How to Say Great in Spanish: 12 Steps

How to Say Great in Spanish: 12 Steps
How to Say Great in Spanish: 12 Steps

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Learning the basics of conversational Spanish is one thing, but learning to speak like a real Spanish speaker is another thing altogether. Being able to express your admiration with words like "great" and "cool" goes a long way in having natural and fluent Spanish conversations with other people. Just like in English, there are several ways to express admiration in Spanish, so learning a few examples will make your conversations more interesting and varied.


Method 1 of 2: The Official Words for "Great"

Say Awesome in Spanish Step 1
Say Awesome in Spanish Step 1

Step 1. Use "impressionante

"This word literally means "awesome", but is more often used in the same way as "awesome" in Indonesian. It is a very useful word to remember because it is used in all Spanish-speaking countries.

  • This word is pronounced "im-press-i-o-NAN-te." The penultimate syllable is pronounced more firmly (as in many other Spanish words).
  • Be sure to pronounce all the i's like the e in English (like the word "tea"). The letter r is pronounced more subtly, by flicking the tongue to the roof of the mouth. The letter r sounds faint, much like the sound of the d in the English word "ladder".
Say Awesome in Spanish Step 2
Say Awesome in Spanish Step 2

Step 2. Use "asombroso" for "amazing"

You can only use this word as an adjective to describe something impressive. For example: "La película fue asombrosa" ("The movie was amazing").

This word is pronounced "a-som-BRO-soo" or "a-som-BRO-sa" depending on whether the word is masculine or feminine. Here, again, we are using the sound of the letter r which resembles the letter d in English. Also, make sure to extend all the o's (like the English word "oats") in this word

Say Awesome in Spanish Step 3
Say Awesome in Spanish Step 3

Step 3. Use "increíble" for "extraordinary"

You can use this word as an adjective like "asombroso," or as a singular exclamation like "wow!" For example, if someone tells you something unbelievable, you might say "¡increíble!"

This word is pronounced "in-cray-II-blei." Notice that the sound stress is applied to the second i of this syllable.

Say Awesome in Spanish Step 4
Say Awesome in Spanish Step 4

Step 4. Use "imponente" to "impress"

This word is also commonly used as an adjective. For example, a large painting by your favorite painter in a museum might be called "una Pintura imponente" ("an impressive painting").

This word is pronounced "im-po-NEN-te". Notice that the penultimate syllable is pronounced with a short e sound (like the word "red" in English), while the e sound in the last syllable is longer (like the English word "ray")

Say Awesome in Spanish Step 5
Say Awesome in Spanish Step 5

Step 5. Use "¡you

"as an exclamation point. You can use this word instead of "wow!" or "great" in Indonesian. This is a more common use, you can use it to describe anything you think is great.

This word is pronounced "AN-da." Be sure to stress the first syllable, much like "on" (not "own") in English

Method 2 of 2: Local Popular Terms

Say Awesome in Spanish Step 6
Say Awesome in Spanish Step 6

Step 1. Use "guay" to say "cool

" This easy-to-pronounce one-syllable word is used to express something pleasant or agreeable. Its usage is very similar to the word "cool" in English. You can use this word alone or as a general adjective. For example "es muy guay" ("That's so cool").

This word is pronounced "GWAY." It rhymes with "pie" or "rye" (not "play" or "ray") in English

Say Awesome in Spanish Step 7
Say Awesome in Spanish Step 7

Step 2. Use "¡Órale

"as an interjection in Mexico. As in Indonesia, some popular Spanish words are not used in all Spanish-speaking countries. This word is popular in Mexico and is used similarly to "awesome!" in English or "cool!" in Indonesian. For example, you can shout this word when you see the amazing soccer technique of your favorite player.

"¡Órale!" pronounced "O-rah-le." Emphasize the first "o" sound and pronounce the letter "r" gently as described above.

Say Awesome in Spanish Step 8
Say Awesome in Spanish Step 8

Step 3. Use "macanudo" in Honduras and Central America

The term literally means "strong" or "big", but has a similar meaning to "cool" or "great". Use this word as an adjective. For example: "un vuelo macanudo" ("great flight").

This word is pronounced "ma-ka-NUU-do." Notice that the letter d is pronounced very softly, much like the th sound in "the" in English.

Say Awesome in Spanish Step 9
Say Awesome in Spanish Step 9

Step 4. Use "padrísimo" in Mexico

The term is also popular among Spanish speakers in Mexico. Its literal meaning is "very fatherly", but it is used as a popular term to express "cool" or "great".

  • This word is pronounced "pa-d-RII-si-mo." Pronouncing a soft r after a d in Spanish can be difficult. If you're having trouble, try placing the tip of your tongue behind your front teeth, then flicking it back, toward the center of your mouth while pronouncing d.
  • You can also say "¡qué padre!" ("so cool!") as an interjection.
Say Awesome in Spanish Step 10
Say Awesome in Spanish Step 10

Step 5. Use "barbaro" in Argentina

This word literally means "barbarian", rude or uncivilized. However, the meaning is positive in this context, similar to "great", or "good!".

This word is pronounced "BAR-ba-ro." Be sure to put stress on the first syllable

Say Awesome in Spanish Step 11
Say Awesome in Spanish Step 11

Step 6. Use "bacán" in Chile

This word, which is used in a variety of ways, has several different meanings. You can use it as an interjection like "cool!" or "fantastic!" Or, use it to say "man" or "boy" informally. For example, "Juan es un bacán" ("Juan is a really cool guy").

This word is pronounced "Baa-KAN." The second syllable rhymes with "fish" in Indonesian.

Say Awesome in Spanish Step 12
Say Awesome in Spanish Step 12

Step 7. Use "pura vida" in Costa Rica

This phrase which literally means "pure life" or "real life" is widely used by Costa Ricans to convey a variety of meanings. You can use this phrase alone to convey "great" or "cool." You can use it to say "thank you" or as a compliment. You can even use it to say hello or goodbye, like "aloha" in Hawaiian. This phrase is also so popular that it is considered a Costa Rican slogan. You will often hear this phrase spoken in Costa Rica.

  • This phrase is pronounced "puu-rah VII-tha."
  • Don't pronounce the letter r or t out loud for "pura." "Puta" is a harsh swear word that you should avoid pronouncing.


  • Try using Forvo to help with your pronunciation. This site has videos of native speakers saying the words in this article in their native accents.
  • There are many more ways to express admiration in Spanish. Try asking Spanish speakers around you to find out how they say "great," and maybe you'll have a chance to learn a real local popular term!
