How to Get Your Girl Pregnant: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Get Your Girl Pregnant: 13 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Get Your Girl Pregnant: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

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If you want your partner to get pregnant, you may want to know what you can do to help make it happen. Most methods to increase fertility tend to focus on tracking a woman's menstrual cycle. However, as a man, you can take steps to increase your sperm count. There's no guaranteed way to get pregnant, but you can do things to increase your chances!


Method 1 of 2: Increase Sperm Count

Get a Woman Pregnant Step 1
Get a Woman Pregnant Step 1

Step 1. Wear boxers (loose shorts), not briefs (tight underwear) to keep the testes cool

Tight underwear can reduce sperm count. This may be because tight underwear causes the testicles to be in a high temperature after keeping them attached to the body. If you want your partner to get pregnant, wear loose-fitting underwear.

  • Avoid tight pants, soaking in hot water, and going to saunas for the same reasons.
  • Efforts to increase sperm count to maximum levels can take approximately 3 months after you switch to using boxers.
Get a Woman Pregnant Step 2
Get a Woman Pregnant Step 2

Step 2. Follow a healthy and balanced diet

You can increase your sperm count by eating a healthy diet rich in vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein (such as chicken). Also eat fatty fish, such as tuna, salmon, and bluefin tuna, which can increase sperm production.

Choose foods that are high in antioxidants, such as green vegetables and fresh fruit, to increase sperm count


In addition to avoiding unhealthy snacks, such as candy and chips, avoid processed meats such as bacon. Processed meat can reduce sperm by a greater amount than other unhealthy foods.

Get a Woman Pregnant Step 3
Get a Woman Pregnant Step 3

Step 3. Do exercise for an hour at least 3 times a week

An active lifestyle has been linked to high sperm counts. Maybe this happens because of the testosterone boost that men get when doing intensive physical activity. To maximize this, do exercise at least 3 times a week, but preferably every day.

  • Strength training (especially lifting weights) is very effective in increasing testosterone levels. However, do not cycle because this type of exercise can reduce sperm count.
  • Obesity can also reduce sperm count. So, losing weight by eating a healthy diet and exercising can also increase sperm production.
  • Exercise can also reduce stress. High stress levels can affect sperm health. This factor makes exercise can help increase fertility.
Get a Woman Pregnant Step 4
Get a Woman Pregnant Step 4

Step 4. Quit smoking

Smoking can reduce sperm count, which makes it difficult for your partner to get pregnant. If you are having trouble quitting smoking, try using a patch (a type of patch that contains nicotine), chewing gum, or another smoking cessation aid to control your cravings.

If the over-the-counter options don't work, ask your doctor for a medication that can help you quit smoking

Get a Woman Pregnant Step 5
Get a Woman Pregnant Step 5

Step 5. Limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages to a maximum of 2 shots a day

While some people believe that drinking alcohol can decrease fertility, moderate use of this drink may not affect sperm count. If you really want to drink, limit your consumption by drinking only 350 ml of beer or 60 ml of high alcohol drinks, 2 times a day each.

Also, keep in mind that excessive alcohol consumption can affect your ability to maintain an erection during sex, reducing the chances of conception

Get a Woman Pregnant Step 6
Get a Woman Pregnant Step 6

Step 6. Talk to your doctor about the medications you are taking

A number of drugs can reduce sperm count, such as certain types of antibiotics, antipsychotics, corticosteroids, anabolic steroids, and methadone. If you are taking one or more of these drugs, and your partner is still not pregnant, ask your doctor if there are other medications you can take.

Get a Woman Pregnant Step 7
Get a Woman Pregnant Step 7

Step 7. Go to an acupuncturist for a comprehensive solution

If you don't mind this method, find a licensed and qualified acupuncturist in your area. When you visit there, let them know that you want to undergo acupuncture to increase fertility. That way, he can place the needle in the right location to get the best results.

Acupuncture must be performed by a licensed professional who will insert very small needles at strategic points on the body to balance the life force

Method 2 of 2: Trying to Get Pregnant

Get a Woman Pregnant Step 8
Get a Woman Pregnant Step 8

Step 1. Stop using birth control

When you and your partner are ready to have children, stop using condoms, and ask him or her to stop taking birth control pills. If he has a contraceptive device, such as a spiral (IUD) or implant in the arm, take your partner to the doctor to have the device removed.

If using hormonal contraception, it may take your partner up to 6 months for their hormone levels to return to normal

Get a Woman Pregnant Step 9
Get a Woman Pregnant Step 9

Step 2. Track couple's ovulation each month.

The best method for a woman to get pregnant is to have sex when she is fertile, or when she releases an egg. Usually this occurs between menstrual cycles. You can use a calendar to keep track of the days, or use a fertility tracking app to help remember them.

You can also track fertility by taking your partner's basal temperature once a day. In addition, she can also monitor her cervical mucus

Get a Woman Pregnant Step 10
Get a Woman Pregnant Step 10

Step 3. Have sex at least once a day during the 6 most fertile days of the couple

If you already know your partner's ovulation time, have sex at least once a day during the week of ovulation. Since sperm can live for up to 5 days after being released, having frequent sex during this time can increase the number of sperm available when the egg arrives.

Even when your partner is not fertile, try to have sex about 2 to 3 times a week. In addition to increasing your chances of getting pregnant every time you have sex, having frequent sex can actually increase your sperm count

Get a Woman Pregnant Step 11
Get a Woman Pregnant Step 11

Step 4. Avoid using lubricants during sex

Lubricants can affect the movement of sperm. So don't use it if you don't really need it. If you really need a lubricant to make sex comfortable, ask your doctor for an option that doesn't affect sperm.

  • Popular lubricants such as K-Y Jelly and Astroglide can affect sperm function.
  • Some types of lubricants that can be used without affecting sperm are canola oil and baby oil.
Get a Woman Pregnant Step 12
Get a Woman Pregnant Step 12

Step 5. Go to the doctor if your partner is not pregnant after trying for a year

Your GP can perform a semen analysis to check your sperm count and health. If there are problems, the doctor will refer you to a male fertility specialist.

At the same time, your partner should also go to the doctor to find out what is the problem with his fertility


Some of the medical causes of low sperm count include hormonal imbalances, physical or genetic disorders, infections, trauma, excessive alcohol or drug use, and certain medications.

Get a Woman Pregnant Step 13
Get a Woman Pregnant Step 13

Step 6. Keep trying

Don't be discouraged, even if your partner takes a long time to conceive. Keep having sex as often as possible, and don't put too much pressure on yourself. Many couples get pregnant in the first year or two, but many also take longer.


Encourage your partner / wife to take prenatal vitamins. While it doesn't increase the chances of conception, it can increase your chances of having a healthy child


  • Don't get your partner pregnant if you haven't discussed this with him or her, or aren't ready to be parents. Having children when you're not ready can be stressful, both physically and emotionally.
  • You must have sex without using a condom if you want to get your partner pregnant. So, make sure you and your partner are not suffering from an STI (sexually transmitted infection) before doing so.
