Ventriloquism is a performing art that makes immovable objects appear "alive" in the eyes of the audience. Interested in becoming one of the artists? The first step you need to do is choose a doll that matches the character of your fictitious partner. After that, you should also practice “throwing” your voice, using a different accent or tone of voice, and speaking with your mouth closed without moving your lips. Bringing the dolls you bring to life is one of the most important aspects of the show; therefore, learn to adapt the doll's body and mouth movements to the words that come out of her mouth. Once you've mastered these techniques, start developing the material and creating the dialogue that you and your puppet will talk about on stage; don't forget to slip in a bit of interesting humor, okay! In the end, keep practicing and have fun!
Method 1 of 4: Learning the Performing Art of Belly Sound

Step 1. Watch similar shows
Watch belly sound artists perform live or via Youtube videos; learn the tips, also understand what kind of material is interesting in the eyes of the audience. Some well-known belly performers that you can look to are Jeff Dunham, Ronn Lucas, Jay Johnson, and Terry Fator.

Step 2. Take a belly sound performing arts class
If you really want to become an underbelly performing artist, try taking a professional and relevant class. In this class, you will also learn about the types of dolls available and how to move them naturally. Plus, you'll also learn techniques for making sounds without moving your lips from the experts! Try browsing the internet for similar classes available in your city.

Step 3. Learn the science of performing arts
The belly sound performing artist is a performer. That's why you need to study performing arts to become a better performer. For that, try taking theater, music, improv, or acting classes to hone your skills as a performer. If you want, also take a special class to improve the quality of your voice. If your orientation is making humorous sketch shows, try taking a comedy scriptwriting class. Browse the internet to find classes available in the area where you live.
Method 2 of 4: Selecting a Doll and ‘Turning It On’

Step 1. Think about what kind of partner you want
Your partner can be either a “person” or an “animal”; whatever you choose, make sure the doll's personality and character are at odds with yours so that in the eyes of the audience you are two different people. For example, if you are a kind and responsible person, create a mischievous and mischievous partner character.
- If you like sports, create a character who doesn't really like sports and prefers to watch opera instead of basketball.
- If you prefer to paint or sculpt, create contradictory puppet characters like scientists or mathematicians.
- Think about the material you want to display and the doll character that best fits that material.

Step 2. Choose a doll that matches your fictitious character
Observe the doll's size, shape, age, and facial features; also observe the accessories and how to dress. Make sure you choose a doll that matches the character of the partner you want. For example, if your character is a young and energetic boy, don't choose a doll that looks like an old man or a young woman. If the character you want is someone who is lethargic and always sad, don't choose a doll that looks cheerful and happy.
- You can choose a doll that is hard (made of wood) or soft (made of cloth). You can even choose a doll that is uniquely shaped like a red chili.
- You can find a wide variety of dolls on the internet.

Step 3. Choose a doll with a movable head
There are many ways to control your doll. However, for those of you who are still beginners, you should choose a doll whose head can be moved. Choose a doll with a small stick in the area of the back that connects to its head and a small device that can be pressed to move its mouth. Dolls with these features will look more alive than dolls whose lips are moved with strings in the neck area.
Some dolls have other features, such as the ability to move their eyebrows, lips, ears, and eyes

Step 4. Convince yourself that your doll has a life
Act as if your doll is alive and well from the first time you own it. Don't treat it like a normal doll or toy; instead, treat him like part of your family! Invite him to play games, watch television, and attend various family events.

Step 5. Create a story about your doll's background
Let your doll tell her life experiences. You can also ask questions about their interests, family, education, life goals, hopes, and dreams. Even if it's entirely your creation, doing so can make your doll look more alive in the eyes of the audience.

Step 6. Direct the audience's gaze to your doll while your doll is "talking"
The art of belly sound performance, like magic, utilizes the misdirection technique (directing the audience's attention in the wrong direction) to make the performance look convincing. If the audience's gaze is focused on your doll, they will not notice that in fact, you are the one speaking. For that, always match your doll's lip movements with each syllable that comes out of your mouth, and use appropriate gestures while she is talking.
Make sure your doll's head doesn't move too actively while it's talking; be careful, the audience's attention can be distracted from the dialogue delivered. Learn by observing how people talk, and try applying this to your doll

