Warming pillows are quite easy to make at home, and can be used to relieve aches and pains you are experiencing. You can use a heating pad to relieve migraines, muscle aches, menstrual cramps, or even just to warm yourself up. There are various ways to make a heating pad, depending on what materials you have at home and how long you have time to sew them.
Method 1 of 4: Making a Warming Pillow out of Socks

Step 1. Fill the old socks with rice
The simplest option is to make a rice-filled heating pad that can be used over and over again. You only need old socks, rice, a microwave and something to tie the socks together. First, prepare clean cotton socks that you no longer use, then pour rice into them.
- There's no exact amount of rice you should pour, but it's a good idea to fill your socks to at least half or three-quarters full.
- However, don't overfill your socks. Socks should still be flexible enough after filling with rice so they feel comfortable against your skin.
- Keep the socks flexible so they can still fit your body shape.
- Some fillings other than rice are corn, barley, oatmeal, and beans.

Step 2. Consider adding lavender oil
If you're making a heating pad to relieve a headache, you can add some herbal ingredients that work. The most commonly used additive is lavender oil. You just need to pour 4-6 drops of pure lavender essential oil into the rice.
- Pour the lavender oil into the rice before putting it in the socks.
- Other recommended additives include marjoram, rose petals, and rosemary.
- You can also use dried herbs.

Step 3. Tie or sew the sock tightly
After adding the rice, you should close the sock tightly. If you're used to using a needle and thread, you can sew the ends of the sock tightly together.
- An easier option is to tie the ends of the socks.
- Tie as close to the ends as possible.
- Tie as tight as you can so that none of the rice grains can come out.

Step 4. Heat in the microwave
Once your rice-filled socks are ready, all you need to do is heat them in the microwave. Place the sock you tied or sewn in the microwave, then heat it up. The length of time it takes to heat it depends on the amount of rice you use.
- A minute and a half should be enough.
- Keep an eye on the socks as they heat up and don't leave them alone.
- As a precaution, you can microwave a cup of water with your socks. You are adding dry herbs to rice, adding water is the way to go.
Method 2 of 4: Using a Freezing Clip Plastic Bag

Step 1. Prepare a plastic freezer bag (zip-lock freezer bag)
This method is an easy and quick option for making a heating pad. All you need is a plastic freezer-clip bag and some rice. Make sure the plastic bags you use are microwave-safe, otherwise they can melt, smoke, and cause a mess. If you have a regular freezer bag, but aren't sure if it's microwave-safe, don't use it.

Step 2. Pour the rice into the bag
Once you're sure the bag you have is microwave-safe, pour the rice into it. Fill the plastic bag three-quarters full then seal the ends tightly.

Step 3. Put it in the microwave
Warm in the microwave for one minute, or add a few seconds to another minute if necessary. Once hot, remove the bag from the microwave and wrap it in a small towel or other protective cloth. Do not apply the hot pack directly to your skin.
Method 3 of 4: Sewing the Warming Pillow

Step 1. Decide on the fabric you want to use
You can use any fabric to make a heating pad, but it's best to use a cotton fabric such as a t-shirt, or a pillowcase. Cotton can withstand high temperatures, so this fabric is the best choice. Find out if the fabric you choose can be ironed on a high temperature to consider its compatibility.
Make sure no one is still using the fabric you chose

Step 2. Cut to the size of the pillow
Theoretically, you can make a heating pad in any size or shape you want, as long as it can still fit in the microwave once it's done. The usual shape, of course, is a rectangle, but how to make a basic pillow here applies to any shape you want. