Place the water bottle in the cage with the neck position and the bottle straw propped against the cage wall. You also need to change the water in the bottle every day. As much as possible install the bottle with the end of the straw that can be reached by your hamster's mouth.
Do not use the bowl as a drinking water for your hamster. Eventually, your hamster's cage will get dirty from spilled water because your hamster drank from the bowl
Part 3 of 4: Enriching the Hamster's Living Environment

Step 1. Provide toys in the cage
Environmental enrichment is important to keep your hamster mentally and physically active. The richer or more complete the environment in which they live, the happier and healthier your hamster will be. In addition, it will be easier to tame and hold. Some examples of toys you can give your hamster, include toilet paper tubes or unused paper towel tubes.
- A portable plastic tube can also be a fun toy for your hamster. These toy tubes can be purchased at pet stores. However, keep in mind that the plastic tube can be bitten by your hamster so you will need to replace it when the tube is damaged from biting too much.
- You can also make toys for your hamster yourself. Some of the homemade toys you can make include ladders, hamster houses, and obstacle courses.

Step 2. Hide the food at some point in the cage
When feeding your hamster, hide or spread some pieces of food in the cage mat or other items in the cage. In this way, he will be encouraged to look for food, as is usually done in their natural habitat (in the wild).
You may notice that your hamster will hoard its food in several places in its cage as a snack that it can eat later

Step 3. Give your hamster something to bite and chew on
Not only can your hamster move, biting and chewing also helps trim your hamster's teeth so they don't grow too long. Your hamster will love to nibble at the wooden blocks. To make it more fun, make holes in some of the sides of the block (with a diameter that its body can pass through) so it can get in and walk through the holes.
- Your hamster may also nibble or chew on wooden toys that can be bent or deformed. Such a toy is made of knotted pieces of blunt wood. You can twist it or turn it into various shapes to serve as a wall, small foyer, or house for your hamster to climb or enter.
- Provide a soft leather toy that your hamster can chew on.
- Dwarf hamsters also like to nibble on mineral blocks that are durable enough to last a long time.
- You can buy ingredients for your hamster to bite and chew on at pet stores.

Step 4. Provide exercise equipment for your hamster
Exercise helps maintain your hamster's weight and keeps him alert. You can provide a running wheel that will allow your hamster to exercise and move around in his cage. Make sure the wheel has a level floor or footing (fully covered). Hamster wheels with bared steps can trap your hamster's legs in the bars and risk injuring his leg bones.
- If the hamster wheel starts to make a squeaking sound, grease the wheel with Vaseline where it makes the squeaking sound (eg the hinges).
- The hamster ball allows your hamster to exercise and move outside of its cage. Let him play in the ball for (maximum) 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, your hamster needs to rest and also get some fresh air.
- Let your hamster run around in the ball to other rooms, however never ever let it run toward stairs or open water (eg swimming pool).
- Plastic cup toys (flying saucers) can also be fun toys and sports equipment for your hamster. Your hamster can climb on it and run over it, just like when it runs on a hamster wheel.
Part 4 of 4: Holding a Hamster

Step 1. Wash your hands
With clean hands, you can prevent your hamster from biting your hand when you try to pick it up. If your hand smells like food, he will basically see your hand as food and bite it to try the 'food'. Before handling your hamster, wash your hands with unscented soap.

Step 2. Put your hand in the cage and make a pocket with your palm
This way, your hamster can stay supported when you pick it up. Also, by placing your hand under your hamster, it is likely that it will be able to walk and climb into the palm of your hand.
- Do not pick up your hamster from above (vertical). The vertical retrieval position can be thought of by your hamster as a large bird of prey about to catch it. With this position, your hamster can actually feel scared.
- Insert your hand into the cage slowly and gently.
- Always talk to your hamster before you put your hand in its cage. Your voice can keep it calm when you try to pick it up.
- Don't chase your hamster around in his cage to get him to climb into your arms. Let him come to you himself.

Step 3. Recognize your hamster's bite-whether it bites out of curiosity about your hand or because it's under pressure
There is an important difference between a small bite and the defensive bite your hamster makes when you pick it up. Small bites are usually 'friendly' bites and are a way of recognizing your hand. Usually a small bite like that will not hurt.
- Defensive bites are usually not good bites. The bite is your hamster's way of letting you know that it's stressed, scared, or upset that you don't touch or touch it often.
- Defensive bites usually occur more quickly than small bites, and are accompanied by a squeaking sound that signals feelings of irritation or discomfort. In addition, the bite can also cause pain.
- Do not immediately pull your hand when your hamster bites. This can make him fear and wary of you. To stop unwanted biting behavior, you can gently blow on his face and say "No" in a firm tone.

Step 4. Hold and pet your hamster daily
Since the Russian dwarf hamster has such a short memory, it may not remember that yesterday or the day before you held and petted it. Therefore, hold him every day so that he does not feel irritated or depressed because he feels that he has not been touched or touched enough.
- Russian dwarf hamsters love to be held and petted.
- Don't let your hamster fall over when you pick it up or hold it. To prevent him from falling, hold him in place and make sure he is close to you when removing him from the cage.
- Russian dwarf hamsters tend to be more docile than Syrian hamsters.
- Ceramic bowls are very strong and make great food containers for your hamster.
- Introduce your hamster to a new type of food, one at a time. By gradually introducing new types of food, you can reduce your hamster's chances of indigestion.
- Unlike Syrian hamsters, Russian dwarf hamsters can be kept in the same cage. If you want to keep several Russian pygmy hamsters, you can place them in the same cage, either in cages of the same or different sexes (eg one male and two females). Keep the hamsters in the cage as early as possible to prevent aggressive behavior towards each other.
- Hamsters are prone to injury if they step on the barbed floor or run on the wheels on the barred steps.
- Your hamster may bite when you hold it. However, over time the biting behavior will stop.
- Cage bedding made of cedar wood chips can cause cracks in your hamster's skin. Therefore, do not use the base of the cage.
- Take your hamster to the vet if he has diarrhea. Diarrhea can lead to severe dehydration, which can be fatal to your hamster's health.
- Russian dwarf hamsters have a high risk of developing diabetes. Therefore, do not give sweet foods and contain a lot of sugar to your hamster.