3 Ways to Keep Nose Moist to Prevent Nosebleeds

3 Ways to Keep Nose Moist to Prevent Nosebleeds
3 Ways to Keep Nose Moist to Prevent Nosebleeds

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Nosebleeds are a very embarrassing and unpleasant occurrence. Nosebleeds often occur in the cold and dry transition season. This means that one of the best ways to prevent nosebleeds is to keep the mucous membranes of the nose from drying out.


Method 1 of 3: Increase Humidity

Keep the Nose Moist to Prevent Nosebleeds Step 1
Keep the Nose Moist to Prevent Nosebleeds Step 1

Step 1. Use a humidifier

You can use a cold water humidifier or vaporizer. Increasing humidity during very dry weather can help prevent nosebleeds. Humidifying the air at night can also make breathing and sleeping easier.

If you don't have a commercial humidifier, you can make one by placing a pot of water on top of the radiator during the dry season or transitions. The water will slowly evaporate over time and increase the humidity of the surrounding air

Keep the Nose Moist to Prevent Nosebleeds Step 2
Keep the Nose Moist to Prevent Nosebleeds Step 2

Step 2. Try the steam hob treatment

Boil a pot of water, then place it on the kitchen counter with a large cork tray or pan underneath to protect the counter from the heat. Lean your head over the pot, being careful not to hurt yourself, then inhale the steam. The towel can also be used as a tampon/coat between the pan and nose. This method will maximize the amount of water vapor inhaled.

Steam can be obtained from showers or hot tubs, but its use has a counterproductive effect, that is, it can cause dehydration. Turn on the hot shower and wash quickly to keep your skin from drying out, then step out of the shower or tub and breathe in the steam

Keep the Nose Moist to Prevent Nosebleeds Step 3
Keep the Nose Moist to Prevent Nosebleeds Step 3

Step 3. Sip a cup of hot tea

Drink the tea slowly and inhale the steam. This method will calm and relieve the body as well as the mind, besides it can help moisturize the nasal cavity.

  • Any type of tea, soup and hot drink can be used. Choose a food or drink that you like to make as delicious as possible.
  • Drinking tea, soups, and other fluids can also help the body stay hydrated.
  • This method can be used when not at home if you have access to the kitchen at work or school.
Keep the Nose Moist to Prevent Nosebleeds Step 4
Keep the Nose Moist to Prevent Nosebleeds Step 4

Step 4. Prevent dehydration

Staying hydrated can also help the body to keep the skin supple and moisturized. In the transition season, when the air feels cold, it will make it easy for us to forget to drink enough water. Even cold, dry air can dehydrate the body. The amount of water needed by the body varies depending on the level of activity and the climate in which you live. If you have an air conditioner that produces cool, dry temperatures, you may need more water in the dry season. Watch for the following signs of dehydration:

  • Headache
  • Dry skin
  • Body feels light/dizzy sensation
  • Infrequent urination, or dark or cloudy urine

Method 2 of 3: Relieve Dry Nasal Cavity

Keep the Nose Moist to Prevent Nosebleeds Step 5
Keep the Nose Moist to Prevent Nosebleeds Step 5

Step 1. Moisturize the nasal cavity with a saline spray for the nose

The active ingredients of this solution are very simple: just salt and water. Nasal saline sprays can be purchased at pharmacies without a prescription. After that, spray the nasal cavity when it feels dry.

  • If it contains only water and salt, the saline solution spray is safe to use and will not irritate the nasal cavity or cause harmful side effects. This spray is especially useful during transitions when the frequency of flu outbreaks increases. Small bottles of saline solution can be carried for use at work and in the car. The saline solution can be used three times a day if necessary.
  • Some commercial saline sprays have preservatives in them, which can irritate the nasal cavity; but the substance is also able to prevent the growth of bacteria and other contamination. Check the ingredients in the saline solution on the package. If it contains preservatives or other ingredients besides water and salt, be careful and do not use more than the dose recommended by the manufacturer or doctor's instructions.
  • If you want to use a saline solution that is free of preservatives, look for one that uses a non-backflow method or has a higher acidic pH to reduce bacterial counts.
  • You can make your own saline solution at home, but it can be difficult to get a balanced amount of salt and water, which can actually lead to dry sinuses. But you can try making your own saline solution at home if you have no other choice. Add 1 tsp of salt to 1 liter of water. Then boil the brine mixture for 20 minutes to sterilize it.
Keep the Nose Moist to Prevent Nosebleeds Step 6
Keep the Nose Moist to Prevent Nosebleeds Step 6

Step 2. Use a saline solution gel

Excessive use of antibiotics should be avoided, although the use of ointments with the active ingredient, such as Neosporin, can seem very tempting. Colds and flu are generally caused by viruses, not bacteria, so antibiotics won't have any effect. Instead, apply a thin layer of saline-based gel to the inside of your nose to keep it moist.

