Looking for a way to earn extra money, whether you need money while at school, saving for a trip, or financing an expensive hobby? Whatever the reason, you can earn money by working part time, selling your stuff, or even by saving. If you want to know how to earn extra money, then follow these easy tips.
Method 1 of 3: Looking for a Job

Step 1. Get a part time job
The easiest way to earn money to supplement your income is to work part time. Even if you only work a few hours a day or a week, a part-time job can make a big difference to your bank account. Here are some examples of part-time jobs you can do:
- Deliver pizza. If you have a decent car and are also a good driver, you can make some extra money delivering pizza. You won't make a lot of money from getting paid for pizza delivery, but you can make some extra money from tips.
- Waitress. Working in the service industry is a great way to gain experience, interact with customers, and get tips.
- Become a bartender. Some places allow new bartenders to work in their bars, or accept proposals from someone over the age of 18. Not all bars require experience or require you to be 21 or older, so this job is worth trying! Plus, in large venues where the bar isn't the main attraction, the work is more relaxed, if not a bit tedious.
- Deliver newspapers or phone books. Delivering newspapers or phone books isn't just for teens. Everyone can do this job to make a little money and at the same time get to know their own environment.
- Become a personal shopper. Find someone who doesn't have much time or who has trouble leaving the house, and offer to go shopping in their place or do their homework.
- Look for part-time jobs on Craigslist or trusted websites specifically made for people looking for part-time work.

Step 2. Earn money by sharing your knowledge and skills
Doing random part-time jobs may be fun, but if you can land a job that allows you to use the skills you have, then you may be able to earn more money than a regular part-time job and in the process you are enriching your resume as well.
- Teach. If you are an expert in a particular subject, find out if a community, local campus, or private school in your area is looking for teachers in your field. If you can take at least one evening class per week, it can make a difference to your income. Although a certificate is required to become a regular teacher, to teach part time you only need a master's degree and proof of your skills.
Become a tutor. If you can get a job as a private tutor in a subject you're good at, such as History or Geometry, you can earn quite a bit of extra money.
It may be easier to find a job if you get one at a tutoring agency. But if you can find clients yourself, you will be able to set your own rates and make more profit. To advertise your skills, you can go to Craigslist or advertise in coffee shops or other places frequented by students
- Become a coach in your area of expertise. When you help your friends gain expertise for free, start charging for your services. If you often help your friends organize their closets, buy the perfect clothes or cook delicious meals, this is the time to monetize your skills. If you're not comfortable asking your friends for money, ask them if they know people who are willing to use your skills and can pay.
- Become a mystery shopper. To be a mystery shopper, you just need to be a smart shopper and be able to communicate clearly and give honest opinions. You can find mystery shopper jobs online.

Step 3. Become an administrator
. Setting aside a few hours a week to take care of your neighbor's children, pets or their home can make a huge difference to your income. People who are out of town and need someone to take care of what they left behind are usually willing to pay some money for your help. Here's how to make money as an administrator:
- Parenting. If you like young children, spend a few hours a week or on weekends taking care of them. Spending time with children is great fun. If it turns out that you are caring for a child who sleeps a lot, you may have time to do something else.
- Keeping or walking the dog. Taking your dog for a walk around your home can improve your health and give you a comfortable routine to follow. When your neighbors are out of town and ask you to walk their dog and take care of him, you can earn a lot of money.
- Take care of the cat. Cats don't need as much grooming as dogs, but if a neighbor or someone you know is going away for a while, you can earn extra money just by checking on their cat once a day.
- Keeping the house. Some people who go on long vacations don't want to leave their home unattended, so if you offer to check their house from time to time, water the plants and do whatever else they need, you can earn some extra money quickly and easily. from here.

Step 4. Earn more money from your current job
If you're looking for ways to make extra money, then chances are your current job isn't paying you as much as you need. Even though you can't make more money than you are currently in, there are a few things you can try.
- Ask if you can get more hours, either to change from part-time to full-time, or overtime.
- Talk to your boss if you can get a promotion. When you get promoted, you will make more money.
- If you can only get a promotion at your current job by earning an additional degree, this is worth pursuing, and perhaps the company will pay for your education.

