Although the breech position (legs at the bottom of the uterus) is common during pregnancy, only about three percent (3%) of babies remain in the breech position until they are ready to be delivered. These babies are called 'breech babies' and are at greater risk for certain problems, such as hip dysplasia and lack of oxygen to the brain at birth. Various methods can be used to naturally rotate a breech baby to the correct birth position (known as the vertex position). To rotate a breech baby, follow these steps (with your doctor's approval) from 30 weeks of pregnancy onwards.
Part 1 of 3: Doing the Exercises (Week 30-37))

Step 1. Try a breech swing
The breech swing is the most common exercise used to rotate a breech baby. This exercise helps the baby to fold his chin (called flexion), which is the first step to turning the body.
- To perform the breech swing, you need to raise your hips between 23 to 30 cm above your head. There are several ways to do this. The easiest way is to lie on the ground and prop your hips up with pillows.
Or, you can use a large wooden board (or even an ironing board) that you need as a support for the bed or sofa. Lie on this plank so that your head is on the bottom (supported by a pillow) and your feet on the top.
Do this exercise three times a day for ten to fifteen minutes at a time, on an empty stomach, and while the baby is active. Try to relax and breathe deeply while doing the exercise, and avoid putting pressure on the abdominal muscles. For added benefit, you can combine the breech swing with hot and cold bagging, or voice techniques

Step 2. Perform the exercise from knees to chest
This exercise uses gravity to push the baby somersault into the appropriate birth position.
- Kneel on the floor or bed and place your arms on the ground. Lift your buttocks in the air and fold your chin. This allows the lower part of your uterus to relax, making room for the baby's head.
- Hold this position for 5 to 15 minutes, twice a day. Try to do it on an empty stomach, otherwise you may feel a little sore afterwards.
- If you can feel the baby's position, you can also help the spinning process. While leaning on one elbow, use your other hand to apply gentle pressure to the baby's back, which is just above your pubic bone.

Step 3. Perform a forward leaning inversion
The forward lean inversion is similar to the knee-to-chest exercise, but a bit more extreme.
- Start in a knee-to-chest position on your bed or at the top of the stairs. Carefully place your palms on the floor (if you're in bed) or two or three steps down (if you're using stairs). Remember to fold your chin, as this helps to relax your pelvic muscles.
- Be very careful when doing this exercise, as you don't want your hands to slip. Ask your partner to help you into position and use their hands to support your shoulders throughout the exercise.
- Hold this position for up to thirty seconds. Keep in mind that it is better to repeat the exercise (3 to 4 times per day), not in that position for a long period of time.

Step 4. Enter the swimming pool
Swimming and squatting or turning over in the pool can help your baby shift into a vertex position on his own. Try these swimming exercises:
- Squat under the deep water of a swimming pool, then push yourself out of the way, stretching your arms as you break the surface of the water.
- Simply swimming around the pool can encourage the baby to move (and is especially comfortable during the last weeks of pregnancy). Freestyle and breaststroke are considered very effective for this.
- Perform back and forth flips in deep water. This will relax your muscles and make it easier for your baby to roll over on his own. If you have good balance, you can also do a handstand position and hold it for as long as you can hold your breath.
- Dive. Dive into the pool while gently holding the baby's head out of the pelvis. The lack of weight and water flow is thought to help the baby roll over on his own.

Step 5. Pay close attention to your posture
In addition to doing special exercises to encourage your baby to rotate, it is important to pay attention to your posture every day, as this can affect the baby's movements.
- Good posture specifically will ensure the maximum amount of space available in the womb for the baby to rotate to the correct position on its own. For perfect posture, use the following guidelines:
- Stand straight with your chin parallel to the ground.
- Let your shoulders drop naturally. If you stand straight with your chin in the right position, your shoulders will naturally drop and align. Avoid pulling it back.
- Pull in your stomach. Don't stand with your stomach leaning forward.
- Pull your butt in. The center of gravity should be around your hips.
- Position your feet properly. Place your feet shoulder width apart, and distribute your weight evenly on each leg.
Part 2 of 3: Using Alternative Techniques (Week 30-37)

Step 1. Use hot and cold bags
Something cold placed on the top of the uterus and/or something warm on the bottom of the uterus can encourage your baby to move away from the cold sensation and toward the warm, turning the body into the correct position.
- To do this, place an ice pack or frozen pack of vegetables over your tummy, near the baby's head. Hopefully, your baby will shy away from the cold and turn around to find a warmer, more comfortable position.
- Using an ice pack in the tub with your lower belly submerged in hot water is a good way to use this technique, as your baby will be attracted to the warm side. In addition, you can also place a warm bag or hot water bottle on your lower abdomen.
- This hot and cold technique is completely safe, so you can do it as long and as often as you want. Many women choose to use hot and cold packs over their stomachs when performing the breech swing.

