The heart is a vital organ that constantly beats to circulate oxygen-rich blood throughout the body. The average heart rate is the number of contractions made by the heart per minute. Your average resting heart rate can be a good indicator of your overall health. Men and women who have an average resting heart rate that is higher than a normal resting heart rate are at greater risk of dying from ischemic heart disease. Therefore, by knowing whether you have a healthy heart rate or not, your life can be saved.
Method 1 of 3: Knowing Your Average Heart Rate at Rest

Step 1. Sit down and calm yourself down for a few minutes
Heart rate fluctuates based on the activity performed. In fact, just standing can increase your heart rate. So, before measuring your heart rate, you need to relax.
- The best way to find out your average resting heart rate is to measure it as soon as you wake up in the morning.
- Don't measure your heart rate after you've exercised because the average heart rate you get will be high, and you won't get an accurate average heart rate. In addition, stress, anxiety, or anger can also increase your heart rate.
- Don't measure your heart rate after you drink caffeine, whether you're in a hot or humid environment, because caffeine can temporarily increase your heart rate.

Step 2. Use your fingers to find the pulse
Use the tips of your middle and ring fingers to press on your wrist or neck to find a pulse.

Step 3. Press your fingers into the arteries until you feel a strong pulse
You may need time to move your fingers around your wrist or neck to find a pulse or to feel a strong pulse.

Step 4. Count each beat or pulse to get the average heart rate per minute
Count the number of beats you feel for 30 seconds and then multiply the number you get by two or count the beats for 10 seconds and then multiply the number you get by 6 to get your average heart rate per minute.
- For example, if you count 10 beats in 10 seconds. Multiply that number by 6 to get an average resting heart rate of 60 beats per minute.
- If the beat is irregular, count the beats for one full minute. When starting the count, count the first beat as zero and count the second beat as one.
- Repeat these steps several times to get a more accurate average heart rate.
Method 2 of 3: Assessing Your Heartbeat Health

Step 1. Assess whether your resting heart rate is within a normal range
The normal resting heart rate for adults is between 60-100 beats per minute (and for children 70-100 beats per minute). However, recent studies have shown that an average heart rate above 80 beats per minute is a risk factor for obesity and diabetes.
If your average resting heart rate is between 60-80 beats per minute, your heart rate is considered healthy or normal

Step 2. Assess whether your heart rate is higher than 80 beats per minute
If so, you have a higher risk of having heart disease and you should immediately consult a doctor.
- A high resting heart rate means that your heart has to work harder to maintain a steady resting heart rate. A high resting heart rate is considered a risk factor for ischemic heart disease, obesity and diabetes.
- A clinical study spanning 10 years found that adults whose average heart rate increased from 70 to 85 beats per minute were 90% more likely to die during the study than those whose average heart rate was below 70 beats per minute.
- If your resting heart rate is high, take steps to lower it (see next section).
- Some medications (eg drugs for thyroid and stimulant drugs such as Adderall and Ritalin) can make the heart rate increase. Talk to your doctor if you are concerned that a medication you are taking has increased your heart rate.
- Ambient temperature and humidity can also temporarily increase your heart rate because your heart needs to work a little harder under these conditions. This does not mean that your average heart rate is high under normal conditions.

Step 3. Assess whether your resting heart rate is lower than 60 beats per minute
Having a heart rate below 60 beats per minute does not mean that you have a medical problem. People who are very athletic or in good physical shape can have an average resting heart rate of 40 beats per minute.
- Some people naturally have a low heart rate and there is nothing abnormal or unhealthy about this.
- Some medicines (such as beta blockers) can slow your heart rate.
- Consult a doctor and ask if you need to take action on your low resting heart rate.
Method 3 of 3: Improving the Quality of Your Average Heart Rate at Rest

Step 1. Exercise regularly
Regular exercise can help slow down your resting heart rate gradually. Your cardiovascular system will strengthen as will your heart, and this will make it easier for your heart to do its job.
- Each week, you should do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of high-intensity aerobic activity.
- In addition, also add a physical exercise program to increase muscle strength in your weekly schedule.
- You should always consult your doctor before starting any new exercise program.

Step 2. Lose weight
Obesity is another risk factor for heart disease. The larger you are, the harder it is for your heart to work to supply oxygen-rich blood throughout your body. In addition, losing weight can also help slow your high average heart rate.
- To lose weight, you need to eat fewer calories than your body needs without starving you (you should consume no less than 1,050-1,200 calories). When the supply of calories is depleted or when a calorie deficit occurs, your body will be forced to burn fat stored in the body as a source of energy.
- If you burn 500 calories (or have a 500 calorie deficit) per day, you will burn 3,500 calories per week, which is the equivalent of 500 grams of fat. If you keep this pattern for 10 weeks then it is the same as you lose 5 kilograms of fat.
- Add aerobics and strength-boosting physical exercise to your weekly schedule to burn calories. The number of calories burned during exercise depends on your age, gender and weight. Use a calorie counter for exercise so you can see how many calories you burn in each exercise you do.
- Eat healthy low-fat diet foods such as vegetables, fruits, lean meats, seafood, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products.
- Use the basal metabolic rate calculator and food calorie counter to analyze how many calories you need per day, and also to calculate the calories in your diet.

Step 3. Lower your stress level
Relaxation exercises such as meditation, yoga, and tai chi, as well as other stress-reducing techniques can help lower your average heart rate over time. Add this exercise to your weekly schedule to have a healthy heart rate.
- Try different relaxation techniques such as autogenic relaxation, muscle relaxation, visualization, and/or deep breathing relaxation, and then choose the one that best fits your lifestyle and schedule.
- Sign up for a yoga or tai chi class at your local gym, or do yoga or tai chi at home using free DVDs, books or youtube videos.
- Hypnosis, meditation, and massage can also help clear the mind and relax the body.
Step 4. Avoid smoking or using other tobacco products
Smoking can increase your average resting heart rate and is also a risk factor for other health such as cancer.
- Talk to your doctor about how to quit smoking. There are several options for you, such as using nicotine replacement therapy which means you don't have to quit smoking with the drastic cold turkey method.
- Make a plan and tell your family and friends about this. This is to help you stay on track and get the support you need.
- Consider joining a group of people who also want to quit smoking to support each other, whether it's a group on the internet or a group in your neighborhood.
- Regular exercise can help improve your cardiorespiratory system. Always consult a doctor before you start a new exercise program. Start slowly and only then increase the intensity of your exercise once your heart and skeletal muscles are stronger.
- Consider purchasing a heart rate monitor for an easier and more accurate heart rate measurement.