How to Quit Smoking and Drinking (with Pictures)

How to Quit Smoking and Drinking (with Pictures)
How to Quit Smoking and Drinking (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


For some people, drinking and smoking usually form a package of bad habits. To be able to break both habits at once can be difficult. Recovering from bad habits should be a liberating experience. Quitting alcohol and tobacco at the same time means a deeper sense of personal freedom and a commitment to a life without addiction


Part 1 of 6: Commit to Quitting

Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 1
Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 1

Step 1. Write down how alcohol and tobacco affect you

Having a written record of the negative effects of alcohol and tobacco will serve as a constant reminder of why you chose to quit. Keep these notes in an easily accessible place.

  • Think about any deterioration in your health, whether physical or mental, due to tobacco and alcohol. Have you experienced weight gain or loss of fitness as a result of drinking alcohol or smoking tobacco? Would you be angry without alcohol, or anxious without tobacco?
  • Many people choose to quit an addiction because they feel sick and tired of feeling sick and suffering from fatigue, while baiting an addiction is more draining than the positive effects of the substance.
  • Think about how tobacco and alcohol interfere with your personal relationships and social life.
  • Think about how much money you spend on alcohol and tobacco.
Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 2
Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 2

Step 2. Find the trigger

Use a book to record times when you smoked or drank alcohol throughout the day. Write down what feelings or situations arise before you consume alcohol or tobacco. Avoid situations that could trigger this in the future.

  • One of the triggers may be fighting with family or problems at work.
  • Alcohol and nicotine are closely related substances, so one can trigger the other. For example, if you start drinking, chances are you'll want to smoke too.
Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 3
Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 3

Step 3. Set goals

Make it clear whether you want to stop immediately or reduce your consumption little by little. While some people want to quit for social or health reasons, others may want to quit for medical reasons or because they have an addiction. Reflect on your reasons, then set goals. If you are an alcoholic, it is better to give up alcohol altogether than to reduce the amount you consume little by little.

  • People who smoke will be more difficult to stop drinking and the tendency to relapse is also greater than people who do not smoke. Set a goal to stop nicotine and alcohol intake at once.
  • Write down the date of each goal to strengthen commitment.

Part 2 of 6: Preparing for Change

Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 4
Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 4

Step 1. Get rid of all addictive substances at home

Throw out all cigarettes and pour all alcoholic beverages into the sink. Ask other family members to support you by keeping your home free of alcohol and tobacco products so you can avoid everyday temptations.

Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 5
Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 5

Step 2. Get rid of anything that reminds you of smoking or drinking

Do not keep your favorite matches, thermos or drinking glasses. The best way to sustain a major lifestyle change like this is to constantly get rid of all the things that remind you of old habits.

Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 6
Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 6

Step 3. Avoid places where smoking and drinking are common

Staying close to places that encourage visitors to smoke and drink can be dangerous when you're trying to quit. Avoid bars and other places where alcohol and tobacco are used.

Sit in a non-smoking area when going to a restaurant and choose a hotel room that does not allow smoking

Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 7
Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 7

Step 4. Temporarily stay away from people who smoke/drink regularly

If you're surrounded by people who have the behavior you want to avoid, you can be tempted. Explain to them that you are trying to get rid of these substances from your life and no longer want to engage in activities that are related to drinking or smoking. Keep a distance from people who do not support your desire to be free from alcohol and tobacco.

Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 8
Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 8

Step 5. Avoid high-risk situations

High-risk situations include feeling lonely, tired, angry, and hungry. Situations like this can make you feel vulnerable, making you more susceptible to consuming alcohol or tobacco. Pay attention to when you feel like you're going into these kinds of situations and learn to prevent them from happening.

Situations like this can make you feel vulnerable, making you more prone to consuming alcohol or tobacco. Pay attention to when you feel like you're going into these kinds of situations and learn to prevent them from happening

Part 3 of 6: Dealing with Addiction

Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 9
Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 9

Step 1. Replace alcohol and tobacco use with more positive options

Remember that using alcohol and tobacco provides positive reinforcement because they can both help with stress and tension. Try to determine what positive aspects you experience as a result of alcohol and tobacco use, and look for different channels to get the same relief. Countermeasures include relaxation and deep breathing, talking to a friend, or going for a walk.

Step 2. Join an exercise program

Exercise often helps reduce withdrawal symptoms, and keeps you busy when you're addicted. Exercise also helps reduce everyday stress. Consider biking, doing yoga, walking the dog, or jumping rope.

Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 11
Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 11

Step 3. Enjoy a new hobby

Taking up a new hobby can help you focus your energy in a positive way and strengthen your sense of meaning in your life. Try something that looks fun and interesting.

New hobbies you can try include surfing, knitting, writing, or learning to play the guitar

Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 12
Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 12

Step 4. Divert your attention

If you are addicted or have mild withdrawal symptoms, use a diversion until the urge passes. Divert your mind and body. If you are addicted, chew gum, go for a walk, open a window, or start a new activity.

Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 13
Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 13

Step 5. Find ways to relax

Relaxation is the key to recovery. The tension that builds up can cause a relapse. If you feel like you don't have time to relax, think about the time you spend dabbling with alcohol and tobacco, and replace it with relaxation.

