3 Ways to Lower DHEA Levels

3 Ways to Lower DHEA Levels
3 Ways to Lower DHEA Levels

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Hormone levels that remain normal can improve the quality of life in every way. Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is one of the most important hormones in the body because it regulates the production of androgens (hormones that give rise to male characteristics) and estrogens (hormones that determine female characteristics). However, DHEA levels that are too high can cause hyperandrogen effects. If you want to lower DHEA levels, start by eating a healthy diet, exercising, and getting enough sleep. Talk to your doctor and ask him to monitor your DHEA levels from time to time. Be careful with the medications you take, and over time, you will see and feel positive results.


Method 1 of 3: Cooperating with Doctors

Get Rid of a Sore Throat Quickly Step 18
Get Rid of a Sore Throat Quickly Step 18

Step 1. Consult a doctor

Visit a GP or endocrinologist, a specialist who treats hormonal disorders. The doctor will ask for your medical history and run blood tests to check DHEA levels. Prepare a list of questions to ask so you can make the most of the visit.

  • Blood tests can also be used to rule out other problems related to the adrenal glands, such as Addison's disease. Doctors will basically look for the presence of DHEA because it is this hormone that is secreted by your adrenal glands.
  • Your doctor may tell you how important it is to lower DHEA levels because high levels can lead to aggression (feeling angry) and irregular blood pressure, as well as other health problems. Fortunately, by reducing DHEA levels, these health problems will disappear.
Make Cramps Go Away Step 4
Make Cramps Go Away Step 4

Step 2. Eat foods high in zinc or take zinc supplements

Certain minerals, such as zinc, can reduce swelling and inflammation throughout the body. If you've been feeling bloated lately and your DHEA levels are high, foods rich in zinc may be helpful. Be sure to consult a doctor before taking any supplements. Consume the following foods high in zinc:

  • Meat, especially beef, lamb, pork, and dark-colored parts of chicken
  • Nuts (nuts)
  • Grains (beans)
  • Whole grains
  • Yeast (yeast)
Recognize Asthma Step 12
Recognize Asthma Step 12

Step 3. Monitor your pre-existing illnesses

DHEA levels can have a direct impact on health, including the disease you are currently suffering from. Together with your doctor, you should agree to undergo additional monitoring to see if you have diabetes, liver disease, or cancer while you are trying to lower your DHEA levels. This is a proactive approach that can keep you healthy in the long run.

Know How Much Sleep You Need Step 14
Know How Much Sleep You Need Step 14

Step 4. Watch for drug interactions that have the potential to increase DHEA levels

Certain medications can cause side effects that can increase DHEA levels. If you want to keep the levels low, talk to your doctor before taking any new medication. Next, follow the doctor's instructions and evaluate all the medications you are currently taking.

For example, diabetes medications, such as metformin, are often associated with elevated DHEA levels

Stop Getting So Hot While Sleeping Step 16
Stop Getting So Hot While Sleeping Step 16

Step 5. Stop using synthetic DHEA supplements

Consult with your doctor about the right method to stop taking the drugs you are currently taking, either gradually or immediately stop drastically. It is almost impossible to lower DHEA levels when you are also taking drugs that make DHEA levels rise.

Be aware that the process of quitting the drug can take months. Be patient, and you will have positive results over time

Know if You Have Hyperhidrosis Step 19
Know if You Have Hyperhidrosis Step 19

Step 6. Undergo surgery

If high DHEA levels are caused by a large enough tumor, your doctor may recommend surgery. Ask your doctor about the risks and benefits of surgery before you agree to it. Surgery is useful for rapidly lowering DHEA levels.

Method 2 of 3: Changing Your Lifestyle

Get Rid of a Headache Naturally Step 31
Get Rid of a Headache Naturally Step 31

Step 1. Consult your doctor before making any changes

If you want to try controlling DHEA levels with diet and exercise, talk to your doctor about this. Your doctor can give you additional tips and advice on what works and what doesn't. He or she can also start tracking your DHEA levels right away so you can figure out how to make lifestyle changes.

