Passing an English exam seems impossible if you've had difficulty with this subject before. However, there are strategies that can help. In order to pass English, you will need to find new ways to stay organized, develop better strategies to take full advantage of the whole class, and apply some good habits to pass your exams. If you are willing to invest more time and effort, you can pass English courses.
Method 1 of 2: Reading Difficult Literature

Step 1. Ask before you start
Asking yourself a few questions before reading can make it easier for you to master the material you are reading. Before you start reading, determine what you need to find out from the reading.
- Some lecturers will ask a series of questions to help students stay focused while reading. You can also ask your professor the right questions to help you remember what you read.
- You can also create your own questions. For example, you might ask, what is the focus of this chapter?

Step 2. Take sufficient time
Give yourself plenty of time to read and take a few moments to rest. It's better to read slowly than to rush and have to re-read it again. Make sure that you spend plenty of time reading and understanding what you are reading.
For example, if you have to finish reading a 40-page book on Friday, start reading on Monday and read 10 pages every night. Don't put it off and read it all at once on a Thursday night

Step 3. Write a side note
Taking notes on the side when you find something important is more effective than marking with colored markers or pens or underlining the sentence. Try reading with a pen in your hand instead of colored markers.
You can write down key words, ask questions, or comment on something that happened

Step 4. Summarize what you read
Writing a summary of what you just read can help you remember the information. After you finish reading a chapter of a book or short story, take a few minutes to write a brief summary of what you just read.
- In that conclusion, don't dwell on every detail in too much detail. Instead, try to give a good draft of the main events in the reading.
- You should also include a paragraph that discusses your ideas about the content of the reading. For example, if something surprising happened in the chapter, you could talk about your reaction and why.
- Conclusions are also good for recording information about existing symbols, themes, and traits. For example, you may notice that the author uses symbols from nature to describe certain traits.

Step 5. Tell someone what the reading is about
Telling others about what you have just read is a great way to remember the information. Try sharing the contents of the chapter you just read with a classmate or other friend.
- As you narrate the reading, try to summarize the main idea and explain anything that was initially difficult to understand before you read the book.
- Make sure that you explain the passage in your own words. Don't repeat the passage you read word for word exactly as it was written.
Method 2 of 2: Writing a Good Essay
Step 1. Take the time to rewrite
The prewriting process (also called “prewriting” or “invention”) is the process by which you gather ideas before starting to write an essay. It may be easy for you to be tempted to skip the prewriting process and want to start charting your English essay right away, but taking the time for the prewriting process is worth it. By taking the time to gather ideas before writing, you can improve the quality of your writing later.

- Do free writing. This is when you write freely without stopping. Even though your mind may feel blank, you should keep writing, "My mind is blank," until you get an idea you want to write about. When you're done writing, reread your freehand and identify important ideas that might be useful for your essay.
- Make a list. This is when you make a list of all the things you can think of that relate to the topic of the essay. After creating a list with as many items as possible, reread your list and identify any useful information.
- Create groupings. This is when you use lines and circles to connect ideas that have been written on a piece of paper. For example, you can start by writing the main topic in the center of the page and then draw a line from that idea. Keep drawing more lines and connecting dots until you run out of ideas.
Step 2.
Research your topic.
Some types of English essays require research before writing. If you must write research results, be sure to spend enough time finding quality research sources and reading them through.

Do a database search at the library, not just searching for information on the internet. You will usually find more quality sources of information using library databases. Ask the librarian how to do it if you're not sure how to use the database there
Write down the outline. An outline provides the basic structure for an essay. Outlines can be as detailed as you want and this is a great way to keep you focused in the essay writing process. Outlining your essay before you start writing can help you write better essays too.

Write a draft of your essay. Writing a draft is recording ideas, making an outline, and bringing out all the ideas that come to mind and then writing them down in the form of an essay. If you're done freewriting, researching, and outlining, this step shouldn't be too difficult.

- Keep in mind that if you're having trouble with the draft stage of the writing process, you can always go back to the previous stage and come back to the draft stage when you're ready.
- Remember to use an outline as a guide for your writing process.
Make revisions to your writing. Revising is re-examining the writing before you submit it, to determine if you need to add, remove, rearrange, or explain something. Revising your writing can help you organize your ideas and spot any mistakes. Be sure to spend ample time rereading and making necessary revisions.

