Being a good person is sometimes easier said than done. Living everyday will be difficult if you don't get used to smiling at people you don't know and saying “please” or “thank you”. So, why choose this method? Being kind will make other people feel good and want to build a good relationship with you. If this isn't strong enough, know that being nice can help you make your wish come true because people are usually more likely to help if you're nice to them. Learn and apply the following steps so you can be kind to everyone.
Part 1 of 3: Being Kind as a Daily Habit

Step 1. Smile
Smiling at other people can show that you are a fun person. Make eye contact when you pass someone and give them a small smile or a big smile too. This will make the meeting feel more intimate and he will usually smile back at you. If not, maybe he's in a lot of trouble. Don't be discouraged, being nice isn't a guarantee that the other person will give you a positive response, but it's usually quite helpful.
- Smile at someone you pass on the street, at a sales clerk in a store while shopping, when you come to school in the morning, or whenever you make eye contact with someone else.
- Smile even when you're sad. You can still be nice even when you're upset. Why share negative energy with others?
- If you're feeling upset and don't want to listen to other people, try listening to music, drawing, or doing something you enjoy. This method prevents the appearance of harsh or rude (even if unintentional) behavior.

Step 2. Greet the other person
When you're walking by and bump into someone (even if you don't know them), try saying "hello" or "hi" or simply waving or nodding at them. Letting other people know that you see them is a good thing because they will feel cared for.
- If you're walking in a crowd, it might be difficult to say hello to everyone you meet. At the very least, be nice to the person sitting next to you on the bus or plane or to the person who accidentally bumps into you.
- Say “good morning” to classmates, teachers at school or to colleagues at work when you arrive in the morning. This is a quick way to build a reputation as a good person.

Step 3. Ask them how they are
Take the time to ask those around you about their daily lives without appearing curious or intruding. If they don't want to talk, don't force them to talk.

Step 4. Be a good listener
Listen carefully when other people talk to you. Ignoring other people who are giving opinions or telling stories is not a pleasant attitude. Let him talk like you would want a chance to talk if the two of you switched positions.
- If your interlocutor starts to be rude or pushy, don't silence him or make an annoyed expression. Wait for him to finish speaking and then change the subject when he's finished.
- Being nice doesn't mean letting other people pressure you. When talking with people you don't know starts to feel uncomfortable, it's okay to say goodbye and leave.

Step 5. Be polite
Get into the habit of saying "please", "thank you", and "you're welcome". Try to be patient, attentive, and considerate. Treat others with respect, even if you don't want to know them.
- Don't forget to say "excuse me" instead of "Get out of the way!" if someone is blocking you from walking. Other people are fellow human beings whom you should respect and should not be arbitrarily needed. People you respect will usually treat you the same way.
- When taking public transportation, offer seats to elderly, disabled, or pregnant women. This is one way of doing good.
- Help someone who is trying to pick up a dropped item or is reaching for something on a high shelf.

Step 6. Treat animals well
If you really want to be nice, you have to be nice to animals too. Don't annoy or think of animals as little robots you can treat as you please. Animals deserve respect just like any other living thing.
- Never hit or hurt an animal, whether it's your own pet, someone else's, a stray animal, or a wild animal.
- Don't disturb animals just for fun, such as insects, spiders, mice, birds, squirrels, fish, and other living things you come across.
- If there are animals or insects in your home, move them outside or limit their population in a humane way.
Part 2 of 3: Be Kind to People You Know

Step 1. Get in the habit of positive thinking
Don't be negative or criticize a friend who is asking for advice or just wants to talk to share your feelings. Find the positive side of every problem and cheer up your friends. There are always two sides to every problem: a positive side and a negative side. Positive people are able to help others see the wisdom of every situation.
- Give credit for your friend's success. Congratulate your friend if they pass the exam or win a prize.
- Give compliments to your friends. If a friend is upset about her hairstyle, tell them she has beautiful hair or compliment her cute smile.
- Sometimes, people need to channel negative emotions. You can be positive and kind without appearing overly excited by keeping your tone of voice so that your feedback aligns with your friend's story.

Step 2. Be humble.
Do you tend to look down on people who are different or come across as “weird”? Believing that you are better than others is not a good attitude. As humans, everyone has their own problems. Being kind to one another makes life better for everyone. We are all the same, but if you exalt yourself, others will feel humiliated.
- Don't brag or be selfish. You can be proud when you achieve an achievement, but don't forget to appreciate other people who have been supporting your success.
- Don't judge other people until you know them well. Don't make assumptions about someone based on their appearance or speech. Realize that first impressions may not always be true.

