Talent is usually defined as an innate skill that is possessed by everyone. It is true that having talent can help in your life, and that skill should be tried, recognized and practiced. However, try not to place too much importance on your talent search. Many people lead happy lives and can learn new skills without having any particular talents.
Part 1 of 3: Find Your Talent

Step 1. Think back to your childhood
A good way to discover your talents is to go back to your childhood and think back to what you wanted to do as a child. This is usually the time when you have a plan that is not limited by what people tend to think of as “reality.”
- Fear of failure is one of the things that tends to hold you back from reaching for or seeking your talents. By going back to your childhood, you bring yourself out of fear of failure or limiting thought patterns.
- Think about what you wanted to do as a child and the things you enjoyed doing as a child. This doesn't mean you can raise dragons or anything like that (sorry). But this can lead you to your talent. For example, you might not be able to raise dragons but you could turn that desire into writing stories, or leading camping activities at your campus.

Step 2. Consider what can make you lose track of time
One of the main things you can do is focus on what you really enjoy and tend to make you forget everything for a moment. Remember, not all talent will be so obvious. You may have to dig deep into what you love to find out why you are doing it.
- For example, if you really like playing video games, this can certainly be a talent. While you may not be able to play it as a job, you can find other ways to use that talent (reviewing video games on blogs, for example).
- Consider questions such as: What are you fantasizing about when you are bored at work or school? If you were given unlimited funds, what would you do with it? If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? If you don't have to work, how do you fill your day? Answering these and similar questions can help you discover what you are good at and what inspires you.

Step 3. Ask other people
Sometimes, when you're having trouble seeing clearly, it's a good idea to get an outside opinion. Your friends and family know you well and they should be able to give you some opinions on your talents.
- Sometimes, the talent you want doesn't have to match what other people think. Just because you weren't born with a certain talent doesn't mean you can't do it well and just because you're gifted at something doesn't mean you should pursue it in your life.
- For example: Your family and friends may tell you that your talents are in math, especially accounting and numbers, but you are more interested in rock climbing. Instead of thinking that you should give up rock climbing, consider using your math skills to help you gather your rock climbing interest.

Step 4. Try new things
Especially if you are unsure of your talents, you should go out and try new things. This way you will know better what works and what you do best.
- Research and enjoy the talents of others. In your search for talent, you must look at the talents of others. Think of the talented people you know (perhaps your father was a great cook, or your mother has great listening skills) and enjoy their talents.
- Leave your community. Take classes offered by your local university; attend classes or writers' meetings at the local library or bookstore; try cooking, rock climbing or teaching at a local school.

Step 5. Take some time
While getting other people's opinions is a good thing, there are times when you have to give yourself the time and space to find the answers yourself. You don't have to completely follow people's opinions.
- Many people discover their talents through a moment that changed their life, which was unwritten and unexpected. This can happen to a great musician who attends a certain show who then ignites their love for music. So when you are faced with something that might trigger a change in you, sit still and absorb the experience.
- Do it yourself. Do something yourself, especially new things. This can give you time to determine if you have a talent for it without feeling like you have to show it in front of others.
Part 2 of 3: Develop Your Talent

Step 1. Practice
Although talent is an important thing to be able to do something well, actually the most important thing is practice. If you don't practice, then you can't possibly do anything well, no matter how talented you are. In fact, many talented people can't do something well for a long period of time because they feel they don't need to practice anymore..
- Set aside a special time each day to develop your talents. For example, if writing is your forte, take half an hour before work each morning to write. If your talent is basketball then get out there and practice on the court.
- Focus on areas where you are less talented. Even though you are talented at something, this does not mean you are talented in all aspects. For example, you may have a knack for dialogue but have a hard time creating a flowing storyline.

Step 2. Get rid of all negative thoughts
Gifted or not, negative thoughts can stop your abilities faster than anything else. The more you fight your negative thoughts, the easier it will be for you to discover and develop your talents, because you don't constantly doubt yourself.
- Identify your mindset. The first step to fighting negative thoughts is when and what you do. Maybe you only allow bad things to enter your mind (This is known as filtering), or you tend to make things disastrous. Pay attention to how you think about yourself, about your situation, and your talents (For example, are you placing proper importance on your talents?).
- Check your way of thinking every day. You have to be aware of your own thoughts before you change them. When you find yourself having negative thoughts (I'm a failure because I always forget to return library books), then stop and identify the thoughts as they should be.
- Try talking to yourself about something positive and neutral. The trick is to replace your negative thoughts with something positive and neutral. For example, when you start to think that you failed because you have trouble playing a song on the piano, change that thought to “This is a challenging song and I have to practice harder to perform to the standard I want to be.” With this kind of thinking you are no longer pouring the value of judgment into yourself.

