How To Remove Door Panel From Car: 9 Steps

How To Remove Door Panel From Car: 9 Steps
How To Remove Door Panel From Car: 9 Steps

Table of contents:


Sometimes car windows won't roll up or down. Sometimes the car door handle won't open the door either. When this happens, all you have to do is remove the door panels on the car.


OpenDoor Step 1
OpenDoor Step 1

Step 1. Open the door

Step 2. If the lock is sticking out of the top in the panel, remove it-- usually by removing the screw

Door Lever Step 3
Door Lever Step 3

Step 3. Locate the inner door lever that opens the door

Pull it so you can see if there are any screws under the lever. Remove the screws and remove the hard plastic cover around the door lever

RemoveArmRest Step 4
RemoveArmRest Step 4

Step 4. Look under the armrest

Locate the screws that secure the armrest to the door. (Sometimes the screw is under the plastic cover which has to be unscrewed with a flat screwdriver). Remove the screw. Remove the armrest. For electric windows, remove the cable attached to the armrest by pressing the additional plastic side.

WindowCrank Step 5
WindowCrank Step 5

Step 5. Remove the window crank (if the window is not electric)

Sometimes there is a screw in the center of the crank under the decorative cover (for example on older VW Beetles). Remove the cover and remove the screws. Sometimes there is a clamping ring around the base of the crank. Disassemble the clamp ring from the crank window with a flat screwdriver.

PuttyKnife Step 6
PuttyKnife Step 6

Step 6. Use a wide flat putty knife to pry the bottom of the panel off the metal part of the door

This panel is held to the metal part of the door through several plastic grommets which are attached to the back of the cardboard panel and fit through the holes. Gently poke the grommets from the holes, trying not to tear them from the cardboard panels.

RemoveScrews Step 7
RemoveScrews Step 7

Step 7. Check for screws near the rearview mirror or on each side of the window sill (for example on Audi)

Remove the screws if any.

RemoveSill Step 8
RemoveSill Step 8

Step 8. Lift the window frame out of its slot on the window and pull the panel away from the door

PullPlastic Step 9
PullPlastic Step 9

Step 9. Carefully pull the plastic away from the door so you can see the part that needs fixing


  • Put the plastic back on. Sometimes you forget to plug it back in.
  • Some cars use a Phillips screwdriver, some use an Allen wrench, and some use a 12-tip screwdriver.
  • Each car manufacturer is slightly different from each other, so you will have to look for it yourself. An internet search will usually show images.
  • Window components are often sold on eBay.