Step 3. Show sincerity
Don't be nice on purpose. If you are being nice in order to get preferential treatment, this is not the way to be nice, but deceptive, stupid, and mean. Be nice because you want to see yourself as a good person if one day you look back, whatever it may be. Be nice because you want to.

Step 4. Don't be two-faced
Never talk bad about other people behind their back. Being kind in front of others earns you trust, but talking about other people behind their backs is tantamount to betrayal. This is bad karma and makes you seem stupid and evil.

Step 5. Fill your day with small acts of kindness
Small everyday things, like opening the door for a teacher you don't know or smiling at someone who's always been nice to you, may seem trivial. However, this action can make you look like a good person in the future.

Step 6. Don't discriminate
Be kind to everyone indiscriminately. While you're always nice to your friends and teachers, if you're not friendly to people who aren't cool or well-known, you won't be able to look as good as you really are. Don't judge others based on race, age, gender, ability, or religion.
Part 3 of 3: Be Kind to Your Loved Ones

Step 1. Offer to help
If your parents are hard at work doing chores around the house, say that you want to help them. Put others first as long as you have the energy and time to spare. The good you do will someday get good in return, so don't just be selfish.
- Don't wait to be asked for help. Try to figure out when other people need help.
- Look for creative ways to help. Help younger siblings do their homework, listen to their partner's ideas about their new project, prepare breakfast for the family, walk your pet dog, take your sister to school, and so on.

Step 2. Learn to share
Sharing can mean sharing a snack with a sibling or giving something more important, such as a time, place, or advice. Generosity is one aspect of what it means to be kind. Try to be able to receive less than you give, but if you can, give more than you receive.

Step 3. Be a reliable person
One way to be kind to your family members and loved ones is to be ready to help if they need it. Respond to emails, answer phone calls, don't miss plans, and make time if someone asks you to listen.
- If someone leaves a message for you, call back immediately because it's not nice to keep other people waiting for days.
- Come if you have promised to come. Do it if you have promised to do something. Being negligent will destroy people's trust in you and is not a good way to act. Hold on to the commitments you have made in friendship.

Step 4. Choose the best way
Being nice sometimes is not an easy thing. There are times when your ability to be kind will be put to the test. Even if the people you love are sometimes negligent, judgmental, selfish, egocentric, or downright mean, don't go down on yourself like them. Don't go from good to bad just because your patience is being tested.
- If your brother or sister invites you to fight, don't respond. Calm down and don't do anything bad.
- When you start to get angry or want to do something bad, find another way, instead of being rude. Try running, hitting the pillow, or calming yourself down by playing a video game. You are in control of your actions and behavior.
- Don't keep saying "hi" because it will sound weird, especially if you don't know this person.
- If your friend is being unkind, don't shy away! Invite him to meet and ask why. Try to be more understanding of the other person's feelings.
- If someone is sitting alone, sit next to them and get acquainted.
- Treat others the way they want to be treated.
- Praise others. This way can make a person feel better if he is facing a problem.
- An encouraging word or a pat on the back can be very helpful, especially for colleagues/teams.
- Don't laugh at mistakes or point out the faults of others openly. You can joke around, but use common sense. Think ahead of time what you are going to say and remember that comments that you take for granted may be hurtful to other people.
- Don't judge others by the standards you set yourself because what someone thinks is good, may be considered bad or hurtful by others.
- If you're having a hard time being nice to someone you don't like, imagine being hurt or crying. If you think "he deserves it," try to think more clearly. Hate will usually turn to concern if you are willing to comfort or help him.
- If someone tells a secret and you promise to keep it safe, don't go back on your own words. This action may make him distrust you anymore.
- Don't be overly nice. It's okay to compromise, but you also have to receive fair treatment. Don't be afraid to say what's right and don't hesitate to defend yourself. If you've been willing to give him some time, but he doesn't care about you, just walk away and don't contact him again.
- Maybe you've heard the phrase "Appearance doesn't matter, what's more important is one's abilities". While it's true, you only have one chance to meet someone. If you sound rude at first meeting, you will continue to be known as this. If you sound friendly, people will recognize you as a kind and sincere person.
- Be careful about smiling or greeting someone you've had problems with. This can be bad for you because there is a chance that you will be perceived as faking and be responded to with unpleasant comments.
- Be careful about being too nice as this could make people dislike you.
- Don't let others take advantage of your kindness and friendliness as this can hurt yourself and disappoint others. Firmly and politely, show a stand to protect your own interests and those of others so as not to cause problems in the future.
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