Eat More Vitamin B Step 11
Eat More Vitamin B Step 11

Step 2. Eat the right foods

Be aware that no food contains DHEA. However, eating certain foods can encourage the body to produce more or less DHEA and other hormones. If you want to reduce DHEA levels, don't eat foods that can increase DHEA levels, such as wild yam (a type of sweet potato), wheat, sugar, and dairy products. Instead, consume foods that have anti-inflammatory properties, such as tomatoes, salmon, and olive oil.

Get Up in the Morning Step 10
Get Up in the Morning Step 10

Step 3. Do some exercise, but don't overdo it

Exercising at least 3 times a week is a great way to keep DHEA levels under control. For even greater benefits, include cardio and weightlifting as well. Exercise can help you build muscle and lose fat.

Keep in mind that excessive exercise can increase DHEA levels. So don't overdo it

Increase Fertility in Men Step 3
Increase Fertility in Men Step 3

Step 4. Maintain a healthy weight

Check out your Body Mass Index (BMI) for general guidance on what your ideal weight should be based on your height and age. If you are overweight, fat cells will store DHEA. The body will also produce estrogen, DHEA, and other hormones in excess.

Get Rid of a Headache Naturally Step 22
Get Rid of a Headache Naturally Step 22

Step 5. Get enough sleep

So that you can better control your hormones, try getting 8 hours of sleep a night. Set up a sleep schedule that works for you and stick to it seriously.

Get Rid of a Headache Naturally Step 19
Get Rid of a Headache Naturally Step 19

Step 6. Reduce stress

The body is very sensitive to stress and can respond by overproducing hormones (such as DHEA). To keep DHEA levels under control, find ways to reduce stress in your daily life. Practice yoga, which can be done at home or at work, and practice deep breathing techniques. Eat outside at least once a day so you can enjoy the fresh air. Go to the movies or take a painting class with your friends.

You can also ask your doctor to monitor your blood pressure levels, in addition to DHEA levels. When you engage yourself in activities that relieve stress, you will experience positive changes in all aspects

Method 3 of 3: Making Changes Safely

Start over Following a Brain Injury Step 13
Start over Following a Brain Injury Step 13

Step 1. Watch for DHEA levels to naturally decrease as you age

DHEA levels usually peak around the age of 20 years when a person has matured hormonally and physically. The levels then decrease naturally until they are almost gone when a person reaches their 90s. Talk to your doctor about how to manage the decline in DHEA levels with age, along with other measures, such as changing your diet.

Manage Orthorexia Step 4
Manage Orthorexia Step 4

Step 2. Be careful not to let the level go too low

When you are trying to lower your DHEA levels, be sure to have regular blood tests with your doctor. Reducing excessive DHEA production has been linked to several dangerous diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and certain cancers.

Manage Orthorexia Step 10
Manage Orthorexia Step 10

Step 3. Minimize cortisol intake

Cortisol has been linked to increased DHEA levels. If you are taking medications that contain cortisol (which is also a hormone), talk to your doctor about this issue. Your doctor may also prescribe cortisol as a partial replacement to lower DHEA levels. This strategy is often used by athletes who are undergoing strenuous training.

Know if You are Pregnant Step 16
Know if You are Pregnant Step 16

Step 4. Choose a birth control method that does not use hormones

Some chemicals found in many birth control pills and injections can increase DHEA levels. If you want to know whether the pills you are taking have a testosterone-like effect or not, read the packaging and ask your doctor. If you want to use injectable birth control, consult with your obstetrician about the effects of the hormones in it before you continue using it.

Nonhormonal birth control methods (such as the spiral or IUD) offer the same contraceptive benefits, but without the risks of progestins (synthetic progesterone). This method is also a good alternative for those who suffer from migraines or hair loss if using hormonal methods

Recognize Pulmonary Hypertension Symptoms Step 5
Recognize Pulmonary Hypertension Symptoms Step 5

Step 5. Don't make any changes at all

If your high DHEA levels are asymptomatic, or don't show any obvious symptoms of any disease, you can leave it alone. Maybe you can make some of the recommended lifestyle changes and see how they progress. In some cases, even tumors that appear will be left alone because surgery on the tumor can cause problems that are more complicated than the excess hormone that occurs.


Try to live everything very patiently. Hormonal changes are something that can go very slowly. It is better to act safe when you are dealing with the adrenal glands
