If you want to lose weight, be prepared to undergo a continuous process that is beneficial to health. Instead of running a flash diet program, start by setting realistic targets and then work to achieve them by changing your diet and lifestyle. Eat nutritious food and exercise regularly. Record the progress achieved and make adjustments to the target when the results start to appear. In a few months, you will enjoy a more enjoyable day with a healthier body!
Method 1 of 3: Achieving Desired Weight Loss

Step 1. Find out your ideal weight for your height using a body mass index (BMI) calculator
Search the internet for BMI calculators and tables and enter your height and age into the form provided. Body weight was divided into 3 categories: "normal", "overweight", and "obese". If your current weight is in the last 2 categories, find out the upper limit of the "normal" weight category as a target to achieve.
- Don't lose weight if your weight is in the "normal" category. Consult with your doctor before changing your diet or lifestyle.
- Remember that a person's body shape is determined by many factors that have an impact on the distribution of weight. Everyone's body shape is different. Don't expect to have the same body shape as other people even though they are the same height and weight.

Step 2. Determine achievable short-term targets as the first step to running a weight loss program
Instead of setting goals that are very high or impossible to achieve, such as losing 20 kg of weight in a month, start with goals that are realistic and easy to achieve. In general, teenagers are able to lose -1 kg of body weight per week so that weight loss quickly after a few weeks or months. For the first month, aim for a weight loss of 2-4 kg.
- Even if it's only a little, the success of losing weight on target makes you more motivated to set and achieve new goals.
- Don't give up if you haven't lost weight in the first week. Execute the plan consistently and stay optimistic so that your business starts to progress.

Step 3. Prepare a diary to record your diet and physical exercise
By keeping a record of all the food you eat every day, you can see for yourself how quickly calories accumulate in your body. Every day, record the food eaten, physical exercise, weight, and body size. Before going to bed at night, record your calorie intake throughout the day and the calories burned during exercise. Also note the diet program that is being run or lifestyle changes so that it can be used as a reference to monitor the progress achieved.
- Use a calorie calculator website or app to keep track of your diet and exercise. In general, the tool is capable of estimating the number of calories consumed and consumed each time data is entered.
- Find out what's helpful and what's not by analyzing the food menu information in your diary so you can make the necessary adjustments. For example, if you always eat a nutritional snack after swimming, replace it with a piece of melon as a healthy snack.

Step 4. Weigh yourself every morning once a week
Get in the habit of weighing yourself once a week on the same day and time. So that the recording is done consistently, weigh yourself every morning before eating breakfast after going to the restroom. Measure your waist, hips, thighs, and upper arms once a week so you know where you are losing fat.
- You will often find out your weight or do useless things if you weigh yourself every day. Sometimes, weight gain up to 2 kg due to retention of body fluids. So, the scales sometimes make you confused.
- Remember that weight loss is an ongoing program because you need to form new habits that will help you lose weight. This takes months, even years, instead of just days.

Step 5. Be patient during your weight loss program
Often times, negative emotions and stress can make this feel overwhelming. However, you will stay motivated if you focus on achieving easy-to-reach targets and take notes every day to monitor progress. Celebrate every success achieved. Forgive yourself if you don't reach your goals or if you don't exercise occasionally.
Don't beat yourself up if you don't exercise because you watch TV all day. Don't worry if you want to relieve stress after an exam by enjoying a large serving of fast food. Make a commitment to lose weight again starting tomorrow
Method 2 of 3: Adopting a Healthy Diet

Step 1. Eat the right amount of calories every day
Daily calorie needs are determined by age, gender, height, and intensity of daily activities. Young men need 2,000-3,000 calories per day. Teenage girls need 1,600-2,400 calories per day. Look online for a daily calorie intake guide or consult a doctor to find out the exact number. When planning a meal menu, make sure your calorie intake does not exceed your daily requirement and record the number of calories consumed in a diary.
- For example, a 14-year-old boy who exercises very often needs 3,000 calories per day, while his classmate who never exercises needs only 2,000 calories per day. However, a 14-year-old girl who regularly exercises needs 2,000 calories per day.
- If you eat too many calories on Monday, don't reduce your calorie intake on Tuesday because you will starve and eat a lot.

Step 2. Avoid sugary drinks
Don't drink soda, energy drinks while exercising, fruit juices, and ice cream. Drink water or sugar-free soft drinks. Instead of enjoying bottled fruit juice, make your own fresh fruit juice using a blender. Drink low-fat milk to meet calcium needs.

Step 3. Get in the habit of drinking 8 glasses of water every day to keep the body hydrated
Carry bottled water with you wherever you go and fill it often so that you drink 2 liters of water every day.
- So that the water doesn't taste bland, put a slice of lemon into the water or brew a fruity-scented tea that can be enjoyed while warm or with ice cubes.
- You don't get hungry quickly if you drink enough water throughout the day.

