A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that usually occurs when there is a blow to the head. Concussions can also result from falls, physical abuse, collisions while riding a vehicle, cycling, or walking, as well as injuries from high-impact sports such as rugby and American football. Although the effects of a concussion are generally temporary, a person suspected of having a concussion should seek evaluation from a healthcare professional. Repeated concussions can result in serious brain damage, such as chronic traumatic encephalopathy (ETK). As scary as it looks, most people who suffer a concussion make a full recovery within a few days.
Part 1 of 3: Checking for Signs at the Time of the Event

Step 1. Check if the victim is unconscious
Not all concussion sufferers lose consciousness, but some people do. This is the most obvious sign that a person has a concussion. If the victim faints after being hit to the head, seek emergency medical attention.

Step 2. Pay attention to whether the victim pronounces the word slurred or incoherently
Ask the victim some basic questions, such as "What's your name?" and "Where are you now?" If his answers are late, unreasonable, slurred, or elusive, he may have had a concussion.

Step 3. Check if the victim looks confused or doesn't remember what happened
If his eyes look blank, look confused, or don't know where he is, this could be a sign of a brain injury. If he looks dazed, can't remember what happened, or has memory loss, he may have suffered a concussion.

Step 4. Notice if the victim feels nauseous or vomits
If the victim vomits (especially if it occurs repeatedly) after a blow to the head or some other type of accident, this usually indicates that he or she has had a concussion. If the victim is not vomiting, ask if she feels nauseous or has an upset stomach (both of these can also be signs of a concussion).

Step 5. Check if the victim's balance or coordination is disturbed
People who suffer from concussions often have problems with their motor skills, such as not being able to catch a ball or walking in a straight line. If the victim has trouble with any of these or his reaction is delayed, he may have suffered a concussion.

Step 6. Ask if she has a headache, blurred vision, or dizziness
A common sign of a concussion is a headache that lasts for more than a few minutes. Some signs that may also indicate a concussion include blurred vision, "stargazing," and/or feeling dizzy or cloudy.

Step 7. Observe the victim closely for 3 to 4 hours
If you suspect the victim has had a concussion, monitor him or her closely for the next several hours. Do not leave him alone, just in case the victim needs emergency medical care. If possible, ask someone to accompany the victim for at least a few hours after the incident and monitor their behavior.
Part 2 of 3: Monitoring Victims If Additional Symptoms Appear

Step 1. Look for symptoms that appear over the next few days or weeks
While some symptoms of a concussion will appear immediately, others won't appear until days or weeks afterward. Although the victim appears to be doing well after the incident, he may start showing signs of a concussion a few days later.
- Some of the signs the victim may show include slurred speech, confusion, nausea or vomiting, impaired coordination or balance, dizziness, blurred vision, or headaches.
- These symptoms could indicate another medical condition that is not a concussion. So, it is best if the victim is examined by a health professional.

Step 2. Observe behavior and mood swings in the following month
Sudden changes in mood or behavior often indicate a concussion. If the victim looks grouchy, irritable, sad, angry, or emotional, for no apparent reason, he or she may have a concussion. If the victim becomes violent, flirts, or loses interest in his favorite things or activities, this could also indicate that he has a concussion.

Step 3. Notice if the victim becomes sensitive to sound or light
People who have had a concussion are often more sensitive to loud noises and bright lights. If both of these make the victim cringe, complain of pain, or ring in the ears, she may have a concussion.

Step 4. Observe changes in eating or sleeping patterns
Look for changes in behavior that don't match her usual habits or patterns. If the victim loses their appetite or eats more than usual, this could be a sign of a concussion. If the victim is having trouble sleeping or sleeping too much, this could also be a sign that he or she has a concussion.

Step 5. Find out if the person has problems with memory or concentration
Even though the victim's head looks fine after the incident, it's possible that she could have problems later on. If he seems out of focus, can't concentrate, or has trouble remembering things that happened, either before or after the incident, he may have a concussion.

Step 6. Observe if the victim is crying excessively (if she is a child)
If the suspected victim of a concussion is a child, pay attention to whether he or she is crying more often than usual. Although most of the symptoms of concussion in adults and children are the same, children can cry excessively because they are in pain, discomfort, or don't know how to express how they feel.
Part 3 of 3: Getting Medical Treatment

Step 1. Seek emergency medical care if the victim has a seizure, has difficulty breathing, or has fluid leaking from the ear
If the victim does not respond or wakes up after losing consciousness, has a headache that gets worse, vomits repeatedly, discharges or blood from the nose and ears, has seizures, has difficulty breathing, or has slurred speech, immediately take the victim to the ER. These symptoms can be a sign of a very serious brain injury.

Step 2. Get a medical evaluation within 1-2 days of anyone suspected of having a concussion
While the victim does not need emergency medical care, any form of head injury should receive an evaluation from a licensed healthcare professional. If the victim is suspected of having a concussion, take him to the doctor 2 days after the incident.

Step 3. Get medical help immediately if the victim's symptoms get worse
Usually, the symptoms of a concussion will lessen over time. If the opposite happens and the victim experiences worsening pain, such as headaches, and/or increased fatigue, seek medical attention immediately. These signs can indicate a serious injury.

Step 4. Follow the care instructions provided
Usually, people who suffer from a concussion must undergo bed rest (bed rest). This includes physical and mental rest, which means that the victim should not engage in physical activity (e.g. exercising) and strenuous mental activity (e.g. playing video games or doing crossword puzzles). Make sure the victim rests within the time recommended by the doctor, and always follow any other treatment plans, as determined by the health care provider.

Step 5. Avoid exercise and activity until your doctor allows it
If the victim experiences a concussion while exercising or doing other physical activities, remove the victim from the activity or game. He should not continue his activities until he gets an evaluation from a doctor, especially if what he is doing is high-impact sports that could cause him to be hit again.
- Small lumps may not be a concussion and the injured person may still respond adequately and have no complaints. However, just in case, continue to monitor for signs of an emergency, especially if the victim vomits, speaks slowly, or is disoriented (unable to recognize time, place, and person).
- Always monitor the victim for a long time after sustaining an injury to make sure his condition doesn't get worse. Let him rest, but often wake the victim up and ask some questions.
- Recovery time from a concussion can last anywhere from a few hours to several weeks. The duration will vary for each individual and the severity of the injury.
- Serious head injuries can lead to coma if the victim is not treated immediately.
- The severity of the head injury may be difficult to assess, but if the victim is unconscious, call emergency services immediately. The possibility of a brain haemorrhage should be eliminated immediately and may not show any symptoms at that time. Slow bleeding can affect the victim several days after the injury.
- Brain injury that occurs repeatedly can result in brain swelling, long-term disability, or death. A person has a greater chance of having another concussion if he does not allow his brain to heal first after the first concussion.