Writing a book – regardless of the genre – is a long process that demands persistence. Without careful planning, you will most likely be faced with various obstacles that are prone to killing your motivation. On the other hand, with careful planning, your guarantee of success will be much greater. Before writing a book, make sure you have prepared the right materials and environment, and develop a clear and systematic writing strategy.
Part 1 of 3: Preparing the Right Materials and Environment

Step 1. Determine the material you need
Remember, writing is a creative process; there's no one right way to do it. For some people, writing on a computer actually distances them from the work they are writing. As a result, they prefer to write it manually. Others prefer to write on a computer because it's easier to edit. In addition, they can also use the internet to study the topics to be written. Don't worry too much about the method you choose; most importantly, choose a method that allows you to work as productively and efficiently as possible.

Step 2. Create an organizational system
Whichever method you choose (by computer or manually), you will still need a special system to organize your thoughts. Determine the right organizational strategy so that your notes are less cluttered and clearer. If using a computer, create a special folder to store all the data related to your book. If using a pen and paper, choose a special drawer to store all your writing material. In that drawer, keep notebooks that contain a variety of different information.
- If you want to write a non-fiction book, of course, you must do comprehensive research. Make sure the organizational system helps you to find all the information you need easily and quickly.
- If you want to write a fiction novel, try to prepare several small notebooks that contain the development of each character in your story. For example, if one of the characters in your story has dissociative personality disorder, make sure you look up detailed information about the disorder and write it down in your notebook. That way, your character will feel more real.
- Consider using software that can help organize your research results and the chapters in your book.

Step 3. Determine a writing location that makes you comfortable
For most writers, routine is the key to sticking to their writing schedule. The Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling is only written about at one location called Nicholson's Café. Roald Dahl even produces his best works from a small cottage outside his home.
- Public places that are too crowded are worried that it will disturb your concentration. If you can't find a quiet, comfortable location, consider writing at home.
- Be careful, that doesn't mean your home isn't free of distractions. If the television and soft bed always manage to break your concentration, it's a sign that you should write outside the house!
- The location you choose should make you comfortable. Choose a writing location, one that even if you have to go there every day, won't bore you.

Step 4. Find inspirational writing locations
Every writer has a different inspiration. What can pump your creativity? If you like to be in nature, maybe you need to write on a city park bench. If you enjoy observing other people's activities, you may want to write in a coffee shop that allows you to observe people passing by. If you're writing at home, choose a favorite room that you'd like to set up as your writing location.
Don't write in a place that can trigger your stress and negativity. For example, writing in the kitchen will likely remind you of all your unfinished household responsibilities

Step 5. Make your writing location as convenient as possible
If you write on the couch too loudly or if you keep making strange noises, chances are that your concentration will be disrupted. Therefore, make your writing location as comfortable as possible (of course you will find it easier to control and change the atmosphere of the location if you choose to write at home).
- Make sure the temperature of the writing location is comfortable for you. If you can't control the temperature of the location, at least adjust the clothes you wear.
- Choose a comfortable chair. Place a pillow on the surface of the chair so that your buttocks and back do not hurt even if you have to sit for a long time.
- Have all the information you need before you start writing. You certainly don't want to be busy looking for it in the middle of the writing process, right? At home, choose a writing location close to a bookshelf or drawer with your materials. In public places, bring all the books and information you need.

Step 6. Decorate your writing location (this method works if you're writing at home)
A location that feels personal and intimate will increase your desire to linger there. When you're writing, try to always be surrounded by things that can inspire you to keep working. What motivates you? Is there a particular book that pushed you to become a writer? If you have one, place the book near you; make the book a "medicine" when your mind starts to get stuck. Also consider posting a family photo or quote from a favorite author in a location of your choice. Decorate the room in your favorite colors or write to the accompaniment of your favorite song. Make your writing locations as comfortable and interesting as possible, so you can't wait to visit them every day.
Part 2 of 3: Creating Routines

Step 1. Determine the times that are most productive for you
Some people prefer to work in the morning, especially when the atmosphere is calm and their minds are clear. If you are a person who has a hard time getting up early, forcing yourself to work in the morning will actually make you fall back asleep on the table. For that, find out the most productive times for you.

