Flaxseed, also known as flaxseed, is popular for its health benefits. Flaxseeds are rich in alpha linoleic acid (ALA). ALA is an omega-3 fatty acid that can reduce the risk of heart disease, arthritis, and other health problems. In addition, flaxseed is rich in fiber so it can help with constipation. Several studies have shown that the phytoestrogens in flaxseed can help protect the body against certain types of cancer. Increasing flaxseed consumption can have a positive impact on your health and you can add flaxseed to your diet in a number of ways.
Method 1 of 2: Buying Hemp Seeds

Step 1. Know what to buy
Flaxseeds are very small seeds, flat and oval in shape. Compared to sunflower seeds, flaxseeds are much smaller in size. Flaxseed can be found in several forms and each has different properties.
Flaxseed has different varieties, some are red, brown to golden. The color of the seeds does not indicate the different nutritional content, but the seeds may have a slightly different taste. You can try different varieties and determine which seed tastes best. Some natural foods stores may allow you to try them in the store so you don't have to buy multiple varieties

Step 2. Buy whole flaxseeds
Whole flaxseeds are small seeds that are not broken down. Whole flaxseeds contain more fiber and last longer. In addition, whole seeds can be processed for more purposes. The negative aspect of whole flaxseeds is that the body may not be able to fully digest the seeds so that the nutrients are not fully absorbed and are wasted.
You can buy whole flaxseeds and grind them in a blender or coffee grinder

Step 3. Purchase flaxseed flour
Flax meal, or flax meal, is the ground seed. Flaxseed flour is slightly coarser than wheat flour and has a nutty aroma and flavor. You can buy flaxseed flour or make your own at home. Flaxseed flour allows the body to absorb all of its nutrients. Unfortunately, flaxseed flour doesn't last long. Once the packaging is opened, flaxseed flour can only last for a few weeks and should be stored in a cool, dark place to maintain its best quality. If not stored in mylar packs, flaxseed flour will lose most of its nutritional content, or active compounds, within 24 hours. In order for flaxseed flour to last for a long time, make sure you store it in a resealable mylar bag.

Step 4. Purchase bulk flaxseed if possible
Many natural food stores sell bulk flaxseed. Bulk flaxseeds are usually cheaper than packaged flaxseeds and you can buy as little or as much as you need. Flaxseeds usually sell for IDR 75,000 per kg, depending on where you buy them.

Step 5. Purchase flaxseed oil
Flaxseed oil can be an easy option to get the health benefits of flaxseed. Store the oil in the refrigerator to keep it fresh.
Unlike whole flaxseed or flaxseed flour, flaxseed oil does not contain phytoestrogens. However, flaxseed oil contains alpha linoleic fatty acid, which has health benefits
Method 2 of 2: Adding Flaxseeds to Recipes

Step 1. Add flaxseed flour to your yogurt or smoothie
One tablespoon of flaxseed flour is enough to meet your daily omega-3 needs and won't change the taste of your yogurt or smoothie. In addition, flaxseed flour also provides added fiber to yogurt and smoothies. The fiber content in rama seeds has positive benefits for removing body waste.

Step 2. Add the flaxseed flour to the cake batter
Flaxseed flour can be added to cake batter in small or large amounts. Flaxseed flour imparts a roasted nut flavor that goes well with the sweet or savory flavors of cakes. Some of the recipes that use flaxseed flour most often are breads or muffins. Flaxseed flour remains stable at high temperatures so that all the nutrients can still be enjoyed after the roasting process. In addition, flaxseed flour provides added fiber in the cake without drastically affecting the texture and taste.
Flaxseed is high in oil, so you can add it to replace the oil in cake recipes. Use one cup of flaxseed flour instead of cup of oil (3:1 replacement ratio)

Step 3. Replace the eggs with flaxseed
Flaxseeds can be used to replace eggs in cake recipes for vegans. Mix 1 tablespoon of flaxseed flour and 2.5-3 tablespoons of water and let it sit for five minutes. This mixture can replace 1 egg in a cake recipe.
Not all recipes can use "flax eggs". These egg substitutes are best suited for softer types of cakes such as pancakes, quick breads, brownies, muffins, and pastries. Hemp eggs may result in a slightly more sticky or chewy baked pastry

Step 4. Add a tablespoon or two of flaxseed flour to your chili sauce, spaghetti, sauce, stew, or stock
Flaxseeds provide a tangy roasted flavor that makes them great for adding to rich stews and sauces.

Step 5. Add the flaxseed flour to your usual sauce
Flaxseed flour is a great addition to mayonnaise, mustard and sauces. Flaxseeds are also great for adding to salad dressings or sprinkling over salads. You only need to add a little (approximately 1 tablespoon is enough).

Step 6. Make cereal from flaxseed flour and peanut butter
Grind about cup of flaxseeds using a coffee grinder. Add teaspoon of eucalyptus powder and two tablespoons of peanut butter. Add hot water to the flaxseed/eucalyptus/peanut butter mixture and mix well. You can enjoy this delicious warm cereal.
You can also add cup of raw sunflower seeds and cup of sliced raw almonds, each still ground separately, to the flaxseed mixture, and add a serving of cinnamon powder to about teaspoon

Step 7. Add to the drink
Adding a smaller portion of flaxseed flour to your drink and consuming it throughout the day will provide the same benefits, and you don't need to have a very thick drink because it mixes a larger amount of flour all at once.
- Mix a little flaxseed flour into the coffee. Stir well, and pour into a portable cup so you don't have to see the flaxseeds floating on the coffee's surface and don't have to pay attention to them.
- Mix some flaxseed flour in the juice and drink it.

Step 8. Buy foods made from flaxseed
Many ready-to-eat foods add flaxseed as an ingredient. These foods include cereals, cereal bars, muffins and breads. There are some drawbacks if you apply this method to add flaxseed to your diet. One of those downsides is that you don't know how much flaxseed you're consuming and processed foods usually have a lot of added sugar and sodium. If you want to buy foods made from flaxseed, you should read the nutrition label on the package. The higher the position on the list means the more portion of the ingredient in the food.
- Flaxseed lowers cholesterol levels, the risk of colon cancer and the risk of diseases associated with internal inflammation.
- Flaxseeds are rich in fiber, both soluble and insoluble fiber, and lignans, which are important phytoestrogens that can mimic the hormone estrogen. Consuming flaxseed is beneficial for women's health because of the phytoestrogen content. Phytoestrogens reduce the risk of breast cancer and help maintain healthy reproductive organs.
- If you see cheap whole flaxseeds and have a coffee grinder at home, you can buy them and grind them only when needed.
- Flaxseeds have long been consumed in Egypt and the Mediterranean countries, and have only recently gained popularity in the Western diet. This popularity is due to the high content of the omega-3 fatty acid, alpha linoleic acid (ALA), which in small amounts is converted by the body into EPA. EPA is an omega-3 fatty acid that is essential for cognitive and immune function. Although only about five to ten percent of ALA is converted to EPA, this amount has been shown to have many positive effects.
- Raw or unripe flaxseeds should not be consumed as they are toxic. Therefore, never eat raw flaxseeds that are freshly picked from the plant.
- People on a balanced diet will have a hard time eating too much flaxseed, but you should be careful not to eat too much uncooked flaxseed. Try to mix cooked and raw flaxseeds to maintain a balanced diet.