Keeping a monkey is a big challenge, they can make cute friends. Raising monkeys takes a lot of time, money and patience, and will be the biggest commitment you'll ever make. If you are a special person who can pet monkeys, start by finding out what breed is right for you. Provide a good cage with toys, and spend plenty of time playing with them to make them feel comfortable. If you want to know more about what is required, see Step 1.
Method 1 of 3: Preparing to Bring the Monkey Home

Step 1. Research the monkey species
Monkeys are an order of primates, and are further divided into two namely New World Primates (smaller, monkeys from South America) and Old World Primates (larger sizes, monkeys from Asia and Africa). Each type of monkey has unique characteristics. Read books, talk to those who keep monkeys, and find out everything about monkeys.
- Squirrel monkeys, capuchins monkeys, spider monkeys (spiders), and macaques (macaques) are the types of monkeys that are commonly kept. Some are more sociable, and others can be nervous. These monkeys have the same general needs, but the big monkeys usually need a bigger cage.
- Apes such as chimpanzees and orangutans should not be kept. They are stronger than humans and can be dangerous in certain situations.

Step 2. Be prepared for a big commitment
Keeping monkeys is as big a commitment as deciding to have children. Monkeys need attention all day, every day, unlike cats and dogs, monkeys cannot be left at home for a few days. Once the monkey has bonded with you, it will want to follow you wherever you go, and if you try to leave it alone it can become bored, depressed, and aggressive. Monkeys can live 20-40 years, so keeping them means a big commitment because they have to meet their needs for that long. Before you decide to raise a monkey, know the following facts about the monkey's needs:
- Monkeys can be aggressive. When monkeys are babies, they are dependable and playful, just like human babies. But when they reach adulthood, usually 3 or 4 years, their behavior is unpredictable. Monkeys are wild animals, unlike cats and dogs, they have not socialized with humans for thousands of years. Even a monkey that has been in contact with humans since infancy can still bite and attack its owner or become difficult to care for as an adult.
- Monkeys cannot be left alone. They need constant attention and care, or they could hurt themselves or others. And because they are usually tied to one person, it is very difficult for people who keep monkeys to get free time.
- Monkeys may be blocking you from the relationship you want. Monkeys only want to bond with a few people. Keeping monkeys may prevent you from getting closer to some people your monkey doesn't like. Monkeys don't get along well with children, so keeping a monkey can prevent you from starting a family.
- If you are a unique person with a good temperament and discipline then keeping monkeys can cost your whole life as you have to look after them but you will have a great experience. Monkeys are very smart, entertaining, and sometimes very affectionate. Many people who spend their lives with monkeys face challenges that would not be available if raising other animals.

Step 3. There are some countries where it is illegal to keep monkeys, and there are some countries that make laws if you keep monkeys
For this reason, it is usually a little difficult to get to certain countries if you bring monkeys. It is also illegal to bring monkeys into the United States, so you cannot travel abroad with the monkeys and bring them home (if your home is in the United States).
- Some countries allow you to keep monkeys, but there are some strict rules that must be followed.
- Regulations on keeping monkeys differ between countries outside the United States. Look at the applicable laws and see if there are any restrictions regarding the animals you can keep.

Step 4. Find a reputable seller
Once you decide you want to keep a monkey, do your research to find a reputable and trustworthy seller. They must have a USDA clearance number, which is required for all sellers in the United States.
- Ask the seller about the contacts of the people who bought monkeys with them. In this way, you can check the health and behavior of the monkey.
- Old monkeys are usually cheaper, but more difficult to keep. The price of all types of monkey species is usually above 1,000 dollars, but specifically for baby squirrel monkeys it can cost 8,000 dollars.
- Before you buy it, visit the monkey you are about to buy, make sure you have the clicks and are sure you can live with it.
- Never buy monkeys abroad. It is illegal to bring monkeys from outside into the United States.

Step 5. Find a veterinarian specializing in exotic animals (animals that are not commonly kept)
Before you pet a monkey, it's important to see a veterinarian who specializes in exotic animals. Ordinary veterinarians do not have the knowledge and equipment needed to raise a monkey. Monkeys can get the same diseases as humans, as often as humans, so monkeys can get sick constantly. These specialized veterinarians can be an excellent resource if you want to inquire about the various needs and behaviors of monkeys.
Method 2 of 3: Providing Food and Cages

Step 1. Build or buy a monkey cage
Your monkey may be spending a lot of time in his cage, but he also needs a place to play at night and especially when you can't play with him. The monkey cage should be a bit bigger, the bigger the better.. Monkeys need a lot of space to run and play, especially when they have been in their cage for 1-2 hours. If the cage is too small, monkeys are usually more mischievous and aggressive.
- You can buy a monkey cage, but most people build their own cage according to the monkey's needs. Wooden or iron posts and chain link fences can be good materials for building a monkey cage. You may also need to build two cages, one indoors and one outdoors, or build a cage close to the door and facing out.
- Be sure to comply with State regulations regarding anything related to monkey cages. In some cases the rules may vary according to the type of monkey you keep.
- Monkeys love to climb, so provide a tall cage. Add tree branches, dangling ropes, and more that will allow your monkey to climb to and fro.

Step 2. Protect your home
Most monkey owners allow their monkeys to play at home, not just in cages. Monkeys are curious, intelligent animals are usually very curious, so you have to get rid of items that can cause harm. Since monkeys also like to jump, the house should be made safer.
- Don't let monkeys have access to play with cables. Keep all electronics away.
- Money can tear curtains, or break lamps and furniture. Keep things the monkey doesn't want to damage.
- You have to prepare a special room for monkeys, where monkeys can play without limits. Keep in mind that monkeys can open doors and windows, so if you plan to keep the monkeys there unattended, make sure the room is as secure as a cage, and includes padlocks and iron nets on the windows.

