Familiar with cake pops? These tiny cakes, which are packaged like lollipops, have started to flood with fans among culinary connoisseurs. Its attractive appearance and delicious taste make cake pops reluctant to be missed by sweet food lovers. Starting from the Bakerella kitchen, you can now find cake pops at various bakeries and coffee shops near you. Lazy to buy it outside the house? Making your own cake pops is surprisingly easy and fun. Take your kids to make dozens of cake pops on the weekend and enjoy the delicious sensation with your beloved family!
- Ready-to-use premix flour (cake flour that already contains the ingredients for the cake) or your own homemade cake flour
- Frosting
- Milk chocolate or melted dark chocolate; and a little white chocolate for garnish if you like
- White chocolate wafer, use if you like
Method 1 of 2: Cake Pops Recipe

Step 1. Bake your favorite cake
No need to worry, you can turn all kinds of cakes into cake pops.

Step 2. Remove the cake from the oven, wait for it to cool completely before turning it into cake pops

Step 3. Transfer the cooled cake to a large bowl
Using your hands or a mixer, mash the cake until it's really smooth and crumbly; make sure there are no lumps of cake.
This part is the most fun! If you have kids, it's guaranteed that they won't mind helping you with it. But remember, make sure they wash their hands beforehand. You certainly don't want to serve cake pops that are contaminated with germs, do you?

Step 4. Choose your preferred frosting flavor
Pour half the frosting over the cookie crumbs; Frosting works like a 'glue' that will glue the cookie crumbs back together and shape them into a new dough. Increase the amount of frosting if needed. Make sure the dough is well mixed and all the cookie crumbs are covered in frosting.

Step 5. Take a small amount of dough with a cookie scoop
Roll the dough in the palm of your hand so that the texture is not too sticky. Make sure the dough is perfectly round and the same size; it's best to make small balls to keep their shape beautiful after dipping in melted chocolate.

Step 6. Arrange the cake balls onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper
If you don't have parchment paper, line a baking sheet with greased aluminum foil. Place the cake tin in the freezer for 10 minutes or until the dough has hardened.

Step 7. Melt the chocolate in a team or regular saucepan
If you like, you can re-cover the cake pops with crushed white chocolate wafers

Step 8. Dip a skewer or a lollipop stick into the melted chocolate, then stick it into the hardened cake balls
There's no need to pierce too deep, but make sure your puncture is strong enough to hold the cake balls.

Step 9. Dip cake balls in melted chocolate

Step 10. Let stand for a while until the chocolate hardens

Step 11. Once the chocolate has hardened, dip the cake balls once more into the melted chocolate
You need to do this process to make sure all parts of the cake are well coated. Do it carefully; Make sure the chocolate balls don't crumble or fall into the melted chocolate. Gently tap to remove excess chocolate.

Step 12. Add various frostings or garnishes to taste

Step 13. Insert the chocolate balls into a styrofoam stick, arrange them in such a way that the presentation is attractive

Step 14. Continue the above process until the dough runs out
If you like, decorate your cake pops with white chocolate: melt the white chocolate, pour it into a plastic triangle, and decorate the cake pops to your liking. You can do this step, or you can't. But if you want to present cake pops as a gift, you can use melted white chocolate to write the names of loved ones or draw cute shapes on the surface of the cake pops.

Step 15. Put the cake pops in the fridge to keep them fresh
Once the cake pops have hardened, serve these delicious little lollipops to your loved ones!

Step 16. Enjoy the delicacy
Method 2 of 2: Various Variations of Cake Pops

Step 1. Mix cake batter with coconut milk
Besides being very easy to make, this variety of cake pops has a unique, delicious, and very creamy taste. Once the cake pops have hardened, coat them again with melted chocolate and grated coconut. Guaranteed your tongue will be addicted after trying it!

Step 2. Mix cake batter with melted marshmallows and make s'more cake pops
Various variations of s'more are very popular with culinary lovers. Serve this variety of cake pops as dessert for the chocolate lovers in your family!

Step 3. Make cake pops based on blueberry muffins
Trust me, the sweet-sour sensation of the blueberry mixture in it will make your cake pops even more delicious!

