Are you always the only child who hasn't finished completing an assignment in class? Do you want to reduce the stress you experience when facing all the tasks at school? Have you always wanted to be the perfect student who knows everything and always gets to class fast? If the answer is, this is the article for you!
Method 1 of 5: Organizing School Supplies

Step 1. Buy school supplies that you need and don't have
Preparing yourself is important. Even if it's not on your must-buy list, it's a good idea to buy one if you feel you really need it. As the saying goes, "We're better off buying something we don't need than needing something we don't have." Things you may need:
- 2B or HB pencil or mechanical pencil
- Page bookmark
- Folders and binders
- Eraser
- paper clip
- Small stapler/stapler/staple remover
- Agenda
- Notebook
- Loose-leaf paper
- Pen correction fluid.
Step 2. Tidy up the contents of the pencil case
A neat pencil case is the key to being an organized student. This pencil case will keep all school supplies neatly. Purchase a pencil case with multiple pockets for better organization.
- Buy a quality pencil case that will last a long time.
- Fill the pencil case with the tools you will need in class. Examples: pencil, calculator and eraser.

Step 3. Organize the contents of the backpack
Remember to keep heavy objects close to your back and lighter objects away from your back. Once your backpack is in order, proceed to the next step.

Step 4. Clean your locker
If the school provides lockers, they can usually be messy. Find out if the school allows students to bring shelves. That way, you can put books, papers or school supplies on the shelf and separate them from other items. Before you install this shelf, tear up any paper you no longer need so it can't be copied. (Remember to clean lockers weekly or biweekly. This will ensure lockers are kept neat and tidy.) If the school allows students to arrive early, do so to clean lockers. Bring a plastic bag if you know your locker is a mess.

Step 5. Set up your laptop
If you use your laptop for schoolwork, print your homework as soon as possible. This can help you avoid getting into trouble with the teacher or wasting a lot of time printing lots of paper at the end of the week. Make sure you back up everything on the laptop in case something bad happens.
Method 2 of 5: Organizing Schoolwork

Step 1. Purchase an agenda
This thing is very useful. Some schools sell it, but other schools don't. Buy these or make your own if the school doesn't provide them. Save the date to collect homework, exams, or club meetings. Write down things you know you can forget. Make sure you check it out before you go home so you can take home everything you need.

Step 2. Buy a binder
Choose a binder with a zipper or ring. Buy a folder with two inserts for homework. One slip is for assignments that must be completed and another for assignments that have been completed and must be brought back to school the next day. Make sure you write your name and date on it just in case you lose it and someone else finds it!
Use page markers to mark different sections in the binder (e.g. math, social studies, science, etc.)

Step 3. Check all the folders you have and throw away the papers you don't need anymore
If you keep carrying these papers, even the folder will feel heavy. It might even be bent and damaged. It's a good idea to buy a plastic folder if your folder keeps getting damaged.

Step 4. Put the paper in the folder
Maybe this is obvious, put the papers you need into the folder according to the subject. Don't leave paper scattered. Take a little time and put it in the. That way, you won't be confused about finding it when you need it. The teacher gets annoyed if he keeps receiving crumpled paper.

Step 5. If there are important papers that you don't want to be damaged, use a paper protector
Another way to store paper is to use an accordion type folder. This type of folder has many pockets for various kinds of paper. Storing all the paper in one folder is better than carrying many folders.

Step 6. Use a plastic sleeve or a hole in the paper to store the tasks in the
That way, everything gets organized and prevents you from missing something.
Method 3 of 5: Mentally Organized

Step 1. Focus on your work
While in class, do not joke with friends. Pay attention to the teacher and write homework in the agenda and start doing all the assignments. Don't attract the teacher's attention because you like to joke.

Step 2. Put the date on all the paper you have
When taking notes, put the date on paper so that if the teacher asks for a job from a certain day, you don't bother looking for it. In addition, if a friend needs a note from a certain time, you can also find it right away.
Step 3. Make notes neatly
Use highlighter for the important parts. Write down your date, title and number in case you lose this note.