Use a clean cotton swab to apply the ointment. Cover a cotton swab with a small amount of ointment, then apply it into the nostrils. Do not apply too much ointment because it will cause a stuffy nose sensation

Keep the Nose Moist to Prevent Nosebleeds Step 7
Keep the Nose Moist to Prevent Nosebleeds Step 7

Step 3. Soothe irritated mucous membranes with aloe vera gel

This method is very effective when experiencing the condition of sensitive membranes after a cold. Aloe vera contains vitamins that can help heal and nourish the skin. Use a clean cotton swab to apply it. Aloe vera gel can be obtained in two ways:

  • Buy it at Nature Republic outlets, Century, or stores that sell beauty and other body care products. Aloe vera gel can also be used at work or school.
  • Split the aloe vera leaf at home. If you choose this method, split the aloe vera leaf along and use a cotton swab to apply the sticky gel that is on the leaf.

Step 4. Try moisturizing your nostrils with nasya oil

This oil is a type of moisturizer that can be used to keep the nasal cavity moist and clean. Lean your head back or lie down so that your gaze is directed upwards. Hold the dropper 1-2 cm from the nostril and press it down. Put 2-5 drops of oil into each nostril then inhale deeply to enter the nasal cavity.

  • You can buy this oil from an online store or natural medicine store.
  • Gently press both sides of the nostrils with your fingers to make it easier for the oil to spread out.
Keep the Nose Moist to Prevent Nosebleeds Step 8
Keep the Nose Moist to Prevent Nosebleeds Step 8

Step 5. Do not apply Vaseline, mineral oil, or other fat-based products (such as coconut oil) on the inside of the nose

You can get pneumonia if you inhale the product, even in small amounts, into your lungs.

  • If you do use a fat-based product, don't apply it before bed. Remain in an upright position for several hours after applying. Do not apply the product deeper than 0.5 cm into the nasal cavity.
  • Do not use fat-based products on children's nasal membranes. Children are especially susceptible to pneumonia.

Method 3 of 3: Treating Nosebleeds

Keep the Nose Moist to Prevent Nosebleeds Step 9
Keep the Nose Moist to Prevent Nosebleeds Step 9

Step 1. Take simple measures to stop the bleeding

Nosebleeds are generally harmless and will stop within a few minutes. Nosebleeds can be stopped more quickly by:

  • Apply pressure to the bleeding nostril. Squeeze your nostrils closed and breathe through your mouth. The pressure will help the blood to clot and stop the bleeding. This step may take 10 minutes or more. You can plug a tissue in your nostril to help absorb the blood.
  • Sit down so that your head is above your heart. Do not lie down or tilt your head back as this can cause blood to drip down the back of your throat. You may feel sick to your stomach if you swallow too much blood.
  • Place a cold pack on the nose to constrict the blood vessels. A pack of frozen vegetables wrapped in a towel can be used if you don't have an ice pack ready.
  • Cold compresses can also be used on the neck at the same time to help constrict the blood vessels leading to the head.
Keep the Nose Moist to Prevent Nosebleeds Step 10
Keep the Nose Moist to Prevent Nosebleeds Step 10

Step 2. Go to the ER if a nosebleed is suspected as a symptom of a more serious condition

This may happen if:

  • You have recently been injured or had an accident.
  • Losing a lot of blood.
  • It's hard to breathe.
  • Nosebleeds do not stop after pressing for 30 minutes.
  • People who have nosebleeds are under 2 years old.
  • Have nosebleeds several times a week.
Keep the Nose Moist to Prevent Nosebleeds Step 11
Keep the Nose Moist to Prevent Nosebleeds Step 11

Step 3. Check the condition of the body at the doctor

The most common causes of nosebleeds are dryness of the nasal cavity and nose picking. If these two things don't happen, the doctor may look for another underlying medical reason for the nosebleed. There are so many possible causes of nosebleeds, for example:

  • Sinusitis
  • Allergy
  • Taking aspirin or blood thinning drugs
  • Medical conditions that prevent blood clots
  • Chemical exposure
  • Cocaine
  • Have a cold
  • Deviated septum
  • Excessive use of nasal spray
  • There is something stuck in the nasal cavity
  • Rhinitis (inflammation of the lining of the nasal cavity)
  • Injury
  • Polyps or tumors in the nose
  • Consumption of alcoholic beverages
  • Operation
  • Pregnancy period


  • Drink lots of water to stay hydrated
  • Avoid breathing through the mouth. The more often you breathe through your nose, the more humid the upper air passages in your nose are.
  • Wear a scarf that covers your nose and breathe through your nose, not your mouth, when outdoors in cold weather.