Step 5. Earn money online
Online jobs are the best way to supplement your income. When you know where to look, you can make money sharing your skills from the comfort of your own home. Here are some ways you can try:
- Teach online. Many colleges have an online learning component. See if you can get a job from one of them.
- Use online writing skills. If you have strong writing skills, you can find work as a proofreader, freelance writer, or online editor.
- Become a blogger. While blogging is hard work, there are many companies that will pay you to write a substantial blog on a topic you know well.
- Write online reviews. There are many companies that will pay you to write reviews about their products.
- Beware of scams. There are many "get rich quick" schemes on the internet. Be careful of companies that ask you to pay a certain amount of money or provide credit card information before you work.
Method 2 of 3: Selling or Leasing Your Items

Step 1. Sell your stuff
You can also make extra money by selling your unused items. There may be a lot of things in your home that you no longer think about, but that could earn you a decent amount of money. You don't have to part with things you love or want to keep for sentimental reasons, but if you can collect a few things you don't care about anymore, you can make some extra money while cleaning the house. Here are some of the items that can be sold:
- Selling old books you haven't seen in years to used bookstores.
- Sell your gold jewelry at a trusted jewelry store.
- In an emergency, you can sell your belongings to a pawnshop.
- Sell homemade cookies or brownies, or open a drink stand in your neighborhood
- You can also sell some old stuff at a garage sale, or online on a site like Ebay.

Step 2. Sell your body parts
This doesn't mean doing anything scandalous, but you can make quite a bit of money and help other people's health if you sell your blood or other body parts. Here's what you can sell:
- You can earn money by giving plasma, blood, and even hair, if you have long and healthy hair.
- Sell your sperm or eggs, but be careful as this is a painful process and you should only do this in a very safe environment.

Step 3. Rent your stuff
Money can also be made by renting out your belongings. This is an easy way to make money and to take advantage of space or items you don't need. Here are things you can do:
- Rent an empty room. If you have an extra room at home that you don't really need, rent it out to someone you trust.
- Rent part of the residence. Instead of just renting out one room, you can find friends to share the house with you. Having the right housemates will not only cut your rent in half, but you'll also make friends, and can save on day-to-day expenses if you decide to share meals as well.
- "Rent out" space in your car. When you drop your friend somewhere, make sure he or she buys gas. Don't rent out your car because you will get in trouble if something untoward happens while your friend is driving.
Method 3 of 3: Earn Money by Saving

Step 1. Save money on transportation
Saving money on transport is easy and can really make your life comfortable. Although many people are reluctant to sacrifice the comfort of sitting behind the wheel of their own car, reducing transportation costs can help you save a lot of money each week. Here's what you can do:
- When you can, choose to walk instead of driving. Instead of driving to the store which is only five minutes away, it's better to take a leisurely walk. This not only saves you money on gas, but it gives you the exercise it deserves and will keep you from buying more stuff than you really need.
- Take public transportation instead of driving your own car. If you can choose, take this way. Not only will you save money, but you'll also be able to avoid traffic jams and read a book on the way.
- Share a vehicle. Sharing a vehicle with other people will save you money and will help you get to your destination faster when you are driving on the expressway.

Step 2. Save on shopping
You'd be surprised at how much money you have left when you pay attention to how you spend your money when you're shopping. Whether it's buying new clothes or weekly household necessities, there are always a few things you can do to save money:
- Instead of shopping at big, branded stores, browse for cool clothes at the thrift stores in your city.
- Buy used instead of new. If you don't really care whether the item you want to buy is new, look for an older version on Amazon or a book or secondhand store. Buying textbooks or reading books from secondhand stores will save you a lot of money.
- Save money on groceries. Shop only at low-cost stores in your area, stock up on items you use regularly when they're on sale, and buy only what you need.

Step 3. Save money on entertainment
You may spend more money than you think on entertainment such as movies, shows, or bars and restaurants. It's easy to forget how much you spend when you're having fun, but paying attention to how you spend your money on entertainment can save you a lot.
- Only eat out on special occasions. If you eat out a lot, make it a goal to only eat out once or twice a week, and see if you can cut expenses if you continue. In some cases, one fancy dinner costs as much as a week of grocery shopping, and you should ask yourself if it's worth it.
- Rent and watch movies in the comfort of your own home instead of going to the cinema. You will save a lot and will avoid having to buy expensive popcorn that you can't leave every time you go to the cinema.
- Less time at the bar and better go to parties held at home. Going to the bar with friends is a great way to relax, but if you do it too often, you'll end up with a lot of bills. One drink can cost more than a day's worth of hard work at your part-time job. When you're out, try choosing a cheaper bar in the off-peak hours, or have a few drinks before you leave (provided you're not driving) so you don't have to spend a lot of money on drinks when you get there.
- Remember that saving money can be easier than earning extra money. For example, if you decide to eat at home instead of out, you can save money that you might earn from a part-time job.
- If you are looking for a part time job, word of mouth is the best way to find one. Let your friends know that you are looking for a part-time job, and they will know if there is a vacancy at their place of work.
- Check your coin pile for any rare coins.