Step 4. Get started on the task right away when you know what to do
When you know a task must be submitted immediately, prepare all the necessary equipment as quickly as possible. Once you've collected them, plan out everything you want to include in the task. Do it little by little every day. Don't start working on it when time is running out. The night before the assignment has to be submitted, check it out. Find out if there are any important steps that you missed. Put the tasks to be collected on a small pile next to your backpack. If this assignment is an essay, put it in the. If it rains, put the task in a backpack or cover the task with plastic.

Step 5. Think only of yourself
If you're starting to get busy thinking about other people or letting other people copy your homework, say no. Tell them that you have to stay organized and that you have to keep your grades in check and that you don't want your friend to lose your homework paper.
Method 4 of 5: Managing PR

Step 1. Create a personal agenda for PR
Do your homework on the same day so you don't have to do it when time is tight. Also, don't rely on friends to help you with your homework. It's fine to work with your friends, but don't be the only one working. You should be able to do your homework in your spare time after school and on the weekends. You also become accustomed to segregating time for homework and make you feel more organized and prepared.

Step 2. Set up a place at home to do your homework
Set a desk with paper, pencils, pens and other school supplies in your room or in a quiet area. This area is for you to do homework and other tasks. It's best if you store school supplies here.

Step 3. Bring everything you need home before leaving school
Don't let it be when you do your homework that you realize that there are binders or notes left at school.

Step 4. Put the backpack on the table
Thus, your brain will catch that this place is for work, not for playing.

Step 5. Mark the homework assignments with sticky paper
Every night, take home all things related to school including binders, folders, notes, and so on and mark them according to the date, subject and time the class started. You can also put grades for the subjects you are currently taking in the notes/folder of the course. This way, you will be focused on pursuing better grades.

Step 6. Immediately do homework on the same day
Do it the night before your favorite show on television or before you go out. If you don't, you might do it in the car or on public transportation when you go to school, or you might not do it at all and make the teacher angry with you.

Step 7. Learn the lessons left behind
If you are absent, immediately do what is left behind. If not, you might fall far behind and have difficulty during the exam.
Method 5 of 5: Keep Neat at School

Step 1. Keep the table tidy
If you have to clear your desk, make sure you tidy it up before school starts so you can find everything you need on the desk.

Step 2. Clean lockers, folders or binders once a week
Maybe you don't have to clean it completely but make sure you check it regularly.
- Every weekend, take the time to go through your backpack and remove any paper you no longer need. Buy a cabinet to store files and keep these papers inside!
- Make sure you take all the necessary notes and items home so you can complete all your assignments on time and don't have to do them on the bus or in class.
- Instead of studying when time is running out, use an agenda to mark when you will study. Try to study in a quiet area.
- Buy a bag with lots of pockets for pens and other things you need. This is more practical than fumbling through your bag looking for something.
- Try to buy several folders for binders and mark each one according to the subject so that you stay organized and don't put all the papers in one folder.
- Don't tuck notes or paper in the book even if it's only temporary. You might lose it. Especially if the textbook is thick. Put the paper in the folder according to the subject in the binder. It's better to spend a little time keeping them properly than taking a lot of time looking for them or worse, needing an hour or two to rewrite them or do some more homework if you lose them.
- Use bookmarks to separate important papers from other papers in the binder !
- Make sure you bookmark all your textbooks and folders so you don't take the wrong thing home.
- Learn a little every day. That way, you won't be surprised if there's a sudden test.
- A good backpack is important. If your backpack breaks, it's best to buy a new one.
- If you have trouble remembering the schedule, take a photo of the schedule and make it a lock screen on your phone.
- Use paper clips to keep the papers neat. After that, put it in a binder. If you've punched the paper, it's a good idea to store it in a binder with a ring.
- Try your best, don't give up and remember why you did it.
- Don't expect to get organized overnight. This takes time. Try to be very regular in one subject and once you get used to it, you will do the same with other subjects. Also, don't leave your phone or iPod in your bag as they can be stolen and many schools don't allow students to take them.
- Some objects may not be allowed in school such as mechanical pencils, pencil sharpeners, and so on. Try asking the teacher before you bring anything.
- Don't stress too much.