The forehead is part of the T zone, or the facial zone that includes the forehead, nose and chin. For many people the forehead is a problem area because it is so close to the hair, which produces oil. There are various ways to help you get rid of forehead acne.
Method 1 of 4: Using Home Remedies

Step 1. Use benzoyl peroxide
Benzoyl peroxide kills acne-causing bacteria. Applying benzoyl peroxide on the forehead will help get rid of pimples that grow there. In addition, benzoyl peroxide also has the added benefit of removing dead skin and excess oil, which can clog pores.
- Look for over-the-counter products containing benzoyl peroxide in a concentration of about 2.5% to 10%.
- Benzoyl peroxide can make the skin dry, and then scaly, or cause stinging, burning, and redness. Follow the instructions for use listed on the packaging.

Step 2. Try salicylic acid
In addition to benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid can also be found in other over-the-counter cleansing and facial products and can help with forehead acne. Usually the product contains an acid concentration of about 0.5% to 5%.
- Common side effects include skin irritation and stinging. Apply a small amount on the skin and wait for 3 days to see if you experience any irritation.
- Do not use the product for a longer time or for more than prescribed. Use according to the doctor's instructions or the information listed on the package.
- Salicylic acid is intended for use on the skin only. Do not apply it too close to the eyes, nostrils, or mouth.

Step 3. Apply essential oils on the problem skin
Use a cotton swab or cotton ball to apply the oil to the problem area on the forehead. Essential oils can cause skin irritation. Therefore, dilute one drop of an essential oil with one drop of a carrier oil, such as jojoba, olive, or coconut. If your skin is sensitive, introduce the oil slowly. You can leave the oil on your skin or use warm water to rinse it off. Essential oils that you can try include:
- Tea tree oil
- Oregano oil
- Spearmint or peppermint oil
- Thyme oil
- Calendula
- rosemary oil
- lavender
- Bergamot oil

Step 4. Perform facial treatment with steam
Evaporation opens pores and helps remove dirt. In addition, evaporation is easy and inexpensive. Here's how to do facial steaming:
- Pour water into a saucepan and simmer on the stove until the water begins to evaporate.
- Put hot water in a basin and place it on the table. Bend over the basin, and position your face at least 30 cm from the basin. Hot steam can cause severe burns. So be careful.
- Cover your head with a towel and steam your face for 15 minutes. When finished, dry your face.
- After steaming your face, you can continue to exfoliate or use a mask to help reduce oil.
- You can add a few drops of essential oil to the water while steaming.

Step 5. Make a mask from egg whites
Egg white helps treat blemishes as well as tightens and refreshes the skin. When making an egg white mask, make sure you beat the egg whites until they are foamy, like meringues. You can add other ingredients such as lemon to whiten the skin or honey which has antibacterial properties.
- Combine three egg whites and a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice in a bowl and beat the eggs until they are white, frothy, and stiff.
- Apply the egg white mask to a cleansed face, with clean hands. Do not allow the mixture to enter the mouth, nose or eyes. Leave it for 15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water. Dry the skin slowly.
- Make sure you wash your hands after handling egg whites.
- Apply moisturizer.

Step 6. Try a toner made of apple cider vinegar
Mix one tablespoon of vinegar with two cups of water. Apply the mixture to the face using a cotton ball. Apple cider vinegar is believed to help even out skin tone and reduce acne.
Be aware that apple cider vinegar can irritate sensitive skin. If your skin is sensitive, make a mixture with a larger water ratio
Method 2 of 4: Getting Rid of Acne Through Diet

Step 1. Reduce sugar
Start by getting rid of foods that contain added sugar. Bacteria love sugar, and bacteria cause acne. In addition, a number of studies have shown that foods with a low glycemic index (GI) can reduce the severity of acne. Foods with a low glycemic index are foods that release sugar into the blood more slowly. Foods with the lowest glycemic index include:
- Rice bran cereals, natural muesli, ground oats
- Whole wheat, pumpernickel bread, whole wheat bread
- Most vegetables, except beets, machete squash, and radishes
- Different kinds of nuts
- Mostly fruits, except watermelon and dates. Mangoes, bananas, papayas, pineapples, raisins and figs have a moderate glycemic index.
- Legumes and nuts
- Yogurt
- Whole grains have a low to moderate glycemic index. The lowest glycemic index is found in brown rice, barley, and whole grain pasta.

Step 2. Reduce consumption of dairy products
Research shows a small link between milk and acne. If you eat a lot of dairy products and have acne on your forehead, try reducing the amount of dairy in your diet.