Step 4. Coat the cake pops with cocoa powder and serve with a cup of hot chocolate
Although it seems simple, but the combination of tastes is very delicious! Pair cake pops with a cup of hot chocolate and serve as a snack when the rainy season hits.

Step 5. Decorate the cake pops with the Cha-Cha chocolate crumbs
This variety of cake pops is delicious for peanut lovers!

Step 6. Make cake pops based on apple cake with cinnamon
Most of you must have tasted the deliciousness of apple cake mixed with cinnamon. So what if the delicious cake is processed into cake pops? Try to make it and taste the deliciousness for yourself.

Step 7. Mix the cookie dough with cinnamon and maple syrup to make french toast cake pops
Who would have thought that the combination of cake pops and french toast was so mouth-watering?
Solving Problems That Appear When Making Cake Pops
- My cake pops don't stick well in the puncture… Don't forget to freeze the cake pops in the freezer before sticking them into the skewer. This process is very important to do so that the cake does not crumble when stabbed. Remember, the texture of a freshly baked cake is so soft that it's difficult to stick well on a skewer. Another tip you can try: dip a portion of the skewer into the icing, frosting, or melted chocolate. These liquids act like 'glue' that will help glue your cake balls to the puncture.
- My cake pops cracked… This is no big deal; You can easily coat the cracked area by dipping it again in the frosting or melted chocolate. But usually, the cracks will remain visible and reduce the beauty of your cake pops. Therefore, make sure the size of the cake balls you make is not too big. The larger the size, the more difficult it is to form a perfectly round ball. Cake pops should be tiny (slightly larger than the lollipops you'll find in the market). If the cake pops still crack even after reducing their size, it's a sign that you need to add more frosting. Add enough frosting to achieve the desired result.
- My cake pops taste too sweet… If this happens, your cake or frosting may be too sweet. If you're making your own cakes and frosting, make sure you're using the right amount of sugar and vanilla. If you bought ready-made cakes and frosting, try buying a different type or making your own at home. That way, you can adjust the sweetness to your taste. Adding too much frosting to the surface of the cake pops can also make them too sweet.
- I dipped the cake pops in melted chocolate but the chocolate layer cracked…. Sometimes, overheating the chocolate can cause the chocolate layer to crack after it hardens. In addition, freezing cake pops for too long can also cause the chocolate layer to crack because the temperature is too cold. Therefore, remove the cake pops from the freezer right after the chocolate has hardened. Don't take too long to melt the chocolate. Right after the chocolate melts, turn off the heat.
- The decorations I use (chocolate chips, chocolate sprinkles, etc.) don't stick well to the cake pops… Remember, sprinkle the garnish just when the chocolate or frosting layer is still wet. Make sure you have prepared the decorations you want to use in advance so you don't waste time.
- Air bubbles appeared after I layered the cake pops… This problem occurs quite often. Air bubbles appear because the oil or butter from the cake pops is trying to 'get out'. You can avoid this problem if you don't use oil or butter in your cake pops dough. But of course, that will reduce the taste. To maintain the look and feel of your cake pops, try poking air bubbles with a toothpick while the cake pops are still wet.
- For even more fun, layer your cake pops with another variation of chocolate like hazelnut or mint.
- Don't have a skewer or something? Just provide a straw and cut it into two equal parts; use it as a cake pops puncture.
- Try making cake pops made of marble cake so that you can see a unique and beautiful marble sponge pattern in your cake pops!
- Do another experiment! Try making cake pops in the shape of a person or animal face.
- You can buy cake pops molds at cake grocery stores or various online sites at a price that is not too expensive.
- Dip cake pops in melted candy for a classier taste and look! Besides being able to stick better than frosting, melted candy will also give your cake pops an interesting and varied color.
- If you've heated the candy too long until it's lumpy, add a little Paramount Crystals or Crisco to thaw it out again. You can find them at supermarkets that also sell imported ingredients such as Ranch Market or buy them online.
- Add a little Crisco to the melted chocolate for a smoother and softer texture. But remember, don't add it to melted white chocolate because it will ruin the texture of the chocolate.
- Add a pinch of salt to the chocolate layer. This idea may sound strange but believe me, the resulting taste is really delicious and solid! Remember, don't add too much. Just a pinch is enough to offset the sweetness of the chocolate.
- Add or sprinkle crumbled cornflakes to your cake pops.