Love to write, and have a computer and high-speed internet connection? Want to make money from this hobby by becoming a blogger, either full time or part time? Although most people think that they can make millions of rupiah by becoming a blogger, like Raditya Dika, it's actually very unlikely that you will get rich from blogging. You may only be able to earn a few hundred thousand per month. To become a paid blogger, create your own blog, then create content for your blog, site, or other publication for free. Once experienced, you can develop connections with fellow bloggers or writers, or apply as a regular blogger.
Method 1 of 3: Gaining Experience as a Blogger

Step 1. Create a blog
By creating a personal blog, you will have experience and a portfolio. You can show your blog posts to potential clients. Your blog will also serve as your identity on the internet, which you must have in order to get a job as a blogger.
You can use various hosting services to create a blog. Many hosting services are offered for free, but offer additional features for a fee. Blogger and WordPress are two blog service provider sites that you can use for free. With Blogger or WordPress, you can create a blog quickly. You can choose to create a blog with a free subdomain ( or buy a cheap domain on both sites

Step 2. Find a niche market
Choose a blog topic that you are passionate about, so you will write with pleasure and consistency. If you're considered an expert on something you're passionate about, you may get paid to write about it. By choosing a topic that you like, you will enjoy the profession as a blogger more.
Even if you think that being an all-in-one blogger will make your job easier, the truth is that bloggers who specialize in certain fields are more sought after. They are sought after for their weighty comments, both about the latest games, cosmetics, and mechanical engineering. "Market" yourself like marketing a product. Make sure your skills match common blogging genres, i.e. games, politics, food, fashion, movies, books, cars, or business. Do not let you write for a topic that is too narrow so that the writing is not read by people

Step 3. Write in your spare time
The quantity of writing on a blog is as important as the quality. It may take you weeks or months to develop your writing skills, schedule, and develop yourself online, but you can definitely do it.
There is no fixed amount of writing that you have to make in order for you to become a successful blogger. Some bloggers write daily to maintain productivity, while others write once a week. Find a writing schedule that fits your busy schedule, but make sure your readers know when you're updating your blog. Every blog entry is a gateway for readers to get to know you. How many entrances would you like to have in your blog?

Step 4. Write for the reader
Since blog readers are different from book and newspaper readers, make sure you try to capture their interest. Make sure your blog posts can be "scanned". Can readers catch the gist of your writing by reading it quickly? Are there keywords in your writing? Have you bolded or marked the most important part of the text? Have you used illustrations that make it easier for readers to understand the writing? Use a variety of techniques to grab the reader's interest.
Method 2 of 3: Publishing a Blog

Step 1. Promote your blog to attract readers
Use various types of social media to promote.
- Submit blog addresses to directories, or post blog entry links to social media, such as Digg, Twitter and Facebook.
- Use gadgets on blogs, which allow readers to subscribe to your blog. After subscribing, readers will receive an email or notification of a new post when you make an entry. This gadget can also help you attract loyal readers or blog followers.

Step 2. Write for free for big blogs that have a lot of followers
Writing for other blogs will make your name known. If there are readers who like your writing on a blog, he will look for other posts.
- Make sure the blog you are posting to allows you to include your name and a link to your personal blog in the post. If the blog is popular, visited by many people, or has many followers, your blog will also be famous. If you're lucky, and you create quality content, your free writing could be a doorway to other writing jobs.
- Services like will help you find bloggers with similar interests.

Step 3. Make friends with other bloggers
Being an active member of the blogging community and discussing blogs will help you develop good relationships with fellow bloggers, which may help you find writing projects.
Follow Twitter accounts of well-known blogs or bloggers, join forums about blogs, or comment on blog posts about topics you are passionate about
Method 3 of 3: Get a Job as a Blogger

Step 1. Ask for available positions on big blogs
Blogs that have a large following and are updated daily generally have a large number of staff or contributors.
Ask questions about the availability of freelance blogger positions with the editor or blog personnel manager, and provide links to your personal blog and posts on other blogs when you ask

Step 2. Apply as a blogger on sites that host freelance writers, such as ProBlogger and FreelanceSwitch
You can use both sites for free; all you need to do is create a profile and upload sample posts.
Make sure you show an edge. Show also how the writings on your blog indicate the direction of the blog as a whole. Most freelance writing sites require you to upload sample writing. Therefore, adjust the sample writing to the position you are applying for

Step 3. Use the network for referrals
Your fellow bloggers may be able to help you find work, or give you information about other bloggers who need writers. Networking in the blog world is very useful. With networking, you can create a small community that can help you find work as a writer.

Step 4. Use your blog to find jobs
Many blogs display a link to a "hire me" page, containing information about the services you provide. In most cases, those links are very effective. By visiting your blog, clients can find out about your capabilities as well as a niche market that you can fill. Once it feels right, the client can hire you.
Don't be shy about promoting yourself and your skills on the blog. Focus on promoting your writing skills and style

Step 5. Write consistently for the same site if possible, to find out what readers and site owners want
By writing on the same site, you will be able to focus on writing instead of administrative matters. You can even get a steady income.