The Spanish dance "Macarena" was performed to the accompaniment of the song "Macarena" sung by Los Del Rio. In order to dance "Macarena," you need to learn the basic sequence of steps first. If you have mastered the movement, practice while relaxing your body and doing graceful movements to make the dance look more interesting. Get a song player ready so you can dance to the beat of the music!
Part 1 of 2: Learning the Basic Steps of the Dance

Step 1. Extend arms forward one at a time
Straighten your right arm forward then straighten your left arm. Make sure your arms are parallel to the floor and your palms are pointing down.

Step 2. Turn your palms up one at a time
Turn the right palm up followed by the left palm. Rotate your forearm 180° so that your palm is facing up.

Step 3. Place your right palm on your left shoulder
Bring your right elbow down so that your right forearm is crossed in front of your chest.

Step 4. Place your left palm on your right shoulder
Cross your arms in front of your chest. At this time, both palms are on the shoulders and forearms form an X in front of the chest.

Step 5. Place your palms behind your head one at a time
Pull out the right hand that is under the left hand in front of the chest. Move your right palm behind your head followed by your left.
You can touch the back of your right hand with your left

Step 6. Lower your hands to your hips one at a time
First, move your right hand to your left hip. After that, move your left hand to your right hip.

Step 7. Move your hands to the other side of your hips one by one
Move your right hand (currently on your left hip) to your right hip. Move your left hand (currently on your right hip) to your left hip.

Step 8. Rock your hips in a circle 3 times
When rocking your hips, keep your palms on your hips. Place both feet evenly on the floor.

Step 9. Jump while turning 90° to the left
When you land, you face the other way. Each time the basic sequence of moves is complete, jump while rotating 90° to the left.

Step 10. Clap your hands and then perform the movements in the same order
After jumping, repeat the movement in the same order from the beginning while facing a different direction. When the movement finishes repeating, jump again while turning 90° to the left.
Part 2 of 2: Stringing Movements Into a Dance

Step 1. Play the song "Macarena"
This song was first sung by Los Del Rio, but you can use a different version!

Step 2. Begin the dance by rocking your hips left and right
Move your shoulders up and down while continuing to rock so that your body is more relaxed. This exercise is not part of the dance, but it makes the movement look more flexible as you dance.
The song begins with an intro before the lyrics begin. Take this opportunity to flex your body before dancing

Step 3. Start dancing when the lyrics sound
The first movement is to straighten the right arm forward followed by the left hand with the palm facing down. Perform each movement in 1 beat according to the rhythm of the song or about 1 second.

Step 4. Don't forget to rotate 90° to the left each time the basic sequence ends
You should turn to the left after rocking your hips. After turning, clap your hands and repeat the movement from the beginning.

Step 5. Keep dancing until the song is finished
Perform moves in sequence, jump while spinning, then repeat the movement from the beginning! If you're tired before the song ends, stop dancing to rest.