If you're exclusively breastfeeding, you usually won't have your period until at least 6 months after giving birth. During that time, breastfeeding can be used as a natural contraceptive, which is called the Lactational Amenorrhea Method. However, if you want to get pregnant right away, you may be worried that your period won't come. Fortunately, pregnancy can occur while you are still actively breastfeeding even though you have not had your period.
Method 1 of 4: Changing the Breastfeeding Cycle

Step 1. Pump your breast milk
Usually, breastfeeding can only prevent pregnancy if the baby feeds straight away. The baby's suckling triggers hormones that produce more milk and inhibit ovulation. If breast milk is pumped, hormone levels will decrease so you can ovulate again. Try pumping 1-2 times a day to help with ovulation.
- Pumping won't affect milk production, but it can help you ovulate.
- This is usually the best option because your baby can continue to enjoy breast milk on a regular schedule and you can also continue to breastfeed exclusively if you want.

Step 2. Leave more than 6 hours between feedings
Breastfeeding can make you infertile if done every 4 hours during the day and every 6 hours at night. If you don't breastfeed for more than 6 hours, you may be able to ovulate again. Space them long enough so that you don't have to breastfeed for at least 6 hours straight once or twice a day.
You can breastfeed your baby at 6am, 11am, 4:30pm, 8:30pm and 11:30pm. Remember that this method cannot be done if the baby really needs milk. Prioritize his needs

Step 3. Stop breastfeeding in the middle of the night to break the cycle
Most babies continue to suckle in the middle of the night for several months. While it's great for strengthening the bond between mother and child, breastfeeding at this time also prevents ovulation. If you want to get pregnant, only breastfeed your baby during the day.
- Ask your doctor if it's okay if you stop breastfeeding in the middle of the night. If the baby is thirsty, give expressed breast milk or formula.
- If your baby sleeps through the night, don't wake him up for feedings.
Do you know?
Prolactin is a hormone that instructs the body to produce milk. This hormone can also stop ovulation. Prolactin is higher at night so not breastfeeding in the middle of the night can speed up ovulation.

Step 4. Replace breast milk with formula or solid foods
You must exclusively breastfeed to avoid getting pregnant. If you give formula milk or solid foods, it is possible that the hormones that prevent ovulation will be disrupted. Provide formula or solid foods if the doctor says the baby is ready.
Ask your doctor for the best formula milk recommendation
Method 2 of 4: Changing Your Lifestyle

Step 1. Try to make love every 5 days to increase the chances of getting pregnant
It may seem easy to get pregnant, but it's often not. In order to get pregnant, healthy sperm must be in your body when a healthy egg is released. Frequent sex ensures that there are sperm in the body when the egg is released. Sperm can live in the body for 5 days. So, you should make love at least every 5 days.
If you are undergoing artificial insemination, ask your doctor when you should start trying. Your doctor may suggest waiting until you get your period so that sperm isn't wasted when you're infertile.

Step 2. Apply lubricant if the vagina is dry after feeding
When breastfeeding, the vagina can be dry so you can't get completely wet when you're passionate. This makes sex uncomfortable. So, use a lubricant before making love to overcome the dryness.
- Use a water-based or silicone-based lubricant, depending on your preference.
- Make sure the lubricant used does not contain spermicide which will prevent pregnancy.

Step 3. Quit smoking if you are a smoker
While breastfeeding, you may not smoke because nicotine can be transferred to your baby through breast milk. If you still smoke, you should stop while trying to get pregnant again. Smoking lowers the level of progesterone your body needs to prepare the uterus. Don't smoke if you want to get pregnant.
- Quitting smoking is hard, but you can do it. Try joining a support group to help. In addition, replace smoking with other habits, such as chewing gum.
- You probably shouldn't use nicotine replacement products while breastfeeding.
Method 3 of 4: Changing Your Diet

Step 1. Eat foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids to support ovulation
Omega 3 can balance hormones naturally and improve blood circulation to the reproductive organs. Omega 3 can also increase cervical mucus and help ovulation. Include omega 3 rich foods in your daily diet to help you get pregnant while breastfeeding.
Foods rich in omega 3 include fatty fish, cod liver oil, canola oil, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, cashews, avocados, sunflower seeds, almonds, sesame seeds, olive oil, corn oil, and safflower oil

Step 2. Ask your doctor about royal jelly supplements
Royal jelly is produced by bees and can increase fertility. This supplement contains vitamin B6 which increases progesterone levels, as well as fatty acids that improve egg quality. In addition, royal jelly helps balance hormones and maintain healthy gut bacteria to support fertility. Take royal jelly supplements if your doctor says it's safe.
While generally safe, supplements are not for everyone. Check with your doctor whether royal jelly is safe for you

Step 3. Take prenatal vitamins to get the nutrients you need
Good nutrition can balance hormones so that your cycle returns to normal. In addition, vitamins help in efforts to conceive and a healthy baby. Take a daily prenatal vitamin to get the nutrients you need to breastfeed and increase your chances of getting pregnant.
Consult a doctor before taking any vitamins and supplements
Method 4 of 4: Checking Ovulation

Step 1. Use an ovulation kit to find out if you are ovulating
Since menstruation occurs when the body releases an unfertilized egg, the first ovulation will occur before menstruation returns. This means you may be fertile, but don't realize it. If you want to monitor your fertility, buy a fertility test kit at the pharmacy. Then, use it following the instructions on the package.
Generally, you have to urinate on an ovulation test strip. If the result is positive, you could be pregnant if you make love on that day
You can only get pregnant if you are ovulating. Knowing your ovulation date will help you schedule sexual intercourse or insemination to make it easier to conceive.

Step 2. Record your basal body temperature for a slight increase
Body temperature increases slightly when ovulating. So, by getting into the habit of recording your body temperature, you can detect the date of ovulation. Use a basal body thermometer to check the temperature in the morning before getting out of bed. Record the results so you can see small increments of zero point a few degrees. When that happens, you may be ovulating.
- The average basal body body ranges from 36.1 to 36.4°C. During ovulation, the temperature will increase by about 36.4 to 37.0°C.
- The temperature change ranges from 0.2 to 0.5 °C.

Step 3. Check cervical mucus daily
The consistency of cervical mucus varies throughout the cycle. To check, wipe the vaginal opening before urinating, insert 2 clean fingers into the vagina to collect mucus, or watch for discharge from underpants. Rub to feel if it's sticky or slippery. Write down these observations to help you figure out when you ovulate.
- If the terrace is dry, you may not be ovulating.
- Yellow, white, or cloudy mucus that feels sticky is a sign that you are about to ovulate.
- During ovulation, mucus looks clear or slightly cloudy like egg white. Usually, mucus feels slippery and stretches when pulled.
- Breastfeeding only prevents pregnancy for the first 6 months after delivery. After that, this natural contraceptive is no longer effective.
- You can get pregnant again about 3 weeks after giving birth even if you are breastfeeding and have not had your period.
- It's safe to continue breastfeeding while pregnant.
- Talk to your doctor before changing your breastfeeding schedule.
- It is generally recommended to wait 12–18 months after giving birth to get pregnant again. This distance helps a healthy pregnancy.