- It's ideal to take a few days to revise, but if you only have a little time, don't worry.
- All essays can get better with revision, so be aware that this step is a must.
- You can always swap essays with a friend to get each other's input. However, just make sure that your friends can be trusted when providing feedback. You may also consider asking your professor or a writing tutoring center to re-examine your essay.
- Try to give yourself some time off before making revisions. Even just a few hours of rest will refresh you to continue your writing.
Enrich Vocabulary
Make a "flashcard". If you need to master certain vocabulary for an exam, making flashcards is a great way to remember these words. To make a flashcard, write the word on one side of the card and write its definition on the other side.
Pass English Step 11 - A way that can also help is to write down examples of how the word is used in a sentence.
- Save flashcards and take them with you wherever you go, then study their contents when you have free time. For example, you can study flashcards while waiting for the bus to arrive.
Read for fun. Reading is a great way to improve your vocabulary and grammar skills. Try to find a freelance book or series you like and read it in your spare time.
Pass English Step 12 - Read as much as you can and choose books that have a certain level of difficulty for you.
- Look for words you don't understand when you read them. Be sure to note down the definitions of the words.
Use those new words in conversation and writing. Using new words will help you remember them and understand how they are used. Try to use the new words as often as you can as you learn them.
Pass English Step 13 For example, you can try out a new word in a conversation with a friend or enter the new word while learning to write an English essay. Taking special notes to learn new words is an incredibly useful way
Consider using the services of a tutor. If you sometimes have trouble with English, find a tutor from your school's writing center, who can help build your skills. A tutor can help you in areas that are difficult for you, such as grammar, vocabulary, or reading.
Pass English Step 14 Most schools provide tutoring services to students free of charge. Your tuition already covers the cost of this service
Preparing Yourself for Success
Learn what is expected of you. When the semester starts, reread the course material and make sure you understand everything you need to achieve. If you don't understand something, ask your teacher or professor to explain it.
Pass English Step 15 - Highlight important details in your worksheets and other study materials. For example, you need to highlight key words for the task, such as “describe”, “argument”, “compare”, etc.
- Re-record all important deadlines for English subjects on your work plan or study planner for easy recall.
Plan ahead. Think about how much time you need to complete assignments, read books and essays, and study for exams. Make sure to set aside enough time to get all of these things done each week. Procrastination is a surefire way to fail in English.
Pass English Step 16 - If possible, start working on your assignments at least one week before the deadline. Having plenty of time is important, especially in essay writing. Starting early will give you more time to structure and revise your writing.
- Remember that at the college level, the value of English lessons is mainly obtained from the assignments in the semester. Therefore, make sure that you don't spend all your energy at the beginning of the semester. Take care of yourself and put a lot of energy into finishing the semester.
Find a friend or study group together. Studying with a classmate or two can improve your grades and make it easier for you to pass English classes. Plan a meeting at least once a week to study together and test each other's mastery of the material.
Pass English Step 17 - Try to work with good classmates. Studying with the right people will make it easier for you to excel in English subjects, rather than studying with someone who is also having a hard time mastering the subject matter.
- If you're planning on studying with a friend or group of friends, it's easy to shift focus and talk about something else. So that this does not happen, try studying in the library. A quiet environment will make it easier for you and your study group to stay focused.
Have Good Achievement in Class
Be present in class. Attendance is essential for you to pass, but more importantly, your participation in class plays a major role in determining your grade. Make sure that you are physically and mentally present in English class.
Pass English Step 18 - Never sleep in class.
- Set your cell phone on a vibrating tone and always keep it on while learning in class.
- Don't chat with your classmates, especially when your teacher is explaining.
Take notes in class. Many of the explanations of the English teacher or lecturer during lectures will appear in exams and tests later. This information can also be helpful as you write your essay. Make sure that you take good notes in class in order to get good grades on your English assignments.
Pass English Step 19 - Record as much information as possible while you are in class. The things that the teacher or lecturer notes on the blackboard or in “PowerPoint” are more important to remember, so make sure that you take notes.
- If you're having a hard time keeping up, consider recording the class session (with permission from your teacher or professor) or borrowing your friend's notes to compare with your own after class.
Speak up. If the teacher or lecturer says something you don't understand or you want to know more about, make sure you say it. Raise your hand and ask the teacher or lecturer to repeat or explain further the meaning.
Pass English Step 20 Keep in mind that most teachers and professors like to explain at length to help you understand it. However, make sure that you are listening because the teacher or lecturer will be annoyed if you always ask him to repeat things he has explained
Meet with your teacher or professor outside of class hours. Your teacher or professor may have working hours so you can see him or make an appointment with him. Make sure that you take this good opportunity.
Pass English Step 21 - Seeing the teacher or professor outside of class is a great way to get extra help with assignments, ask questions you can't ask in class, or just to get information about something.
- Try to see your English teacher/lecturer at least once per semester.
Make an effort beyond anyone else. If you want to excel in English subjects, find ways to exceed the expectations of your teacher or lecturer. If the teacher or lecturer has said something is good but is not required, do it. These extras can help increase your knowledge and your grades. Some professors even offer extra credit if you complete additional assignments.
Pass English Step 22 For example, if you are assigned to discuss a short story and the teacher says it would be a good idea to write a little background on the story after you read it, do it! If your teacher recommends flashcards as a good choice to improve your vocabulary, make some flashcards
Pass the English Exam
Learn in short sessions. Instead of working overtime to condense the study time in the day before the exam, try studying in short sessions over the course of a week. Studying in short sessions will make it easier for you to remember the information obtained and reduce stress.
Pass English Step 23 - For example, if you have an exam on Friday and it takes six hours of study to get good grades to pass the exam, divide those six hours into three sessions of two hours each to study for the entire week.
- Make sure that you take a break after every 45 minutes of study. Most people can't concentrate for more than 45 minutes, so take a break (for about 5-10 minutes) to help you regain your attention and focus.
Attend any review sessions provided. Some teachers and lecturers provide review sessions before the exam to briefly review all the material that will be in the exam. Make sure that you attend these sessions according to the schedule provided.
Pass English Step 24 You may be tempted to skip this review session, because it will cover material that has already been covered, but in fact you will have a greater chance of passing the English exam if you attend it
Take exam practice. Before you take the actual exam, taking practice exams can be beneficial. Try asking your teacher or lecturer to give you some practice questions to help you prepare, or even give your own answers or questions as a form of practice. You can create practice exams based on your knowledge of the material that will appear in the exam.
Pass English Step 25 In practice exams, make sure that you create a simulation of the actual exam atmosphere. Get rid of notes, textbooks, and other material and set a time limit for yourself. Go over your answers when you're done and use your results to determine the areas you need to learn more about
Make sure that you get enough sleep before the test. Getting enough rest is the best way to ensure that you are able to focus on the exam. Make sure that you go to bed earlier than usual before facing the exam the next day.
Pass English Step 26 For example, if your usual bedtime is 11 p.m., this time try to go to bed at 10 p.m