This wikiHow teaches you how to use Microsoft Paint on a Windows computer. Microsoft Paint is a classic Windows program that managed to "hold" until the transition to Windows 10.
Part 1 of 8: Opening the Paint. Program
Step 1. Open the “Start” menu
Click the Windows logo in the lower-left corner of the screen.
Step 2. Type in paint
The computer will search for the Paint program afterwards.
Step 3. Look for the Paint program icon
On the “Start” menu, look for the Paint program icon, which looks like a painting palette with paint on it.
Step 4. Click Paint
It's next to the program icon. After that, a new Paint window will open.
Part 2 of 8: Drawing and Erase
Step 1. Pay attention to the toolbar that is displayed
The toolbar at the top of the Paint window contains all the options used to interact with the Paint canvas.
Step 2. Choose a primary color
Click a color in the palette shown in the upper right corner of the Paint window to apply it to the " Color 1 " box. This is the main color used when you use the left mouse button on the canvas.
You can modify the desired color yourself by clicking the " Edit colors ” in the upper right corner of the window, select the colors and shades you want to use on the color wheel, and click the “ OK ”.
Step 3. Choose a secondary color
Click the " Color 2 " box on the left side of the color palette, then click the color you want to use as a secondary color. You can activate this color using the right mouse click button on the canvas.
Step 4. Select the brush type
Click the option Brushes ” at the top of the Paint window, then select the type of brush tip you want to use. This option will affect the line size, shape, and width.
If you want to draw a regular free line, click the pencil-shaped "Pencil" icon in the "Tools" section
Step 5. Determine the line thickness
Click the option Size ” on the left side of the color palette, then click the line thickness you want to use when drawing.
Step 6. Click and drag the cursor on the canvas to draw
Hold down the left mouse button while dragging the cursor to draw a line.
You can click and drag the cursor with the right mouse button to use a secondary color
Step 7. Fill the segment with color
Click the " Fill with color " tool with an icon resembling a paint bucket in the " Tools " section, then click the canvas to change the color of the entire section to the selected primary color (you can right click the segment to use a secondary color).
- If you have multiple segments on the canvas (eg dividing them in half using a line), only the segment you clicked on will be filled with color.
- If your canvas is blank and does not contain a full segment, the entire canvas will be filled with color when you use the " Fill with color " tool.
Step 8. Erase any errors on the canvas
You can use the eraser function or feature by clicking the pink eraser icon in the " Tools " section, then clicking and dragging the eraser over the part of the image you want to delete.
The eraser will use a secondary color so you may need to revert the secondary color to white (or the painting background color if different) before erasing the image
Part 3 of 8: Creating Shapes
Step 1. Choose a color
Click the color that you want to use as the outline of the shape.
Step 2. Select a fill color or " Fill " if necessary
If you want to fill the shape with color, instead of just outline the shape, click the " Color 2 " box and select the color you want to use to fill the shape.
Step 3. Find the shape you want to use
In the " Shapes " section of the toolbar, swipe up or down the list to see all the available shape options.
Step 4. Select the desired shape
Click the shape you want to use to select it.
Step 5. Select the line thickness
Click Size ”, then click the line thickness you want to use in the drop-down menu.
Step 6. Select the “Outline” option if necessary
By default, the outline of the shape will be the same color as the color in the " Color 1 " box. If you want to change the color consistency or remove the outline, click the drop-down box “ Outline ”, then click the desired option (e.g. “ No outline ” if you want to remove the outline) to apply it.
Step 7. Select the " Fill " option if you want
If you choose a fill color or " Fill ", you can add a " Fill " option to the shape: click “ Fill, then select " solid color ”.
You can choose a different fill color or " Fill " option (eg. Crayon ”) to be used as a textured fill color.
Step 8. Click and drag the cursor diagonally on the canvas
After that, the shape will be created.
Step 9. Paste the shape on the canvas
Once the shape displays the desired size and location, release the mouse button and click outside the Paint canvas.
Part 4 of 8: Adding Text
Step 1. Choose a text color
Click the " Color 1 " box, then select the color you want to use.
Step 2. Click A
It's at the top of the Paint window.
Step 3. Select the location of the text
Find the part of the canvas where you want to add text, then click on it. You can see the dotted line marking the appearance of the text field.
Step 4. Change the text font
In the "Font" section of the toolbar, click the top of the text box and click the font you want to use in the drop-down menu.
Step 5. Change the font size
Click the number below the font name, then click the number you want to use as the font size.
Step 6. Apply formatting to the text
If you want to bold, italicize, and/or underline the text, click the “ B ”, “ I ”, and/or “ U ” in the "Font" section of the toolbar.
Step 7. Increase the size of the text field if necessary
Since you've adjusted the font and size, you may need to enlarge the text field. Place the cursor in one corner of the text field, then click and drag diagonally away from the center of the text field.
Step 8. Enter text
In the text field, type the text you want to appear.
Step 9. Add a background to the text if you want
If you don't want the text to be placed on top of the existing background object on the canvas, click the “ Opaque ” in the " Background " section of the toolbar.
The text background color is the secondary color shown in the " Color 2 " box
Step 10. Paste the text on the canvas
When you're done editing, click on the canvas (or outside of it) to paste the text.