Step 2. Use sound to encourage your baby to spin
There are several different methods of using sound, both relying on the baby moving in the direction of the sound and thus returning to the correct position.
- One popular option is to play music for your baby by placing the headphones under your tummy. You can download music online, tailor-made for unborn babies and newborns - whether it's classical music or a version of a lullaby, your favorite lullaby.
- Also, you can ask your partner to place their mouth on their lower abdomen and talk to the baby, encouraging him to move towards the sound. This is also a good way for your partner to bond with the baby.

Step 3. Visit a chiropractor who is experienced in using the Webster technique. The "Webster In-Utero Constraint" technique - or simply the Webster technique - was developed to restore balance and proper pelvic function, and is said to encourage the baby to self-rotate into the proper position
- The Webster technique involves two things - first, making sure the sacrum and pelvic bones are balanced and in proper alignment. If these bones remain misaligned, this will hinder the baby's movement to the vertex position.
- Second, this technique helps reduce stress on the round ligaments that support the uterus by relaxing and relaxing it. Once these ligaments relax, the baby has more room to move, which allows him to get into the correct position before birth.
- Remember that the Webster technique is a process, so you need to attend meetings at least three times a week, during the last weeks of pregnancy. Make sure you receive care from a licensed chiropractor who has experience treating pregnant women with breech babies.

Step 4. Find out about moxibustion. Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese technique that uses burning herbs to stimulate acupressure points.
- To turn a breech baby, an herb known as mugwort is burned next to the BL 67 pressure point, located on the side of the outer corner of the fifth nail (baby's foot).
- This technique is believed to increase the baby's activity level, thus encouraging him to roll to the top position on his own.
- Moxibuation is usually performed by an acupuncturist (sometimes in addition to a traditional acupuncturist) or a licensed practitioner of Chinese medicine. However, moxibustion sticks can also be purchased, for those who wish to try this method at home.

Step 5. Try hypnosis
Some women have successfully reversed breech babies with the help of a licensed hypnotherapist.
- Hypnotherapy usually takes a two-way approach to turning the baby. First, the mother will be hypnotized into a state of deep relaxation. This helps her pelvic muscles to relax and the lower part of her uterus expands, encouraging the baby to turn.
- Second, the baby's mother will be directed to visualization techniques to imagine the baby turning in the opposite direction.
- Ask your doctor about a reputable hypnotherapist in your area, their name and number to call
Part 3 of 3: Asking for Medical Help (After 37 weeks)

Step 1. Schedule an ECV
Once you're past 37 weeks, there's no way your breech baby will turn on its own.
- Therefore, you should consider seeing your doctor so he or she can try to rotate the baby using the External Chepalic Version ("ECV"). It is a non-surgical procedure, used by doctors, in hospitals.
- During the procedure, the doctor uses drugs to relax the uterus so it can push the baby, from the outside, into the vertex position. This is done by applying downward pressure to the lower abdomen (this is very uncomfortable for some women).
- Throughout the procedure, the doctor will use ultrasound to monitor the position of the baby and the placenta, as well as the amount of amniotic fluid. The baby's heart rate will also be monitored throughout the procedure -- if it drops too low, an immediate emergency delivery may be required.
- The ECV procedure is successful in about 58% of breech pregnancies and has a higher average rate of subsequent (not first) pregnancies. However, in some cases, an ECV may not be possible due to complications - such as bleeding or a lower than normal level of amniotic fluid. This is also not possible for mothers carrying twins.

Step 2. Talk to your doctor about having a cesarean section
In some cases, a C-section is necessary, whether your baby is breech or not - for example if you have placenta previa, are carrying triplets, or have had a previous C-section.
- However, if your baby is breech but all other factors are normal, you need to decide whether you want to deliver your baby vaginally or have a cesarean section. Most breech babies are delivered by caesarean section because it is believed that this option is less risky.
- C-sections are usually scheduled less than the 39th week of pregnancy. An ultrasound will be done before surgery to make sure the baby doesn't change position before the last exam.
- However, if you are about to give birth before your scheduled cesarean section and progress is very fast, you will have to deliver the baby vaginally regardless of the plans that have been made.

Step 3. Consider a vaginal breech birth
Giving birth to a breech baby through a normal birth is no longer considered as dangerous as it used to be.
- In fact, in 2006 the "American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists" (ACOG) stated that vaginal delivery of a breech baby is safe and reasonable in certain patients and under certain conditions.
- A vaginal breech birth can be a valid option if the mother's pelvis is large enough; the baby is conceived until it reaches maturity, and labor has started and proceeds normally; the results of the ultrasound of the baby show a healthy weight without any abnormalities (other than its position); experienced primary care nurse assisting the birth of a breech baby.
- If you think you might meet these criteria and prefer to have a traditional delivery instead of a C-section, talk to your doctor to explore options and decide if a vaginal birth is safe for you and your baby.
- Always consult your doctor or midwife before trying any exercises or methods to rotate your baby in the womb. Rotating the baby can cause him to become entangled in the placenta or cause damage to the placenta.
- According to "The International Chiropractic Pediatric Association," more research is needed into using the Webster technique in pregnant women to rotate breech babies, and research is currently ongoing.