How to Say "Shut up" in Spanish: 3 Steps

How to Say "Shut up" in Spanish: 3 Steps
How to Say "Shut up" in Spanish: 3 Steps

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There are different ways to say silence in Spanish. There are some levels of rudeness but they all convey the same thing. If you want to learn how to say silence in Spanish, for whatever reason, just follow these easy tips.


Say Shut Up in Spanish Step 1
Say Shut Up in Spanish Step 1

Step 1. Say silence

Callate is the literal translation for silence in Spanish, and there are several ways to pronounce it. The word is pronounced ka-ya-tay. Here's what you can say:

  • ¡Callate! ("Shut up!")
  • ¡Callense! (“Shut up!” to a group of people.)
  • Callate, por favor. ("Please be quiet.")
  • Necesito que te calles. ("I want you to shut up.")
Say Shut Up in Spanish Step 2
Say Shut Up in Spanish Step 2

Step 2. Say silence more politely

Instead of telling someone to be quiet, you can take a more friendly approach and ask them to be quiet. This will get your point across but not be too hurtful. Here's what you can say:

  • Silence. ("Shut up.")
  • Guarde Silencio. ("Shut up.")
  • Haga Silencio. ("Please be quiet.")
Say Shut Up in Spanish Step 3
Say Shut Up in Spanish Step 3

Step 3. Say silence more harshly

If you really want to say silence and callate can't silence him, you can take a more rude approach. Here are some ways to really get your point across:

  • ¡Cierra la Boca! (" Shut up! ")
  • ¡Cierra el hocico! ("Stop talking!")
  • ¡Cierra el pico! ("Shut up! ")


  • If someone is talking a lot and you want them to stop, you can say, ¡Basta! ("Enough!")
  • You can say gracias ("thank you") after everything, but it might be considered insincere if you say it after you've asked someone to shut up in a rude way.
  • You can also say " shhhhh " in Spanish which has the same use as Indonesian.
