3 Ways to Say Goodbye in Spanish

3 Ways to Say Goodbye in Spanish
3 Ways to Say Goodbye in Spanish

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Like Indonesian, Spanish also has various variations of verbal expressions to say "goodbye". While it's likely that you won't need to use all of these variations, it's always a good idea to learn as many variations of the phrase as you can so you don't get surprised when faced with unfamiliar situations. Plus, you can communicate with more people because of it! What are you waiting for? Study the various variations of the expressions below and prepare to be considered a local because of your vast vocabulary!


Method 1 of 3: Saying Goodbye Directly

Say Goodbye in Spanish Step 1
Say Goodbye in Spanish Step 1

Step 1. Start with standard diction

Understand the application of words you have heard or read before, such as adiós. In fact, adiós has a similar meaning to "farewell" in Indonesian. In practice, the word is actually not used very often by Spanish people.

Generally, Spanish people use the word when they are going to be separated from someone for a long time. For example, you can use it after ending a romantic relationship with a loved one

Say Goodbye in Spanish Step 2
Say Goodbye in Spanish Step 2

Step 2. Say goodbye casually or informally by saying te veo

The phrase comes from the word t which means "you" and generally means "until we meet again". Pronounce the phrase by saying tay VAY-oh. Since the phrase is very casual, make sure you don't use it in front of a respected person or your boss at work.

You can also say nos vemos (nohs VAY-mohs) which means "we'll see you later"

Say Goodbye in Spanish Step 3
Say Goodbye in Spanish Step 3

Step 3. Use the word chau to say goodbye to your close friend

The word which is often spelled as "chao" is a very intimate and casual parting expression. Although technically the word comes from Italian, Spanish people often use it in a casual context.

Say Goodbye in Spanish Step 4
Say Goodbye in Spanish Step 4

Step 4. Use phrases that contain cubits

In Spanish, cubit means "until". In fact, there are several phrases that contain the word and can be used to say goodbye to someone. Some of them even reveal when you will see them again.

  • Hasta mañana (AHS-tuh men-YAHN-uh) means "until tomorrow". This phrase can be used in both formal and informal situations. The word hasta can also be juxtaposed with a specific day such as hasta el martes, which means "see you Thursday."
  • Hasta luego (AHS-tuh loo-WAY-goh) has a less specific meaning. In fact, the phrase means "see you next time." Another phrase you can use to convey a similar meaning is hasta más tarde (AHS-tuh mahs TAR-day).
  • You can also say hasta pronto (AHS-tuh PRAHN-toh) which means "until we meet again". However, this phrase is used less often than cubit luego.
  • If the other person gives specific information about the time of the next meeting, you can say hasta entonces (AHS-tuh ehn-TAHN-says) which means "see you later, then."
Say Goodbye in Spanish Step 5
Say Goodbye in Spanish Step 5

Step 5. Avoid the cubit siempre phrase (AHS-tuh see-IMP-rray) in most situations

In fact, the phrase means "goodbye" so it carries a more permanent connotation. That's why you shouldn't say this phrase when you're going to be temporarily separated from someone.

Because of its permanent connotation, the phrase is more often spoken of people who have died

Say Goodbye in Spanish Step 6
Say Goodbye in Spanish Step 6

Step 6. Say goodnight by saying buenas noches (boo-EHN-uhs NOH-chays)

As in Indonesian, saying "good night" is much more common than simply saying "goodbye" at night.

As in Indonesian, buenas noches is used both as a greeting and as an expression of farewell. Although very context dependent, the phrase can mean “good afternoon” or “good evening.” In general, it's appropriate to say it any time after dinner

Say Goodbye in Spanish Step 7
Say Goodbye in Spanish Step 7

Step 7. Find out the applicable slang terms in Spanish

Even though they both speak Spanish, different regions will have different slang terms to say goodbye. While on vacation, try asking local people about popular slang terms in your destination.

Learning a few greetings in powerful slang will help you blend in with the local community, especially if you plan to live in the area for a long time

Method 2 of 3: Saying Goodbye in Writing

Say Goodbye in Spanish Step 8
Say Goodbye in Spanish Step 8

Step 1. Use the word atentamente to end a business correspondence

If you need to write a formal letter for various formal purposes, try ending the correspondence by writing the most commonly used and meaningful statement with the word "sincere" in English, and the word "salam" in Indonesian.

You can also write le saluda atentamente, which means "warm greetings" and is more informal. If the letter is addressed to more than one person, try ending it with the phrase les saluda atentamente

Say Goodbye in Spanish Step 9
Say Goodbye in Spanish Step 9

Step 2. Use the word cordialmente to end more casual business correspondence

Generally, the word cordialmente is used after you have texted several times and have established a closer relationship with the person you are talking to. In other words, it is appropriate to use the word for someone who has done business frequently or has built a collegial relationship with you.

Say Goodbye in Spanish Step 10
Say Goodbye in Spanish Step 10

Step 3. Use a more intimate meaning in a personal letter

If translated into Indonesian, you will realize that Spanish people like to use very intimate language to end personal correspondence.

Some of these are un abrazo (hugs), cariñosos saludos (equivalent to “warm greetings”), or afectuosamente (love greetings)

Say Goodbye in Spanish Step 11
Say Goodbye in Spanish Step 11

Step 4. Use the phrase besos y abrazos to end a letter sent to your closest relatives and friends

The real meaning of the phrase besos y abrazos is "hugs and kisses." Of course, this phrase is more suitable for you to convey to people who in everyday life, you often hug and kiss, right?

Some other examples of intimate closing expressions are con todo mi cariño (with care) or con todo mi afecto (with affection)

Method 3 of 3: Understanding Relevant Phrases

Say Goodbye in Spanish Step 12
Say Goodbye in Spanish Step 12

Step 1. Understand the noun that represents goodbye

Indonesian does not have a common term for “saying goodbye” and “talking about farewell”. In fact, Spanish has different words to represent goodbye or the meaning of farewell.

  • The noun that represents goodbye in Spanish is la despedida. For example, you could say Supongo que es la despedida, which means "I think we should part now."
  • If you're talking about someone else who is going to "break up" with something, use the word despedirse. For example, say puede despedirse del triunfo which means "it looks like he has to say goodbye to first place."
Say Goodbye in Spanish Step 13
Say Goodbye in Spanish Step 13

Step 2. Use cuídate (coo-EE-dah-tay) if you want to say “be careful on the road”

Sometimes, instead of saying "see you later", you'd rather say "be careful, okay?" In Spanish, the word cuídate has a similar meaning to the phrase.

Combine it with other goodbyes, such as ¡Te veo, cuídate ! which means "See you later, be careful on the road!"

Say Goodbye in Spanish Step 14
Say Goodbye in Spanish Step 14

Step 3. Express your wishes for a wonderful day for them

In contrast to Indonesian people who generally only say "see you later", Spanish people will usually give frills that mean "have a nice day". In Spanish, the sentence translates to, ¡Bueno, que tengas un buen día !

Say Goodbye in Spanish Step 15
Say Goodbye in Spanish Step 15

Step 4. Finish with a kiss on the cheek

In Spanish-speaking countries, kissing another person's cheek to say hello or goodbye is a common cultural expression. In contrast to Latin American people who generally only kiss one side of the cheek of the interlocutor, Spanish society actually gives one kiss on both sides of the cheek of the interlocutor.

If you're on vacation in a country where Spanish is the first language, don't be surprised if a stranger kisses you as a goodbye. In fact, it is a very basic cultural expression for them
