5 Ways to Deal with an Obnoxious Sibling

5 Ways to Deal with an Obnoxious Sibling
5 Ways to Deal with an Obnoxious Sibling

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Everyone has annoying family members even though they may be annoying for different reasons. To deal with an annoying sibling, you must first understand that you don't really need to trust them, react to their behavior, or agree with them in any way, although this doesn't guarantee that you won't be irritated anymore. No matter what you do, still you can't completely avoid running into your annoying siblings. There are several methods you can use to deal with them. Try them all until you find a trick that works!


Method 1 of 5: Preventing Anger

Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 1
Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 1

Step 1. Avoid meeting annoying siblings

If you have siblings who are constantly irritating you, you can try to avoid seeing them as much as possible.

  • If you can't completely avoid them, try to spend as little time with them as possible.
  • If you do have to spend time with them, try not to talk too much with them.
Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 2
Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 2

Step 2. Ignore the annoying sibling

If you have to meet a very annoying sibling, try to ignore them when they talk to you or do something annoying. You can also just walk away from them when they start being annoying.

Ignoring annoying behaviors (of which there are many kinds) is a great way to avoid them, even if they are very annoying

Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 3
Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 3

Step 3. Do something alone

Activities you can do alone can build a wall that protects you from annoying siblings when you're around them.

  • Head into the kitchen or bedroom to escape.
  • Wear headphones (headphones). Using earplugs is a signal to those around you that you're not in the mood to chat, and that you're really listening to a song, podcast, or whatever.
  • Read a book. Usually, even annoying people won't bother you while you're reading a book. If they keep bothering you, you can reply, “I'm reading something for my work/school assignment. This is important."
Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 4
Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 4

Step 4. Find someone who can intercede

Find someone who knows how to deal with your annoying sibling, such as your mother, father, brother, sister, or friend, so you can ask them for help and not have to face the annoying sibling.

  • You have to tell them in advance what you want them to do. Don't just take them in and expect them to just do their job while you hide.
  • You have to pay the fair price for the people who want to be your intermediary!

Method 2 of 5: Talking and Building Connections with Sick Siblings

Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 5
Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 5

Step 1. When you are chatting with an annoying sibling, wait before you answer

Take a deep breath and pause before you speak.

  • Sometimes your annoying sibling can change the subject abruptly, so you don't have to bother looking for something else to talk about.
  • By taking a deep breath and pausing before speaking, you give yourself time to think, so you don't overreact or say something you might regret later.
  • Prepare in advance some answers to annoying questions that are usually asked all the time.
Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 6
Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 6

Step 2. Repeat the annoying thing they said

Repeating what someone has said to you is the best way to let them know that you are paying attention to what they are saying.

Listening is a skill that must be learned. Repeating what they are saying can make them fully aware of what they are saying, as well as show how it would feel if someone said the same thing to themselves

Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 7
Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 7

Step 3. Change the subject

If your sibling is extremely annoying, try changing the subject or asking them something out of the blue.

Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 8
Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 8

Step 4. When you speak, speak respectfully, sincerely, and diplomatically

Please answer with respect. You simply answer with the information you want to provide. When they ask you something, try to be as honest as possible if you can.

Try to be a better listener. To be a good listener, you don't just have to wait until the person you're chatting with is done talking

Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 9
Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 9

Step 5. Avoid topics that can trigger emotions in you and your sibling

Perhaps you know that your views on politics differ from those of your sibling, or that your piercing and blue hair may not be liked by your grandparents. Try as much as possible to adjust your outlook or appearance a little more so as not to bring conflict when you are with them.

  • Try to avoid topics that are sensitive or provocative. Suggest another, safer topic instead.
  • If they say something to you, good or bad, just say thank you, then forget it.
  • Don't always argue with them. Differences of opinion are one of the things that can cause conflict.
Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 10
Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 10

Step 6. Be careful what you choose to respond to

Not all the weird, mean, rude, or stupid things they say are worth rebuking you.

If they say something mean or weird about someone you like, you may want to stand up for that person. So, prepare some answers or comments beforehand

Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 11
Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 11

Step 7. If you need to rest, go to rest

Needing an escape from someone isn't a bad thing. You can take a break from the ongoing conversation by saying excuse yourself and giving an excuse, then coming back when you've calmed down.

If you need some more rest, go ahead! Repeat as many times as you need. It's possible that you need to take a break when you're trying to chat while previously you've always avoided or ignored the chat

Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 12
Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 12

Step 8. Know your limits, and stick to the ones you have set yourself

Knowing what triggers your anger is the first step to avoiding feeling uncomfortable.

  • If possible, ask your annoying sibling not to talk about a topic you don't like, or say that you'll remember their question and answer when you can.
  • If they insist, just shut up and change the topic.
Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 13
Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 13

Step 9. Forget what happened and move on with your life

If none of the above tricks work, just forget your chatter and walk away.

  • By not answering something, you actually have already given an answer. Just say, "This topic is not worth talking about."
  • Stepping away shows that you respect yourself and can stand up for your own principles. Just ignore everything else!