Once the text is attached, you cannot move it
Part 5 of 8: Unlocking Images
Step 1. Click File
It's in the upper-left corner of the Paint window. After that, the menu will be displayed.
Step 2. Click Open
It's in the middle of the menu. After that, a File Explorer window will be opened.
Step 3. Select a photo
Go to the directory where you want to open the photo you want to open in Paint, then click on the photo to select it.
Step 4. Click Open
It's in the lower-right corner of the file browsing window. The photo will be uploaded to the Paint window, and the canvas size will be adjusted according to the size of the photo.
Step 5. Use the right-click menu to open the image in Paint
If you want to open the image in the Paint program when the program window isn't already open, right-click the image file, select Open with ” from the drop-down menu, and click “ Paint ” in the pop-out menu that appears.
Part 6 of 8: Cropping and Rotating Images
Step 1. Click Select
It's in the top-left corner of the Paint toolbar. A drop-down menu will appear after that.
Step 2. Click Rectangular selection
This option is in the drop-down menu.
If you want to draw the selection area yourself, click the option " Free-form selection ”.
Step 3. Make a selection
Click and drag the cursor diagonally from the top-left corner of the area you want to save to the lower-right corner, then release the button.
If you are using the free selection option, click and drag the cursor around the object you want to cut and make sure the ends of the selection line are connected before you continue
Step 4. Click Crop
It's at the top of the Paint window. After that, the part of the photo that is outside the selected area will be deleted so that you only have objects that are inside the selection area.
If you want to crop or remove the selected area and save the rest of the photo, press the Del key
Step 5. Click Rotate
It's at the top of the Paint window. A drop-down menu will appear after that.
Step 6. Select the rotation option
Click one of the rotation options in the drop-down menu to apply it to the photo.
For example, click “ Rotate right 90º ” to rotate the photo so that the right side of the photo is at the bottom.
Part 7 of 8: Resizing Images
Step 1. Click Resize
This option is in the Paint toolbar. Once clicked, a pop-up window will be displayed.
Step 2. Check the "Maintain aspect ratio" box
It's in the middle of the window. With this option, changes you make to any aspect of the size won't spoil the photo.
If you want to increase the height of the photo without expanding it (or vice versa), skip this step
Step 3. Check the box " Percentage"
This box is at the top of the window.
If you want to resize the image to a specific pixel value or size, check the " Pixels " box
Step 4. Change the value in the "Horizontal" column
In the " Horizontal " text field, type the desired number (percentage) to resize the photo (e.g. to double the size, type 200).
- If you're using a pixel scale instead of a percentage, type the number of pixels you want into the " Horizontal " field.
- If you unchecked the "Maintain aspect ratio" box, you will also need to enter a value or magnitude in the "Vertical" text field.
Step 5. Tilt the photo if you want
This option will tilt the photo to the left or right. To tilt the photo, type a number into the " Horizontal " and/or " Vertical " text fields under the " Skew (Degrees) " heading.
If you want to tilt the photo in the opposite direction, type in a negative amount (eg "-10", not "10")
Part 8 of 8: Saving Project
Step 1. Save changes to the Paint project you are currently working on
If you've already saved your project file, you can press Ctrl+S (or click the diskette icon in the upper-left corner of the screen) to save your changes.
Keep in mind that saving when editing an existing photo will overwrite the original photo file with the edited version. Therefore, it's a good idea to make a copy of the photo and edit the copy instead of editing the original photo
Step 2. Click File
It's in the upper-left corner of the Paint window. The menu will be displayed afterwards.
Step 3. Select Save as
It's in the middle of the menu. Once selected, another menu will be displayed on its right side.
Step 4. Click the JPEG picture
It's in the menu on the right side of the window. The "Save As" window will open after that.
You can choose a different image format (eg. ") here.
Step 5. Enter a file name
In the " File name " field, type whatever you want to use as the project name.
Step 6. Select a save location
Click a folder on the left side of the window (e.g. Desktop ”) to select it as the project storage directory.
Step 7. Click Save
It's in the lower-right corner of the window. The project file will be saved with the name you specified in the selected directory.
Here are some useful keyboard shortcuts when you use Paint:
- Rotate image: Ctrl+R
- Open a new canvas: Ctrl+N
- Cut object: Ctrl+X
- Paste object: Ctrl+V
- Copy object: Ctrl+C
- Save project: Ctrl+S
- Delete object: Del
- Print image: Ctrl+P
- Undo action: Ctrl+Z
- Mark all objects: Ctrl+A
- Open file: Ctrl+O
- Repeat action: Ctrl+Y
- Hide toolbar: Ctrl+T
- Open the attributes window: Ctrl+E
- Stretch or tilt the image: Ctrl+W
- Hide the color bar: Ctrl+L (press again to show it)
- You can add guide gridlines to your Paint project by clicking the " View ” and check the box " Gridlines ".
- To display the ruler on the Paint canvas interface, click the “ View ” and check the box " Ruler ".
- Make a copy of the photo before you edit it so that the original photo file is not overwritten by the changes you make through Paint.
- Support for the Paint program has been discontinued by Microsoft so you may need to download it from the Microsoft Store in future versions of Windows.