Step 2. Consider your other obligations
Before setting a writing schedule, make sure you anticipate other activities that might annoy you. Are you an office worker with irregular working hours? Do you have children who still need your full attention? Or do you have adult children whose work or activities force you to constantly change places? Determine if your life fits into a tight or flexible schedule.
- If your schedule is predictable, try creating a strict writing routine.
- If your schedule is unpredictable and very dynamic, try to find time to write amidst your busy schedule.

Step 3. Create a writing schedule
Having a daily writing routine will encourage you to stick to your schedule and finish your book on time. Know your writing hours each day, then fit the rest of your schedule into that writing schedule. Make sure you fit your writing schedule (strict or flexible) into your daily routine; most importantly, set aside at least an uninterrupted hour each day to write. Can you spare more than an hour? Fantastic! You can write an hour in the morning before going to work, and continue the remaining hour in the evening when the whole house is asleep.

Step 4. Promise that you will not be absent from the routine
After sitting at your desk, don't let other activities distract you. Don't pick up the phone or check email, ask your spouse to help keep an eye on your kids – do whatever it takes to keep you focused. You can also discuss your needs with people in your household. Ask them to understand your routine, and appreciate the time you need to work and be alone.

Step 5. Set realistic deadlines
Setting a deadline will help you maintain a balance. Deadlines will encourage you not to be lazy but still work in a reasonable portion. Don't put yourself in a situation where you can fail. Take a look at your daily schedule and determine how much realistic time you can set aside for writing. Some examples of writing deadlines include:
- Total words per day: for example, you must generate a minimum of 2,000 words per day
- Total notebook pages: for example, you have to complete 5 pages of material each day
- Chapter writing deadline
- Research deadline

Step 6. Choose a reliable writing partner
The co-author is another author who is also writing a book. You can both rely on each other to fulfill your writing routine and achieve your goals. Writing alone is prone to making you lazy and procrastinating. For that, you need a writing partner who can motivate you and get you back into your routine whenever laziness strikes.
- Meet your writing partner on a regular basis, it can be every day or once a week (adjust to your schedule); most importantly, make sure the two of you interact regularly.
- Share your schedule, goals, and deadlines with him. He can help resuscitate you if you don't meet the schedule!
- During the meeting, you can also write each other's books side by side or watch each other's progress. Trust me, third party opinions are always useful in any writing process!
Part 3 of 3: Making Initial Plans

Step 1. Determine the genre of your book
Before deciding what genre of book you want to write, think about what kind of book you want to read. When you visit a bookstore or library, which bookshelf do you visit the most? Do you like reading romance genre books? Or do you prefer to read biographies of important figures? Do you prefer to read long novels or short stories?
- Believe me, a writer can produce the best work if he feels familiar with the genre he is writing.
- Usually, this also relates to the genres you often read. The writing experience will be more enjoyable if you choose a genre that you like or master!

Step 2. Find out the purpose of your book
Once you've chosen a book genre, figure out what you want to offer your readers. Think about why you like reading books of this genre; this will help you figure out the purpose of your book. For example, a biography of George Washington can help readers understand the culture of his country. Mystery novels can bring suspense, curiosity, and surprise in the reader. Meanwhile, fantasy novels can expand the reader's imagination as well as help them "get out" for a while from the world they have been living in.
- Take the time to write down the effect you want to create in the reader's mind.
- Whenever you feel stuck or lost in the writing process, immediately return your mind to the goal you want to achieve through the book.

Step 3. Do some research on the topic of your writing
If the book you are writing is informative, it means you need to spend a lot of time doing research. But don't think romantic novels or short stories need no research at all. If your novel is set in the 1960s, for example, of course you need to present a social situation and elements that can represent that year. If one of the characters in your novel is a cop, you also need to present the portrait of the profession as clearly as possible. To create a story that is realistic and believable to readers, you should always do your research before writing.
- Find out the specific terms used by each character in your book. For example, if one of the characters in your book is a doctor, make sure you know the basic medical language he or she speaks every day. Don't use inappropriate terms!
- Take advantage of books or online articles to find out all the information about the particular era in which your book is based.
- Consider interviewing people who have expertise in the topic you are writing about.

Step 4. Create an outline
As you research, your vision should become clearer and clearer. As soon as you know exactly where your book is headed, start outlining it.
- Each chapter in your book should have its own outline.
- Within each outline, use a point system to define the important details that need to be included in each chapter.
- The outline of the essay is only the main foundation that can always be developed. If necessary, you can always add or remove information, but make sure you always stick to your outline.
- After doing your research and creating an outline, you can start writing an interesting book!