Step 3. Be kind to yourself and others
Humans have a bad habit of associating themselves with talent when they fail (and this always happens) they think they are failures. Be kind to yourself about talent issues to maintain your mental health and happiness.
- Your talent will always make you the best at everything. Being kind to yourself and not thinking that how great or talented you are will determine your well-being, then you will probably feel happier.
- You can use your talents to do good. It will make you feel more fulfilled when you use your talents for others instead of focusing on what your talents can bring for yourself. For example, if you are a writer, you could write a story to comfort a sick friend.

Step 4. Challenge yourself
Many talented people are up against tough odds to develop. Their talent will take them as far as they can go and they feel no need for necessity. Being in your comfort zone is a surefire way to stop in your talent area.
- Challenging yourself is also a good way to stay humble. There's nothing wrong with boasting about your accomplishments, but bragging or believing that you won't do anything wrong is a surefire way to annoy those around you, or lead you to failure.
- Challenge yourself by doing things that are beyond or beyond what you've already done. Learn to speak Spanish fluently? Try translating your favorite book into Spanish, or try learning a new, more difficult language like Arabic or Chinese.
- When you feel you are more proficient and master some aspect of your talent, develop it again to a higher level.

Step 5. Do another activity
Focusing on your talents (whether it's earning a doctorate in New Testament studies or creating music) is critical to your progress. But make sure that you're also doing other things beyond your talent, so you don't spend all your energy on just one thing.
- Do things that don't relate to your talents, things you don't do well, or that you find interesting. This way you will not limit yourself and will have many useful experiences. For example, if your talent is in math, try expanding it and doing arts activities, or going to the gym and trying yoga.
- Avoid basing your values on your talents and avoid basing your entire life on your talents. You can be motivated and focused without having to let your talents take over your entire life.
Part 3 of 3: Use Your Talent

Step 1. Look for extraordinary opportunities for your talents
There are many unexpected good ways to use your talents especially in work problems that may arise because of your talents. This might be a job you found, or a job you created based on what you felt was needed.
- For example, just because you're a trained singer doesn't mean you have to be a professional opera singer. You can use your musical talent to sing to a child or help relieve a serious illness.
- Look around you and find what your talents require. If you find a missing need that can be used to start your work. For example: if your talent is getting to know people, you could start a business dedicated to connecting members of your community.

Step 2. Find ways to incorporate your talents into your work
You don't need to have a job that is entirely related to your talents. However, it never hurts to try and incorporate your talents into your work. In fact, using your talents at work is a great way to increase your enthusiasm for work.
- For example, if you love art and you work in a coffee shop, consider decorating that special blackboard, or changing your artistic talent to learn latte art.
- Stop and consider how your talents can benefit your workplace. What do you have to offer to come up with a creative and extraordinary solution to a problem?

Step 3. Do something with your talents outside of work
If you can't find a way to put your talents to work (and there's usually at least one way), find a way to pursue it in your own time. There are many ways that you can use to enjoy your talents and make others enjoy them too.
- Consider creating a video series or blog about your talents. For example, you might be able to use your language skills to help others learn Arabic.
- Find and work with like-minded people, either online or in person. This is another way to keep yourself humble about your abilities, but it can be a lot of fun. These people will help share your passions and help speed you up to achieve better results.

Step 4. Do something for your community
Use your talents to build a community and help others. Think of all the people who have helped you on your path to success and try to do the same for others.
- Mentor the low-income kids in your community in math, if that's your talent. Join or build a local theater if acting is your forte. Offer to teach the locals gardening or how to fix things and so on. There are many ways to repay kindness.
- Become a mentor to someone in your field. If you have already earned a professorship, offer to mentor postgraduate students in your field and help them discover their talents.
- Never stop learning or trying something because you find it too difficult. If you leave it like that, you will not grow.
- Remember, what seems difficult to learn at first will seem easy once you learn it.
- Don't just focus on the financial aspect of your talent. Our society is like this, and you certainly need money, but if the focus of talent development is just for the money, you're not doing it out of fun and you'll probably hate it.
- Don't think that talent has to be something specific like art, writing, or dancing. Talent can also be manifested in the form of "the ability to listen to others" or "the ability to build relationships with others." It's just as good a specific talent and easier to apply to the job.