Drastic weight loss is usually only possible for very overweight people. If you want to lose a lot of weight in a very short time, choose the following steps. However, keep in mind that any weight loss program requires lifestyle changes and healthy habits, and must be done for the long term.
Method 1 of 4: Written Routine

Step 1. Perform the calculations
When setting goals, you must know how to achieve them. Before you start counting calories, know how many calories exactly you need to set to lose 5 kg in one week.
0.5 kg is 3,500 calories. You have 7 days to lose 10 times that amount.
3,500 x 10 = 35,000 calories that need to be eliminated
35,000 / 7 = 5,000 calories to lose per day
5,000 – 2,000 calories per day = 3,000 calories per day
- As you can see, eliminating the intake of 3,000 calories per day is absolutely ridiculous. However, a very strict diet, exercise, and initial loss of water weight (depending on your size - the bigger you are, the easier it will be to achieve this goal) can get you closer to this goal than the calculation results. What's more, your weight fluctuates by about 1 kg per day, added and subtracted by your actual weight as a possible limit.
- Fortunately, it's not just diet that can control calories: exercise also plays a role. In this fast and intense diet, both are needed.

Step 2. Keep a journal
By being obligated to deal with what you eat, you will realize what you decide to put into your body. Keep a journal and write down everything you ate and drank during the week.
- Make yourself feel responsible. Show the journal at the end of each day to a friend, family member, or coach. Knowing that you have to face the judgment of others will make you extrinsically motivated, something you can't do for yourself. If they do, ask them to keep a diary of their diet with you.
- Don't just record what you eat! Keep track of your workouts/sports too! Thus, you will see that all the efforts you put in have really impressed you.

Step 3. Share with others
Sometimes it's hard to be too strict with yourself when you're going through it alone. After all, will the world end if you eat candy? Certainly not. Find a friend and let him help you in achieving your goals.
Encourage every social activity. Invite your family and friends to cook, not eat at a restaurant. If your community supports you and doesn't shower you with temptation, success will be much easier to achieve
Method 2 of 4: Fixing Your Diet

Step 1. Limit your intake of processed foods
Having a diet that contains a low energy density (calorie content) is the simplest way to reduce calorie intake and still maintain a feeling of fullness and control hunger. This means you choose to eat vegetables instead of fries, and still feel full.
- Energy density is the number of calories (or energy) in a serving of food. If a food has a lower energy density, it provides fewer calories in 1 gram. That means if you eat a lot of these foods, you won't see any increase in your weight. After all, a 400-calorie serving of fried chicken is far less than a 400-calorie serving of salad.
Basically, foods like fruits and vegetables fill you up faster with no calories. Protein and carbohydrates contain 4 calories per gram; fat contains
Step 9. calories per gram. Fiber contains 1.5-2.5 calories per gram and, of course, water contains 0 calories.
To maintain a diet low in energy density, eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean milk and meat (foods that are high in water and fiber), and avoid processed foods.
The easiest way to avoid processed foods is to avoid restaurants and fast food. If you do, of course you know what goes into your body

Step 2. Eat 5 times a day
In addition to eating small meals three times a day, eat snacks (which are healthy). Your portions may be smaller, but you will feel fuller.
- Moreover, there is a scientific explanation behind this. When we eat, the thermal effect of our food (or TEF/Thermic Effect of Food) increases. High TEF increases our metabolism, reduces hunger, and ultimately leads to weight loss.
- Because you eat more often, your meals should be in smaller portions. You won't eat more; You only share it in a day.
- Your snacks should be healthy and in healthy portion sizes. Snack on fruit, nuts, or low-fat yogurt. If you're struggling with rationing and timing, measure out your snacks ahead of time and store them in resealable bags. You won't eat too much and you can eat a portion on your way to work.

Step 3. Learn portion control
According to portion control standards, adults should eat 90 grams of protein, 1/2 cup (87.5 grams) of starch and 1 cup (175 grams) of vegetables for one main meal. Eating more than your body needs will only increase your weight; However, you need to understand that eating less than what your body needs will lead to weight gain (or weight loss).
You must eat to prevent the body's metabolism is hampered and the weight remains. Use visual cues if portion measurements are unusual for you. 1 bell pepper is one serving of vegetables – about the size of a baseball. An Apple is 1 serving, about the size of a tennis ball. One serving of pasta is the size of a hockey puck. One serving of cheese is equivalent to four game dice. And chicken? Imagine a deck of playing cards

Step 4. Drink at least 2 liters of water in a day
Add a glass of water before bed and another glass of water when you wake up, and drink one (or two) glasses of water before each meal. Cleaning the body of daily toxins is one of the best ways to lose weight. What's more, the extra water will give you a feeling of fullness before you even start eating.
- Carry a bottle of water every day with you wherever you go and make it a habit to drink often. The more you drink, the more you'll want to drink and the better you'll feel. A well-hydrated body has more energy.
- The Institute of Medicine advises adults to try to drink about 3.7 liters (for men) and 2.7 liters (for women) of water a day, respectively, including water contained in other foods and beverages.
Method 3 of 4: Exercise

