Want to express yourself through dance but your body is too stiff to do so? Do not worry; Armed with self-confidence and diligent practice, you can definitely make that wish come true!

Step 1. Love the world of dance
If you want to become a professional dancer, make sure you love the world of dance first. In other words, make sure your heart is completely in that area. Whatever your goals for entering the world of dance, make sure you focus only on yourself and your abilities and not on what other people think. If your heart and mind aren't really there, chances are that dancing will only frustrate you. On the other hand, if you really want to do it, chances are you won't give up easily and keep trying to make whatever your dreams are.

Step 2. Find information about dancers who are widely known
For those of you who are beginners, there are many legendary dancers that can be used as a reference. Try to learn the techniques they use and how they learn them. Of course, you can't just try to imitate moves that are too difficult. But at least try to pick one of your favorite dancers; whenever you dance, try to imagine yourself dancing as the dancer. Let him be the invisible instructor!

Step 3. Learn the moves
To learn hip-hop moves, you can take special classes or learn them on a self-taught. Many dancers practice by watching videos and trying to follow the movements in them self-taught. However, it's likely that you'll still need a skilled instructor to practice difficult-to-learn moves on your own; In addition, dance instructors can also provide criticism and suggestions that have the potential to improve your quality in the future.

Step 4. Study the history
Dancing is one of the beautiful, artistic, and sometimes absurd ways to express one's feelings. In this world, there are many kinds of dance that you can learn; some of which are breakdancing, popping, tutting, and locking. All of them fall into the category of hip-hop dance.

Step 5. Dance with your friends
Practicing alone can be very tedious. After all, practicing in groups will pave the way for you to learn from the abilities of others, right? Therefore, try to find a dance studio or gym nearby to find a suitable dance club; in fact, you can find quality dance clubs on the streets, you know! Invite your friends to dance with you, set up a loudspeaker, and dance to your heart's content! Although other people's responses are less positive after seeing your appearance, at least you will be satisfied because you have shown the results of your hard work, right? Ignore other people's opinions; practice as much as you can and create your dance. Maybe one day you and your friends will become one of the most famous dance clubs in the world, you know!

Step 6. Don't despair
Even if others accuse you of being a bad dancer, don't listen to them. Even if you think so yourself, ignore yours; instead, stand in front of the mirror and look at yourself. Why do you feel like you can't dance? Don't be pessimistic and hopeless! Tell yourself, “You can do it! Right now you are just too afraid to show your skills or too lazy to practice. You can definitely master every move and show who you really are!”

Step 7. Get to know breakdancing
If you want to learn the breakdancing technique, you need to first understand that this technique requires maximum body strength and creativity. To master the breakdancing technique, make sure your body is comfortable while doing it. Believe in yourself and don't give up, no matter how difficult the training process needs to be. Remember, breakdancing techniques have thousands of variations of movement because in truth, breakdance dancers are very creative in varying various basic movements and adapting them to their own character.

Step 8. Practice popping technique as early as possible
Popping, also known as one of the most common dance moves among hip-hop dancers, is best learned early on when your flexibility is at its peak. As we age, the human body becomes stiffer and harder to move; As a result, practicing popping techniques in old age is difficult to produce maximum results. In fact, doing the popping technique is as simple as tapping your body to the rhythm, and this technique will come naturally if you practice diligently. Surely you want to capture the audience's attention instead of making them leave the room, right?

Step 9. Keep practicing
There's no need to practice until you bleed; but at least, practice every day. If you're learning to stand on your hands (handstand), try practicing the movement gradually whenever you have free time, wherever it may be. While taking an afternoon stroll around the complex, don't hesitate to practice some of your dance moves. Remember, maximum exercise will make your movements look more natural.

Step 10. Show your dance
Take an audition to put your dance on stage! Work as hard as you can, but don't forget to create fun memories to cherish in old age. Show everything you've learned to the fullest; Put all the moves you've prepared into the song and dance your best! Observe audience reactions, listen to their opinions, and evaluate your performance so that it continues to improve over time. Trust me, dancing on stage will increase your motivation significantly. Be proud of your work, but don't be complacent and be willing to keep learning!

Step 11. Put convenience above all else
Remember, no one is good at dancing overnight. No matter how steep your path is, don't give up on practicing, do whatever is comfortable for you, and don't be lazy to create existing moves.

Step 12. Keep learning and developing yourself
Going through the process of becoming a professional dancer is not easy; but if you really like dancing, never stop learning and developing the hobby!
- If you have free time, try choreographing a dance with your friends and practicing it at home. You can tuck the choreography into the dance that will be performed to enrich the variety of the movement.
- Believe in your abilities. If you're nervous about performing on stage, act as if you're dancing to the music alone in your room.
- If your parents are too conventional and forbid you to dance, try to convince them first. If those methods don't work, try not to practice your dance at home.
- Some of the famous hip-hop dance groups are Iconic Boyz, 'Last For One', 'Gamblerz', 'Poppin Hyun Joon', 'Jabowockees', and 'Phase T'. Try studying their performance to improve the quality of your dance.
- Allow your character and personality to be depicted through your body movements.
- Enjoy your dance. No audience wants to see dancers with stiff and awkward movements. Therefore, make sure your facial and body expressions are always relaxed and full of emotion when dancing.
- Have stage fright? Do not worry; keep practicing so you can show your maximum ability on stage.
- Be careful when practicing dance on stage! Some dance moves can put your safety at risk; therefore, make sure you always practice with an expert instructor.
- Want to show off your skills? At the very least, make sure you do it right and don't embarrass yourself. In other words, practice as hard as you can to get the audience to judge that your skills are worth showing off. You don't want to be labeled as a low-quality dancer, do you?