Are you assigned to write a report about a figure who is known to many people? No matter how minimal your experience in the world of writing is, there's no need to worry too much because the truth is, the writing process will generally only feel difficult at first. In other words, once the process is complete, all the separate pieces of the puzzle should quickly find their place. The most important thing not to forget is to do your research! Then, separate the information obtained into several general categories, then begin to complete each category until it becomes a complete writing. Basically, you can write about anyone or any object with just a little time, focus, and good management skills.
Part 1 of 3: Researching the Topic
Step 1. Select the figure to be appointed, if it has not been determined by the teacher
If you have the freedom to choose which figures to report, try to think of the name of the figure that interests you the most. For example, you may be interested in a useful technology inventor (such as Marie Curie or Henry Ford), a popular political figure (such as Winston Churchill or Ir. Soekarno), or a person who dedicated a large part of his life to helping others (such as Mother Teresa or Mahatma). Gandhi).
- If you have to choose a figure from a specific time period, try to find historical figures from that time period, then read their life stories one by one until you find a story that interests you.
- If you want, you can also choose a figure name based on a specific topic. For example, if you have an interest in electricity, choose Nikola Tesla, Michael Faraday, or James Prescott Joule.

Step 2. Browse the internet to find some basic information about the figure in question
If you don't know much about this person, there's nothing wrong with looking for basic information about him on the internet. The trick, just type the name in the search page, and observe the results that appear.
- Usually, this initial search process will not allow you to find citable sources in the report. However, at least you will find a variety of basic information that can be used as a reference to conduct further research, even to find more credible sources.
- It's best not to take information from articles that are not written by experts, or whose content can be easily edited by anyone. However, you can still use such articles as an initial reference to conduct more in-depth research afterwards.

Step 3. Go to the library to gather information
Try to dig up information about the figures to be reported by borrowing books from the library, browsing company databases, or reading articles in magazines and newspapers. Indeed, the library is the right place because in addition to offering convenience in finding information, you can also discuss with the librarian whenever you have difficulty. Generally, a librarian can point you to an accurate and reliable source for the figure in question.
- When doing research, be careful when evaluating the credibility of the source. If possible, use a variety of sources to get the best and most accurate information about the figures to report.
- In general, ideally you should only cite information from sources that have proven knowledge of all things related to the figure.

Step 4. Take notes
In fact, most people's brains won't immediately remember all the information they read, let alone remember the source. That's why, taking notes is a very important activity to do! As you read a reference, take note of the things you think are important. This way, your brain will be able to remember information better and be able to put it in more detail in the report during the writing process. When citing or paraphrasing information from a source, remember to note the source so you can quote it later in the report.
- Write down the name of the person whose sentence you quoted, then include various important information conveyed by him. Make sure you take note of the page number, too!
- Find the note-taking method that best suits your preferences.
- Some people prefer to record information on paper, while others feel more comfortable typing information on a computer. Choose the method that works best for you!

Step 5. Find your focus
In fact, one report will not be enough to explain all the details in a person's life. That's why, in addition to providing readers with basic information regarding the figure in question, try to find one aspect of the figure's life that you think is important for readers to know.
- For example, if you want to write a report on R. A. Kartini, some basic information that you need to know is her birth date, the identity of her parents, and the reason behind her popularity. In addition, find one aspect that you think is important for readers to raise and know, such as her efforts to fight for women's rights in her time.
- Alternatively, choose the aspect that feels closest to your life. For example, if you have always wanted to join an Indonesian military organization because of the influence of Andi Muhammad Ghalib's figure, please write a report about the life of that figure while he was still studying in the military.

Step 6. Record the sources of information used
Wherever the information you include comes from, don't forget to note the source so that readers can know its accuracy. For example, when you include information about the date of birth and death of the figure in question, or about the place where the figure grew up, don't forget to inform the reader of the source through citations or quotations.
- To the teacher, ask whether or not you need to include a citation, and how the teacher wants to cite. Basically, there are several types of ways or styles of citing that are considered official in the world of scientific writing. That's why you need to ask your teacher so you don't end up quoting inappropriately.
- You may be asked to include a bibliography or bibliography at the end of the report. In particular, the bibliography or reference list is a special chapter to list all reading sources cited in the report or as a reference for writing the report.
- Have a special list of all the research sources used. Trust me, doing so will make it easier for you to create a bibliography at the end of the report.
Part 2 of 3: Writing a Report
Step 1. Follow the report writing guidelines provided by the teacher
In some cases, the teacher may ask you to answer specific questions about a historical figure, make a claim or thesis statement that guides your research process, or even explain how you view the figure. To keep your report accurate, review the guidance provided by the teacher to make sure no process or format is missed.