Step 7. Make sure your doll keeps moving
Constantly moving the doll's body (especially when you're talking) is very important; by doing so, your doll and appearance will look more real in the eyes of the audience. Also make sure the movement is consistent with the character. For example, if your doll is young and energetic, move her head quickly while she's talking. On the other hand, if your puppet character is a sleepy child or a very old person, move his head slowly and less often.
If your doll only moves her head, her appearance in the eyes of the audience will look less realistic. Therefore, also move most of his limbs. For example, move the sitting position from time to time from your right knee to your left knee, make the sitting position slump, or move some of his body forward in a sitting position
Method 3 of 4: Practicing Abdominal Voices

Step 1. Learn to speak without moving your lips
You'll notice that letters like "b," "f," "m," "p," "q," "v," and "w" are sure to move your lips. For that, make sure you replace the letters if you have to pronounce them. For example, say "d" or "geh" instead of "b". Say "th" instead of "f". Say "n", "nah", or "neh" instead of "m". Say "kl" or "t" instead of "p". Say "koo" instead of "q". Say "th" instead of "v", and say "ooh" instead of "w".
- As silly as they may sound, these substitute letters or phrases will sound natural if you try to stress the syllables that don't contain the letters.
- Press your lips with your fingers to prevent your lips from moving. Simplify the process by clenching your teeth tightly.

Step 2. Learn to “throw” your voice
Inhale deeply through your nose, then lift your tongue so that it is close to (but not touching) the roof of your mouth. As you do this, also activate your diaphragm by tensing your stomach muscles and restricting your airway so that your breath is trapped in the throat area. Speak while inhaling slowly so that your voice is heard far away.

Step 3. Change your voice
To make your appearance more convincing, make sure your doll's voice is different from your natural voice. Try talking and listen carefully to your voice; do you tend to speak loudly or quietly? Is the tempo of your speech fast or slow? Is your voice high or low? After analyzing your voice, give your doll a completely different sound. To change the sound, you can change the origin of the sound; for example, try making sounds from your nose or throat.
- One powerful way to change your voice is to force air out of your nose instead of your mouth when you speak.
- Another way you can try is to force sound out of the diaphragm, which is the area around the ribs. Try tensing the muscles around your stomach for a louder, hoarse voice.

Step 4. Choose your doll's voice carefully and carefully
Think of your doll character; after that, determine if the character makes him have a specific accent or way of speaking. If your puppet character is smart and witty, make sure he always speaks fluently, clearly, and without stuttering. On the other hand, if your doll is slow to think, make sure she always talks at a slow tempo and in a low voice.
- The type of voice you choose will further emphasize the character and personality of your doll, and make it feel more alive in the eyes of the audience.
- If you're from East Java, try making your puppet speak in a Batak accent, which is faster and has a sharper tone.
- If you are reluctant to use an accent that is too contradictory, try choosing a Central Javanese accent to soften your accent.
Method 4 of 4: Putting on a Quality Show

Step 1. Create realistic dialogues
Your conversation with your doll on stage must sound realistic! For that, try to pay attention to the conversations you have with your closest friends or listen to other people's conversations. Add pauses like “um” and “er”, and periodically exhale in the conversation. In addition to making dialogue sound more realistic, such accents can be added easily without moving your lips!
Learn to interrupt your doll's words, and make your doll do the same; trust me, doing so can make your conversation sound more natural

Step 2. Practice your material
Some people have the ability to improvise naturally on stage; even if you feel that way, preparing the material as well as possible before performing will not bring any harm. Practice your voice regularly, get used to speaking without moving your lips, and learn to move the doll's mouth to match your words and look more natural.
If you want to make a professional career as a belly sound performer, make sure you practice every day

Step 3. Practice in front of a mirror or camera
Observe what the audience will see later by practicing your performance in front of the mirror. If you wish, you can also record the training process and play back the recording from time to time to evaluate the results. Develop material based on the results of practice and evaluation so that your appearance is more mature.

Step 4. Show a strong image on stage
Remember, your audience will prefer performers who are charismatic, optimistic, and have positive energy. Therefore, make sure you (and your doll!) make the most of the available stage area, make eye contact with multiple audiences, and deliver a lively performance. In other words, use gestures and facial expressions that can capture the audience's attention.
- Choose clothes that make you feel comfortable and confident; do the same with your doll!
- Choose several audiences to talk to your doll. Trust me, your audience will be happy if they feel included in the show.

Step 5. Have fun
One of the keys to the success of an artist in belly sound is passion. If your audience sees you having fun, they will enjoy your show with a happy heart. Whatever your goal is to practice the performing arts of belly sounds, make sure you always enjoy and do it with a happy heart.