While taking good care of your body can help you grow taller, a person's height is largely determined by genetics. Once the growth plates have fused, you will not grow taller (usually between the ages of 14 and 18). If you are still growing, you can grow taller by eating good nutrition and living a healthy lifestyle. Also, you may be able to increase your height by 1 to 5 cm by stretching your spine daily.
Method 1 of 3: Changing Your Diet

Step 1. Eat healthy and nutritious foods to help your body grow
Good nutrition is essential to achieving your potential height, which is the maximum height your body can attain. Consume foods that come from fruits, fresh vegetables, and lean protein. Fill half the plate with vegetables, 1/4 with lean protein, and 1/4 with complex carbohydrates. Eat snacks in the form of vegetables, fruits, and low-fat dairy products.
- Some examples of lean protein include chicken, fish, turkey, beans, beans, tofu, and low-fat milk.
- Some examples of complex carbohydrates include whole grains and starchy vegetables (such as potatoes).

Step 2. Include more protein in your diet
Protein is useful for building healthy body mass, such as muscle. This can help you reach your maximum height. Eat protein with every meal and include it in snacks.
For example, you can have yogurt for breakfast, tuna for lunch, chicken for dinner, and cheese for a snack

Step 3. Eat eggs every day if you are not allergic
Children who eat whole eggs every day are taller than those who don't. Eggs contain vitamins and proteins that support healthy growth of the body. Eggs are also inexpensive and easy to add to food. Add one egg at every meal to increase your height.
Talk to your doctor about whether you can safely eat eggs every day

Step 4. Consume 1 serving of milk daily to support growth
Milk contains calcium, protein, and vitamins that will nourish the body. Milk is a good choice, while yogurt and cheese are also great dairy products. Include a serving of dairy products you like in your daily diet.
For example, you can drink 250 ml of milk, eat 200 ml of yogurt, or eat 30 grams or 1 slice of cheese

Step 5. Take calcium and vitamin supplements if your doctor allows it
Supplements can help you grow taller because it can meet your nutritional needs. Calcium, vitamin A, and vitamin D are important ingredients because they support strong bones. Talk to your doctor to find out if taking supplements is right for you.
- For example, you can take calcium supplements and a multivitamin every day.
- Remember, vitamins can't make your body grow taller than your maximum height based on your genetics.
Method 2 of 3: Changing Your Lifestyle

Step 1. Maintain good posture to show your full height
Good posture doesn't make you taller, but it can make you appear taller. When walking, stand straight and keep your back straight. Also, pull your shoulders back and slightly lift your chin. When sitting, straighten your back, pull your shoulders back, and face straight ahead.
Look at your posture in front of a mirror or by recording it. Practice walking, standing, and sitting so you can master good posture

Step 2. Do 30 minutes of exercise every day to keep your muscles and bones healthy
You probably already know that daily exercise can keep you healthy and help you grow taller. Exercise can keep your muscles and bones healthy, which will help you reach your maximum possible height. Choose your favorite exercise so you can do it easily.
For example, you could play a sport (competitive sport), take dance lessons, go for a walk, jog around the house, or rollerblade

Step 3. Try to get a good night's sleep so your body can recover
As you go about your daily activities, your muscles break down, which must be restored to make you stronger. Make sure you get enough sleep so your body can recover and restore its energy levels. The following is the amount of sleep needed each night:
- Children 2 years of age or less need 13 to 22 hours of sleep (18 hours for newborns).
- Children aged 3-5 years need 11 to 13 hours of sleep.
- Children aged 6-7 years need 9-10 hours of sleep.
- Teenagers aged 8-14 years need 8-9 hours of sleep.
- Teenagers aged 15-17 years need 7.5 to 8 hours of sleep.
- Adults aged 18 years and over need 7 to 9 hours of sleep.

Step 4. Treat illness immediately when you feel sick because disease can stunt growth
When you are seriously ill, your energy will focus on making your body healthy. This condition can hinder growth. Don't worry, if the disease has been treated, your body's growth will start to run again. Go to the doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.
If growth has slowed down for a while due to illness, you can still catch up and reach your maximum height by eating plenty of nutrients and taking care of yourself

Step 5. Go to the doctor if you feel shorter than the average person
Anyone can have a short body, and that's no problem! However, you may feel worried when everyone in your family is taller than you. Talk to your doctor to find out if you have a medical condition that shortens your body, which may require treatment.
For example, certain conditions such as hypothyroidism, low growth hormone levels, Turner syndrome, and other serious medical conditions can stunt growth
If you suffer from a medical condition that can inhibit growth, your doctor will prescribe growth hormone supplements. This can help with stunted growth, but it doesn't make you taller than your genetic maximum.
Method 3 of 3: Stretching for Maximum Height

Step 1. Lie down and spread your arms above your head
Lie down on the floor or a mat. Place your hands above your head and extend them as far as possible. At the same time, spread your legs as far as possible. Hold this stretch for about 10 seconds, then relax.
This helps lengthen the spine so it doesn't compress. While this doesn't make the bones of the skeleton grow, it can increase your height by about 2.5 to 7.5 cm as the spine stretches. Do this exercise every day so that the results can be maintained

Step 2. Perform the upper body twisting exercise while lying down
Lie down on a mat or floor. Stretch your body, then raise your arms perpendicular to your chest. Bring your palms together and press, then slowly lower your arms about 45 degrees to the left so that your upper body will rotate. Hold this position for 2 to 3 seconds, then rotate to the other side. Continue to do this alternately 5 times for each side.
Do this stretching exercise every day to keep your spine elongated

Step 3. Lie down and place your hands above your head, then lift your hips off the floor
Lie down on the floor or a mat, then extend your arms above your head with your palms together. After that, bend your knees and push both feet at the same time. Next, place your feet and upper back on the floor and press to lift your hips off the floor and lengthen your spine. Hold this position for 10 seconds, then return to the floor.
- Do this exercise daily to maintain your maximum height.
- This exercise helps lengthen the spine by stretching it.

Step 4. Lie on your stomach, then spread your legs and arms
Lie on your stomach on your stomach, then spread your legs and arms as far as possible. Slowly lift your legs and arms to arch your back. Hold this position for 10 seconds, then exhale while lowering your legs and arms back to the floor.
- Do this stretch every day to get consistent results.
- Like other stretches, this exercise will lengthen your spine so you can reach your maximum height.
- Look at the height of your parents to find out the maximum height you can achieve. Height is determined by genetic factors. So, most likely your height will be similar to your parents.
- Most people will not grow again after puberty, which usually occurs between the ages of 14 and 18.
- If it has stopped growing, your body will not be able to be elevated anymore.
- Consult a doctor if you are concerned about problems related to your height.
- Don't ask other people to pull your body up to make it taller. This will not make you taller, and can cause arm, neck and shoulder pain.