Sometimes people accidentally swallow a small amount of gasoline while trying to suck up the gas tank. The experience may feel very scary and unpleasant, but does not require a visit to the hospital if handled properly. However, ingesting large quantities of gasoline is extremely dangerous: even just 30 ml of gasoline can be poisoned by adults, and less than 15 ml can be fatal for children. Help the person swallowing gasoline very carefully, and "never" encourage him to vomit. If in doubt or concern, immediately call emergency services or 118.
Part 1 of 2: Helping Someone Who Swallows Small Amounts of Gasoline

Step 1. Be with the victim and help him to remain calm
Reassure the victim that so far many people have swallowed small amounts of gasoline, and that they are usually fine. Instruct the victim to take deep, calming breaths of relief.

Step 2. Do not encourage the victim to attempt to vomit gasoline
Gasoline in small amounts can cause minor damage when it reaches the stomach, but inhaling it back into the lungs, even a few drops, can cause serious breathing problems. Vomiting profusely can increase the risk of the victim sucking (inhaling) gasoline into his lungs, this should be avoided.
If vomiting spontaneously, help the victim lean forward so as not to inhale the gasoline again. Have the victim gargle with water after vomiting, then immediately call 118 and emergency services

Step 3. Give the victim a glass of water or juice to drink after gargling
Instruct the victim to drink slowly to avoid coughing or choking. If the victim is unconscious or unable to drink on their own, "don't" try to give any fluids and call emergency services immediately.
- Do not give milk to the victim, unless recommended by medical personnel, because it can cause the body to absorb gasoline more quickly.
- Soft drinks should also be avoided as they can make belching worse.
- Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages for at least 24 hours.

Step 4. Call 118 and explain the situation
118 in Indonesia is the emergency telephone number for ambulances and health services. If the victim experiences acute pain, including coughing, shortness of breath, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, or other more serious symptoms, call emergency services immediately.

Step 5. Help the victim clean all the gasoline from the surface of his body
The victim must remove all clothing that has been exposed to gasoline. Get rid of the clothes and rinse the skin that is exposed to gasoline with clean water for 2-3 minutes, then wash with soap. Rinse the skin again thoroughly, then pat dry.

Step 6. Make sure the victim has not smoked for at least 72 hours, and does not smoke in the vicinity
Gasoline and its vapors are highly flammable, and smoking can cause fires. Cigarette smoke can also exacerbate the damage to the victim's lungs that has been inflicted by gasoline.

Step 7. Reassure the victim that burping gasoline vapors is normal
This can continue for at least 24 hours and at most for several days. Drinking extra fluids can help relieve the victim and allow gasoline to pass through his system more quickly.
Take the victim to see a doctor for further examination if his condition begins to feel worse at any point

Step 8. Wash any clothes that are stained with gasoline
Gasoline-stained clothing poses a fire risk, and should be dried naturally outdoors for at least 24 hours to allow the gasoline vapors to evaporate before washing. Wash clothes in hot water separately from other clothes. Adding baking soda or ammonia to your laundry can help remove the gasoline from your clothes. Dry clothes that have been exposed to gasoline naturally to see if the gasoline smell has gone, then repeat the washing process if necessary.
Do not put clothes that still smell like gasoline in the clothes dryer; those clothes and machines can catch fire
Part 2 of 2: Helping Someone Who Swallowed A Lot Of Gasoline

Step 1. Keep gasoline away from victim
The first priority is to ensure that the victim does not ingest more gasoline. If the victim is unconscious, go directly to Step 3.

Step 2. Assume that the child who has swallowed gasoline, no matter how much, is in danger
If you suspect your child has swallowed gasoline but don't know how much, treat this as an emergency and call emergency services immediately.

Step 3. Call emergency services
Describe the situation in as much detail as possible. If the victim is a child, make it very clear that you need immediate medical attention.

Step 4. Observe the victim closely
If the victim is still conscious, reassure him that help will arrive soon, and do not encourage vomiting of gasoline. If the victim seems able, offer him a drink, help him to remove the gasoline-soaked clothes, and rinse all the gasoline off the victim's body.
If the victim vomits, help him lean forward, or tilt his head to the side to avoid choking and inhaling gasoline

Step 5. If the victim stops breathing, coughs, or has a seizure, and doesn't respond to your voice, perform CPR immediately
Roll the victim into a supine position, then begin chest compressions. For each pressure, press down on the center of the victim's chest to 5 cm, or 1/3 to 1/2 the depth of the chest. Apply 30 rapid pressures at a rate of approximately 100 times per minute. Then, tilt the victim's head back and lift the chin. Pinch the victim's nose, and exhale into his mouth until the victim's chest rises. Give two puffs lasting 1 second at a time, then do several series of chest compressions.
- Repeat 30 rounds of chest compressions and two exhales until the victim is conscious or help arrives.
- If you are calling emergency services, your telephone operator will guide you through the process of administering CPR.
- PMI has now recommended that CPR should be given to children in the same way as adults, with the exception of infants or young children in which the depth of pressure should be reduced to 1 cm instead of 5 cm.
- Do not make people who swallow gasoline vomit. This can result in more serious injury.
- Always Store gasoline in locked containers that are clearly marked and out of reach of children.
- never ever store gasoline in beverage containers, such as unused water bottles.
- never ever drinking gasoline intentionally for any reason.
- Do not suck gasoline with the mouth. Use a suction pump or perform suction using air pressure.