Step 4. Fill your plate less than usual
Order small meals or prepare 30-50% of the usual meals. Take enough food so you don't eat too much. Also, use a small plate with every meal. You can add food if you are still hungry or your daily calorie needs have not been met.
- Instead of having a piece of chicken breast at dinner, cut it in half and save half for tomorrow.
- Tell the waiter that you ordered only 1 scoop instead of the usual 2 scoops.
- Eating small portions of food does not mean eating faster. If you chew food slowly, the duration of the meal will be longer and you will lose weight. Chewed food is easier to digest.

Step 5. Eat nutritious foods, fresh fruits and vegetables, and fat-free protein
Avoid packaged snacks, sugary pastries, and unhealthy fatty foods. Get used to eating 400 grams of fruits and vegetables or half a plate every day. Arrange a diet consisting of whole wheat bread, rice, pasta, poultry and fish as a source of fat-free protein. For dessert, eat fresh fruit as a source of natural sweetener, instead of sugary cakes or puddings.
- Instead of eating fried foods or assorted breads, opt for baked, boiled, or steamed protein sources.
- When eating at a restaurant, order a menu of small or low-calorie meals. That way, you can still have fun and enjoy delicious food while running a consistent weight loss program.
- Enjoy your favorite snack once in a while. You can still eat pizza or a friend's birthday cake, but only a piece and not often. Avoid soda and replace french fries with carrots so you eat nutritious food.

Step 6. Don't eat when you're full or when you're feeling down
Every time you eat, take enough food and pay attention to the physical sensations in the stomach area when eating food. Once you start to feel full, put your cutlery down so you don't add to the food. Don't snack on boredom, upset, or sleepiness.
- Instead of snacking on malnutrition when you wake up in the middle of the night hungry, drink water or herbal teas to fill your stomach.
- If your friend likes to eat packaged food as a snack, prepare a healthy snack, such as hummus to enjoy together.

Step 7. Make sure you eat 3 times a day plus snacks 1-2 times
Don't neglect your meal schedule or hold on to hunger. Even though you are very busy, make time to eat 3 times a day with portions as needed. So that you don't rush in the morning, wake up 15 minutes early to eat a nutritious breakfast consisting of hard-boiled eggs, Greek yogurt, or fortified cereals and fresh fruit. A few hours after breakfast or lunch, eat a high-fiber or high-protein snack to keep you full.
In between meals, eat an apple, a handful of peanuts without salt, or a bar of granola
Method 3 of 3: Exercise

Step 1. Make time for moderate-intensity exercise 1 hour a day
Before or after school, set aside time to exercise each day. Apart from being in a calorie deficit (more calories used than consumed), you will lose weight if you exercise for at least 60 minutes every day, such as walking around your neighborhood, swimming, or jogging on a treadmill.
- Short exercise several times a day is still beneficial. Take a 30-minute gymnastics class at school, stretch your muscles followed by 10 minutes of aerobics after school, and take family members for a 20-minute walk in the park in the afternoon.
- Instead of playing video games with friends after school, have them play soccer on a field near your house.

Step 2. Be a member of a sports team, gym, or fitness club so that you exercise regularly
Besides being more fun, this step makes you feel responsible for exercising. Find out what activities you enjoy and then sign up to be a member of a sports team at your school or community.
- Join a sports team for a game, a community gym, or a group that trains just for fun.
- When you start exercising, don't be discouraged if some training sessions feel very challenging. Physical strength and stamina increase after you train a few weeks.

Step 3. Take time to walk, stand, and go up and down stairs
Every day, count steps using a phone app or step-counting tool. Start by setting low goals and then increase your goals every week so you can go further. When moving at home, at work, or at school, use the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator. Get in the habit of watching TV or memorizing lessons while standing. In your spare time, play your favorite song and then dance in your room for a few minutes.
- Set aside time for a brisk walk. Reduce walking speed or take short breaks if you are short of breath.
- Instead of slouching, get into the habit of standing or sitting up straight by activating your core muscles. Burn more calories when standing than when sitting.
- If the distance from home to school is not too far, use a bicycle, instead of taking the bus or driving a private car.
- Get in the habit of reading nutritional information on food packaging.
- If you want to lose weight, make sure the reason is right. Make sure you do this to maintain a healthy body and mental, not to make you look more attractive or feel more confident.
- Consult a doctor, dietitian, or nutritionist before making drastic dietary or lifestyle changes.
- Ask for support from a parent or guardian. They will help and provide support if you tell them your weight loss goals.
- Don't rely on crash diets and "potential" supplements that promote weight loss. This method is not useful and tends to form bad habits.
- Don't hold back your hunger or throw up the food you just ate. Talk to your doctor, counselor, or therapist if you have an eating disorder.