Step 3. Keep the monkey area clean
Monkeys can clean themselves, but they will definitely pollute any place. It's quite difficult to train them, because monkeys like to be on their own. Some people even put diapers on baby monkeys, but this is not possible for adult monkeys. Therefore, you must clean yourself to maintain cleanliness in the cage and home.

Step 4. Provide clean water every day
Monkeys should always have clean water provided in a bottle. You can use a dot. Some monkeys may prefer to drink from a plate, but there are also those who like both. Make sure they have enough water intake.

Step 5. Provide biscuits, fruit and vegetables
Monkey special biscuits, monkey special food should always be given every day. These biscuits have a combination of vitamins and minerals that monkeys need. In addition to serving biscuits, you can also give fresh or steamed fruits and vegetables.
- You should also provide grasshoppers, worms and boiled chicken (without seasoning), hard-boiled eggs, yogurt, rice, oats, and beans.
- Don't give monkeys junk food. Sweets, ice cream, baked goods, snacks, and raw meat.
- You should also provide a dietary supplement with additional vitamins according to the type of monkey you are. Monkeys kept indoors need a lot of vitamin D due to lack of sunlight.
Method 3 of 3: Training the Monkey

Step 1. Give the monkey lots of toys and stimulation
Monkeys need a lot of stimulation to feel happy. In the wild, monkeys like to climb trees and look for food. Provide similar stimulation to the monkey cage and around the house by providing them with things to play with.
- Try to hide the monkey food in a box with a small hole so the monkey can try to reach it. Monkeys will be happy if given this kind of curiosity.
- Give the monkey toys in the form of animals, balls, and other toys. Change the toys so they don't get bored.

Step 2. Play with the monkey every day
Monkeys are social animals, when they are left alone they can feel sad. Set aside a few hours a day with the monkey so he can play with it. In this process, the monkey may start to trust you and climb up your body and hug and kiss you.
If you have more than one monkey, then there is no need to play with them too much. Many monkeys prefer to live with each other. If you can afford more than one, they are usually happy to live together

Step 3. Don't punish the monkey
Hitting or yelling at monkeys can make them afraid of you. You also can't control their behavior. Remember that monkeys are wild animals, they can't be trained to do what you want them to do. Punishing them will only make the relationship worse.
- The best way to deal with a negative attitude is to make sure that the monkey is getting enough of its needs. Have enough stimulation in a day? Have you had enough practice? Have you played enough with it?
- A scared monkey prefers to bite. Again, you can't punish him. Instead, try to understand their mood and learn to leave them if they're in the mood for a bite.

Step 4. Don't let monkeys play with strangers
It's not good to take monkeys out in public or invite people to play with them. Monkeys are unpredictable. Your monkey can be kidnapped in an instant in case of an accident. If your monkey likes to scratch other people, animal control officers have the right to catch and give you a rabies test. When exotic animals are confiscated, they are usually put to death, as there is no law that allows them to be temporarily quarantined (such as dogs and cats).
If you have to go out of town and leave the monkey with someone else, make sure that person is someone the monkey also trusts. Leaving monkeys with strangers can be stressful and dangerous

Step 5. Have fun communicating with your monkey
Say her name when feeding her or offering her a toy so she can start learning about it. When he responds, give him a gift and praise him. Teach him the command by giving an example of how to do it. For example, when you teach the word “dance”, jump up and dance. When he understands, come back, praise him and reward him.
- Take the monkey to the vet regularly and pay attention to what the doctor says.
- Monkeys are very affectionate when they start to feel attached to you.
- When you buy a monkey make sure it's an official one and not from the black market, so don't buy it right away but be patient and see first.
- Remember when you bring monkeys with other people, they need to feel safe. Your monkey may not want to be held by other people, even if it is your friend, they will be considered as a stranger to your monkey.
- Many people find it difficult because when monkeys are babies they are small, but when they are adults they become very large. Monkey behavior is the same as a 2 year old human and will not change for the rest of his life. People usually only want to buy baby monkeys because most can't provide a proper cage. In addition, monkeys don't easily get along with new people, so if you're not ready to commit to living with monkeys for the next 40 years, then we recommend considering other types of animals to keep.
- Don't keep a monkey that's roughly heavier than you. If you can't carry them because they're too big, they can kick you in the back when they're adults.
- Monkeys are not pets that everyone can keep. If you are a full-time worker, have kids, and are busy, then this is not the pet for you!
- Don't bring monkeys if they're fierce. If you have guests, put the monkeys in the cage and tell the guests not to come near.
- Monkeys are very cute when they are young, but as they grow older there may be some traits in them that you don't like. They are wild animals like cats and dogs. You may have to keep one more monkey so you can accompany the first monkey.
- Use a mild soap when bathing the monkey.
- Be careful sometimes buying and selling monkeys is a dark business. People who want baby monkeys can pay thousands of dollars. The baby is usually stolen from the mother shortly after birth. This has a traumatic impact on both mother and baby. Once you get baby monkeys, you will take care of them but once they grow up they will start to act annoying and not funny. Monkeys live 40 years so what will happen to them if you don't like them anymore? You can not carelessly return them to the wild because they may not survive.
- Know the fees and penalties for keeping monkeys illegally. If you have a monkey and you don't have a permit, go to the local zoo and explain that you don't have one, so you won't be fined.
- See a veterinarian before raising a monkey, exotic animals can only be taken care of by a specialized doctor, and can cost thousands of dollars.
- It costs thousands of dollars to keep a monkey healthy.
- You must have a permit as it is illegal to keep monkeys without a permit.