Step 1. Increase your cardio workout
Exercise should become a regular part of your day, even after the past week, if you want to continue losing weight or maintaining a healthy weight. Exercise also builds energy and increases metabolism, both of which help ease your weight loss efforts. The method of exercise for weight loss is subjective and depends on your health. Therefore, see your doctor to discuss the best exercise routine for your individual needs.
Cardio exercises burn more fat than strength training, but both are necessary to maximize weight loss. If you don't really like running, choose an exercise that's lighter on your knees, such as swimming or using an elliptical exercise machine.
Try doing High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). The National Institute of Health says that HIIT "involves repeated high-intensity exercise for 30 seconds to several minutes, separated by 1-5 minutes of recovery (either regular or low-intensity exercise)." They also say that "… the benefits, especially weight loss, are enhanced by HIIT." So if you're on an exercise machine, enjoy your workout and you'll be done in 15 minutes
Many sports include cardio that you may not even be aware of. Here are the calories burned for each exercise done in 30 minutes:
- Aerobic dance - 342
- Boxing - 330
- Jump rope - 286
- Tennis - 232
- Basketball - 282
- Swimming (freestyle) - 248

Step 2. Begin strength training
People who do cardio and strength training will burn the most fat and build muscle. If it's your first time lifting weights, ask a friend for help or talk to a trainer at the gym.
Don't you have time to go to the gym? Does not matter! Buy a small barbell or a regular barbell for use at home. You can train anywhere, anytime, and for no monthly fees

Step 3. Include yoga in your program
Admit it: 5 kg in a week is too difficult a goal to achieve. You have to burn as many calories as possible. So, why don't you do some yoga while listening to Homeland songs?
Yoga burns 3-6 calories in a minute. After an hour in front of the television, you've burned 180-360 calories.
Yoga is not the most intense sport. However, yoga has been shown to promote mindfulness of eating (which has nothing to do with any other exercise) and thus ultimately lead to more weight loss

Step 4. Keep moving
So, you've been to the gym 5 times this week and are already doing yoga. What else can you do?
- Bike to work. Choose stairs and avoid elevators. Take every little opportunity as much as possible to burn calories and stay active.
- Do the housework you've been putting off. You'd be surprised that washing the car, tending the garden, and rearranging the furniture can make you sweat unintentionally.
Method 4 of 4: Alternative Method

Step 1. Find out about crazy diets
These diets are called 'crazy' for some reason, but if you're looking for an interesting…challenge…choose the one that appeals to you the most:
- Juice diet. To go on this diet, you have to convert your food into liquid form. All you drink is juice, 24 hours a day for 7 days. There are many different types of juice sold for just this purpose in stores, but homemade fruit and vegetable juices are much cheaper.
- Diet Master Cleanse. You're just taking a panacea made from 2 tablespoons (30 grams) of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 2 tablespoons organic B-grade maple syrup, 1/10 tsp (0.5 grams) cayenne pepper, and 300 ml of drinking water. Just that.
- Sleeping Beauty Diet. The plus side is that you don't have to swallow tapeworms, but all you have to do for days is sleep.
Maple Syrup Diet. Similar to the Master Cleanse diet, you will drink a concoction made of maple syrup, lemon juice, cayenne pepper, and water. Again, this is all you can consume.
Crazy diets are not healthy. No doubt. Most people will experience drastic weight loss, but after a few days the weight goes back to its original weight (even more). If you want to lose weight permanently, crazy dieting is not the way to go. Ultimately, these diets are harmful to your health

Step 2. Visit the sauna
Being in the sauna room will quickly remove the water weight in your body. You won't lose fat, but your circumference will probably be a little less.
- It's important to stay hydrated and not to spend too much time in the sauna. Being in the sauna room for 15-20 minutes a day is too much. When you go out, drink a glass of water.
- Saunas are not safe for children. Children should be left at home (under supervision of course).

Step 3. Try doing a body wrap body treatment
Most spas today offer body wrap treatments that aim to tighten the skin and aid weight loss. Find out what treatments are offered at your nearest spa and give it a try.
The types of body wrap treatments that are commonly offered are mineral, detox, slimming, and cellulite. Each treatment uses slightly different herbal remedies; choose the type of treatment that seems to best suit your needs.
This treatment relaxes your body and soothes the skin compared to other treatments. There are no studies showing that these studies will remove or eliminate toxins from your body
- If you don't have the time and/or budget to sign up for a gym or hire a personal trainer, you can work out on foot every day.
- If you don't have the budget to enroll in a gym or hire a trainer, you can work out by going up and down stairs in as little as 10-20 minutes or walking around your neighborhood every day.
- Focus on your goals whenever you need motivation. You can lose weight, but it will take more than a week if you want. If that's the case, don't let it discourage you. Everyone is different, so pay attention to your needs and do things that will help you lose weight quickly but safely.
- Make sure you make a list of the amount of exercise you need to do in one day to be regular.
- Take your dog for a walk, it's so much fun!
- Consult a doctor before making drastic changes in your lifestyle, especially in terms of diet. Your doctor can help you determine the best and safest weight loss program for your needs.
- Run 1.6 km every day. If you don't like running, walk 4.8 km.
- Don't skip meals! This makes you gain more weight than you lose!
- Don't just be lazy and think about how far you have to go to reach your goal. Get up and give it a try, you will be surprised at how easy it is to achieve your goals.
- Don't skip breakfast: breakfast helps your metabolism, and skipping it will make you more likely to eat unhealthy snacks throughout the day, causing your body to take in more calories from those snacks than from a well-prepared breakfast.
- Do not exercise excessively. If you eventually pass out or become dehydrated, your system will have problems. Of course that is the last thing you want.
- Losing 5 kg of weight in one week is a goal that is too difficult to achieve. If you are going to embark on this endeavor, it is very important to do so with common sense. It is possible that you may not reach your destination within the allotted time.
- You still have to eat. If you starve yourself, your body will retain the fat stores it already has. You will lack energy and it will be difficult to stay active.