Step 2. Develop a report outline
In particular, the report outline is a rough draft for mapping out your thoughts, and is intended to simplify the reporting process later. Begin the outline of the report by listing your main argument or idea, which should be the main topic in the opening paragraph. Then, include the sub-ideas that will later become the main topic in the body paragraph. Generally, sub-ideas contain various arguments to prove your main idea.
- For example, if your main idea is that the Beatles were the most popular band in the '60s, state that in your opening paragraph. Then, accompany the idea with various arguments that support and/or prove the truth of the idea in the following paragraphs.
- Report templates can be prepared in a variety of formats. For example, some people prefer to write down their ideas using simple bullet points, while others prefer to outline a more detailed and structured report.
- If you want, you can also make a conclusion outline, although generally, the author only needs to reiterate the main idea in the opening paragraph in the conclusion section.

Step 3. Compose the opening paragraph
Begin the paragraph with a sentence that can capture the reader's attention, such as by including surprising facts about the figure. In addition, make sure you also include various important and personal information related to the figure in the opening paragraph, at least so that readers who are not familiar with the figure can have more information at the beginning of the report.
- Also state your main idea. This should be the topic sentence that is included to end the process of introducing the reader to the reported figure.
- Include information about the time and location of the figure's birth in the introductory paragraph. It's best to wait until you reach the concluding paragraph or conclusion section to state the date of his death.
- Do not name the person who is the main subject of the report by their first name. In the world of writing, this behavior is actually very unprofessional. Instead, state the full name of the reported figure in the opening paragraph, and use his last name throughout the rest of the article.

Step 4. Determine the topic sentence for each paragraph
Specifically, the topic sentence is the main idea in each paragraph. In other words, phrases and sentences outside the topic sentence are just ideas written to support the topic sentence.
- For example, if the main idea in a paragraph is the fact that The Beatles sold more albums than any other artist in the '60s, use that idea as your topic sentence.
- Don't beat around the bush! State your topic sentence or main idea clearly and clearly.
- Remember, every paragraph must have a topic sentence! If you find a paragraph that doesn't have a topic sentence, don't forget to fix it!

Step 5. Compose the body paragraph
If you are new to report writing, try providing three examples to support the topic sentences in each paragraph. In particular, the examples may contain specific information, such as important dates or figures that you discovered in the research process and that are important to include in the report. When compiling a body paragraph, make sure you always include accurate information from credible sources, and include citations and paraphrase the information by following the information contained in the report writing guidelines.
- Different examples must be included in different sentences. Thus, ideally one paragraph of content only contains about 4-5 sentences.
- Providing specific examples can help prove your ideas, as a writer, to readers. Instead of constantly giving opinions, continue to back up all the ideas you're offering your readers with accurate facts.
- In fact, the number of paragraphs used in each report varies greatly. In most cases, the ideal number is 5 paragraphs, which generally consist of 1 opening paragraph, 3 body paragraphs, and 1 concluding paragraph.
- If your teacher provides instructions regarding the minimum number of words or page numbers that must be met, you may need to increase or decrease the number of paragraphs used.

Step 6. Compose the concluding paragraph or conclusion of the report
Restate the three ideas that are the main focus of your report, then close the report with a sentence that can represent the significance of the figures reported. Remember, the purpose of the conclusion is to confirm your idea and prove it. This way, readers can have a clear picture of what your report will contain afterwards.
- Begin the closing paragraph by restating your main idea with an example. For example, in an essay or report on the popularity of The Beatles, you might conclude something like, “Given the staggering album sales figures, huge fan base, and enduring legacy that has endured in the modern era, it is clear that The existence of The Beatles as a musical group is very important in the world music scene."
- In some cases, the conclusion made by the author can remind the reader of the opening sentence found at the beginning of the report.
- Do not introduce new information in the conclusion section. No matter how tempting it may be to do so, always remember that the best place to put new information is in the body paragraph!
Part 3 of 3: Revising the Report

Step 1. Read your report again
Position yourself as a lay reader who really doesn't recognize the subject of the report. Is your report able to explain the identity of the reported figure and show the importance of the figure being reported? If someone else who has never heard the name of the figure read it, can he or she get a clear idea of the identity of the figure in question just by reading your report?
- If you feel that the report you have written is incomplete or detailed, please take as much time as possible to improve it. Remember, you've already spent a fair amount of time writing the report. There's nothing wrong with spending more time perfecting it, right?
- After writing the report, try reading it aloud. Doing so can make it easier for you to identify mistakes, as well as to identify phrases or sentences that sound awkward or confusing.

Step 2. Evaluate the correctness of spelling and grammar in your report
While the revision process is in progress, don't forget to check the correct spelling and grammar that you use in the report. Most word processing programs have a special spell check feature so that your spelling errors, if any, can be tracked very easily. However, keep checking the report more closely to make sure the grammar and word choice used is also correct.
For example, have you used the word “sanction” to define punishment instead of “sanction”? Be careful with homophones (words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings), as the spell check feature won't be able to identify the error

Step 3. Ask someone to edit your report
Doing so can not be categorized as a forbidden act, really, as long as your teacher forbids it. If there is no official ban, please enlist the help of a trusted person to edit your report, and provide the necessary criticism and suggestions to improve your quality as a writer.
- Don't take criticism personally. Trust me, they are only helping you to produce the best reports!
- Ask a parent or classmate to help you read your report. If you want, you can also offer to read a classmate's report instead.