Step 3. Get more vitamins A and D
Vitamin A helps boost the immune system and is a natural antioxidant. Vitamin D helps boost the immune system, helps reduce inflammation, is antimicrobial, and helps reduce oil production. The best way to increase the intake of these two vitamins is through food.
- Foods that contain lots of vitamin A include vegetables, such as sweet potatoes, spinach, and other green leafy vegetables, carrots, machete squash, broccoli, red peppers, honey squash; fruits such as orange melon, mango, and apricot; legumes, meat, liver, and fish.
- Foods high in vitamin D include fish, such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, and cod liver oil; eggs, mushrooms; and oysters. Many foods are also fortified with vitamin D.
- You can also get vitamin D intake through natural sunlight, because sunlight triggers the body to produce the vitamin. Spend about 10-20 minutes outdoors without using sunscreen every day. If you have dark skin, spend more time in the sun. Otherwise, make sure you're in the sun safely by using a broad-spectrum sunscreen, SPF 30, a wide-brimmed hat, and covering as much skin as possible.
- You can also take D3 supplements.

Step 4. Eat foods high in omega-3s
Omega-3 fatty acids are believed to help control the molecules that produce oil. You can find omega-3s in food. Various grains and nuts, such as flaxseed and flaxseed oil, chia seeds, peanut butter, walnuts are good sources of omega-3s. Fish and fish oil, which are found in salmon, sardines, mackerel, white-fleshed fish, and sea bass, are also very effective. Avocados are also a good source of omega-3s.
You can also take omega-3 supplements
Method 3 of 4: Skin Care

Step 1. Wash your face twice a day
To help prevent pimples on the forehead and other parts of the face, wash your face at least twice a day and after doing activities that make you sweat. Excessive sweating can make acne worse.
- Do not use anything abrasive as it can be harsh on the skin.
- Make sure to wash your face gently. Use your fingertips in gentle circular motions when washing your face.
- Don't wash your face too often. Washing your face more than twice a day is not recommended.

Step 2. Exfoliate the skin
Once or twice a week, use a facial scrub to exfoliate the skin. This step helps shed the outer layer of skin and open the pores. In addition, exfoliating also helps get rid of dead skin and other impurities that clog pores.
Be very careful when exfoliating your face to prevent irritation

Step 3. Avoid products that cause irritation
Some products can irritate the skin and cause breakouts. If you have a lot of acne on your forehead, use minimal cosmetics. Hair gel, mousse, hair spray, and sunscreen can cause forehead breakouts.
- Chemicals, oils and fats in cosmetics, even products labeled “hypoallergenic”, can cause irritation and damage to the skin.
- Make sure you remove makeup from your face before going to bed.

Step 4. Use a gentle cleanser
Clean your face with a mild cleanser, such as Cetaphil, Play, Neutrogena, or Aveeno.
- Look for cleaners that are labeled non-comedogenic. That means the product does not encourage the formation of blackheads, closed blackheads, open blackheads, or pimples. Examples of non-comedogenic products include Neutrogena, Cetaphil, and Olay. You can also use solid soaps that contain benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or alpha hydroxy acids. There are many non-comedogenic products on the market. Read the label to be sure.
- Do not rub the skin. This action can cause skin damage such as scarring, or turn pimples into sores. In addition, rubbing the skin can also stimulate the emergence of more pimples because it causes the infection to spread.

Step 5. Moisturize skin with non-comedogenic oils
Some moisturizers can clog pores and make skin sticky or greasy. Try using non-comedogenic oils to moisturize your skin. Non-comedogenic oils are less likely to clog pores. Try oils like:
- Almond oil
- Apricot seed oil
- Avocado oil
- Camphor oil
- Castor Oil
- Evening primrose oil
- Grapeseed oil
- Hazelnut oil
- Hemp seed oil
- Mineral oil
- Olive oil
- Peanut oil
- safflower oil
- Sandalwood seed oil
- Sesame oil
Method 4 of 4: Prevent Pimples on Forehead

Step 1. Wash your hair often
If you have acne on your forehead, it's important to wash your hair often. This is especially true if you have bangs or hair that covers your forehead as this can transfer oil and dirt from your hair to your facial skin.

Step 2. Try not to touch your forehead
There may be oil and dirt on your hands that can clog your pores. Try to keep your hands and fingers away from your forehead.
Wash your hands regularly if you frequently touch your face. This step can reduce oil and other dirt that may stick to your hands

Step 3. Avoid hats
Hats that cover the forehead can cause acne. Remove the hat that covers the forehead. If you must wear a hat, make sure you wash it regularly so that oil and other debris doesn't build up on the hat and move to the forehead.

Step 4. Make sure pillowcases and sheets are always clean
Sleeping on dirty, oil-stained pillowcases and sheets can cause forehead acne. When you sleep your face sticks to your pillowcases and sheets, and dust, oil and other debris move to your forehead while you sleep. Wash your pillowcase twice a week to help prevent forehead breakouts.