Activities such as walking, reading, and meditation can be effective ways to relax

Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 14
Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 14

Step 6. Treat yourself to some fun

Everyone needs some bad habits in life, you just need to make them healthier habits overall. Indulge in a little ice cream every now and then, or buy a fizzy drink with lots of carbonation. While it's important to stay healthy, give yourself a little slack so you don't feel like all the pleasures you used to enjoy are being taken away from you.

Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 15
Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 15

Step 7. Stay focused

The better you handle addiction, the less likely it is to relapse. People who quit smoking and drinking at the same time tend to experience less severe withdrawal symptoms and have a lower risk of relapse.

Part 4 of 6: Coping With Withdrawal Symptoms

Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 16
Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 16

Step 1. Observe withdrawal symptoms

When you stop drinking alcohol or tobacco, your body may experience withdrawal symptoms without continued use. Symptoms of withdrawal from tobacco and alcohol cessation include: anxiety, depression, fatigue, headache, nausea, shaking, stomach cramps, and increased heart rate.

Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 17
Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 17

Step 2. Monitor withdrawal symptoms

While withdrawal symptoms from tobacco can cause bodily and emotional discomfort, withdrawal symptoms from alcohol withdrawal can be dangerous. The severity of alcohol withdrawal symptoms varies depending on how much you drink, how long the habit lasts, and your state of health. Some symptoms may appear within hours of stopping drinking, peak within a few days, and improve within a few weeks.

  • Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can cause symptoms that lead to serious mental and neurological problems. Symptoms include body shaking, anxiety, restless feelings, fear, hallucinations and seizures. Seek medical help if you experience these symptoms.
  • If you're a heavy drinker and have been addicted for a long time, consider a medically supervised detox.
Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 18
Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 18

Step 3. Seek drug intervention

While there is no prescription drug to treat alcohol and nicotine together, drug interventions are available to treat alcohol dependence and nicotine addiction.

  • Prescription drugs that can be used to treat alcohol dependence include the use of naltrexone, acamprosate, and disulfiram. These medications can help with withdrawal and relapse symptoms.
  • Choose a method for taking nicotine cessation. While some people quit "instantly" (cold turkey), others choose to reduce their nicotine exposure little by little to reduce withdrawal symptoms. Many options are available as nicotine replacements such as chewing gum, patches, nasal sprays and prescription medications (such as bupropion) while your body adjusts to lower nicotine levels.

Part 5 of 6: Committed to Care

Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 19
Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 19

Step 1. Find a therapist

It's hard to get over an addiction alone, and a therapist can be a consistent source of accountability and support. Working with a therapist includes steps such as discussing emotional triggers, seeking coping strategies, preventing relapse, and digging deeper to understand the emotional causes of addiction.

  • Being consistent when working with a therapist is important, especially when it comes to preventing relapse.
  • Addiction can coexist or contribute to psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder. Along with therapy, prescription drugs can simultaneously treat mental disorders that contribute to addiction.
Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 20
Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 20

Step 2. Get a medical evaluation

A medical evaluation can help determine how smoking and alcohol affect the body. Work with medical professionals to help improve your physical health. They can also offer prescription medications to lower nicotine dependence.

Both alcohol and nicotine can seriously harm the body. Be honest with your doctor and ask for tests to measure the health of your liver, heart, kidneys and lungs

Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 21
Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 21

Step 3. Request inpatient treatment

If you're afraid you won't be able to stop on your own, consider a recovery clinic. Intensive care clinics can help you deal with the physical and emotional challenges of addiction and quitting in a supervised and supportive environment. A program can help you decide how to detox and will monitor your physical and emotional state when you leave alcohol and nicotine. The treatment program includes intense medical and psychological supervision.

Treatment often includes intense individual and group therapy targeting mental health conditions. Medications may be prescribed to treat and monitor psychiatric disorders while undergoing treatment

Part 6 of 6: Seeking Support

Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 22
Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 22

Step 1. Seek help from supportive friends and relatives

You may be able to quit drinking and smoking if you seek support from those around you. Ask them to support you by not drinking or smoking near you.

Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 23
Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 23

Step 2. Look for accountability

If you have friends who also want to quit drinking and smoking, make arrangements to look for healthier options. Check in with each other every day and hold each other accountable for every choice you make.

Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 24
Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 24

Step 3. Find a local support group

Contact smoke-free groups, such as the Indonesian Anti-Smoking Community and other support groups, such as the National Anti-Alcohol Movement. Talking about your efforts in a supportive environment with people who have had similar experiences can make a difference in your efforts to quit.

Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 25
Stop Smoking and Drinking Step 25

Step 4. Live in a hangover community

If you're concerned about living with people who have the potential to trigger alcohol or nicotine use, consider finding a hangover home that bans alcohol and nicotine. Everyone living in a hangover house agrees to live alcohol-free and create a responsible community for one another.


  • Avoid parties and social events that involve smoking and alcohol.
  • Don't go out with friends or coworkers while they're on a “smoking break.”
  • Plan activities that will not involve smoking and alcohol with people who do not consume alcohol and tobacco.