Method 3 of 5: Accepting Annoying Siblings

Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 14
Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 14

Step 1. Acknowledge your annoying sibling

It's not always easy to understand your annoying sibling, but there are a few things you can try to make it happen:

Spend a few short moments alone with your annoying sibling. This may be something you want to avoid, but actually paying full attention, even if it's only for a short period of time, can help get rid of their annoying attitude

Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 15
Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 15

Step 2. Don't try to change them; love them

This may be the opposite of how you really feel, but showing a loving attitude is often effective at stopping annoying behavior. In addition, this attitude can also change your perspective.

  • Changing them is not your goal in life, because you are unlikely to succeed and this will only waste your energy.
  • Try to show affection and acceptance in whatever you say or do.
Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 16
Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 16

Step 3. Accept yourself

Accept that you're not good at dealing with annoying people, and that some members of your family do.

  • When you get upset, don't blame them. You're the one who can't deal with that upset, and accepting this is the first step to controlling your feelings.
  • Focus on what you can do to become a better person, regardless of the people around you. By focusing on yourself, you will always be able to develop yourself and be better than others.
Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 17
Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 17

Step 4. Be a loving and patient person

Being compassionate and patient with yourself and those around you can go a long way in dealing with your annoyance.

  • Compassion and patience are active, not passive, and take time to develop.
  • You won't always succeed in being loving and patient, but having an annoying sibling will give you plenty of opportunities to practice your patience!

Method 4 of 5: Visiting Annoying Siblings

Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 18
Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 18

Step 1. Plan a short visit

If you're visiting an annoying sibling, make plans to stay a little longer, whether it's just for dinner or over the weekend.

  • If you are invited to dinner, provide only two to three hours. For dinner, an hour and a half is enough.
  • If you're invited to visit on the weekends, set aside three hours at most, and try to plan a concrete activity to do, so that you guys actually have something to do together.
Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 19
Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 19

Step 2. Stay calm

If you were already anxious, restless, or upset before meeting your annoying sibling, it's unlikely that you'll be able to finish your meeting without feeling irritated or angry. Stress can also keep you from making good decisions.

A little stress can make you pay more attention to your surroundings, but too much stress can be difficult for you. Try to calm yourself down. This can help you determine the appropriate response and ready

Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 20
Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 20

Step 3. Be a good guest

Being a good guest means that you have to respect your host's time and habits, and follow the rules, even going as far as to compensate appropriately for the costs involved in hosting you.

  • Discuss your plans and free time, so you can anticipate in case you need to change your schedule, rent accommodation, and so on.
  • Don't hog the space, wander around, or use the bathroom or kitchen more than is reasonable.
  • Don't talk loudly on the phone or listen to music in public. Go outside or into the bedroom, or use earplugs.
  • Don't forget to clean or tidy up the bathroom or kitchen after you use them. If you can, you can offer to help your host tidy up other things too, such as washing dishes, taking out the trash, and so on.
  • You can offer to help your host with something, like buying groceries or ordering food to make things run smoothly and make up for what you've already spent on your visit.
  • Give a gift to your host, and thank him or her when you return home.

Method 5 of 5: Receiving Annoying Sibling Visits

Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 21
Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 21

Step 1. Clear your schedule when they visit

Try to make time for them to show that they matter to you.

If you don't have to grapple with your work when your sibling comes to visit, you won't feel so stressed, even if you still need to work a little during their visit

Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 22
Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 22

Step 2. Greet them properly

There are many ways to welcome guests to your home or town, but in general, you can offer them to eat and/or shower.

  • If your sibling is staying at your house, ask if they want to eat or shower and clean up first.
  • Discuss the plans you made for their visit time after they have eaten and/or showered, and have arranged their belongings in their room or hotel.
Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 23
Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 23

Step 3. Plan where they will live during their visit

Make sure where they live according to their individual needs and preferences. Trying to make your annoying sibling's bedroom feel as comfortable as possible for them can please them and reduce their annoying behavior.

You may be lucky enough to have a guest bedroom, but even if your relatives have to stay at the hotel you can stop by and bring them a drink, snack, or reading material they might find interesting

Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 24
Deal With Annoying Relatives Step 24

Step 4. Plan some meals or other activities

This can be useful to fill the time of their visit.

  • You don't have to make a fancy dinner to impress your family, but if you're a good cook and don't mind, you can make them a delicious dinner.
  • Rest periods are also important, so don't forget to include breaks in your plans for your sibling's visit.
  • Plan meals that fit everyone's finances.


  • If possible, deal with the thing that's bothering you as soon as possible, so you don't have to hold on to resentment until it builds up. Hopefully your problem will be resolved as soon as you try to talk about it or work it out.
  • When you have to visit them, pretend that you are sick. Maybe you can stay home.


  • Confronting an annoying sibling face to face in public can make your sibling feel embarrassed and even angry. So if you do feel the need to have a confrontation, do it when you're alone with your sibling.
  • Confrontation can bring prolonged emotional stress and divide your family into several "camps" (as in soap operas). So you have to think carefully about whether you really need to confront your sibling or not.
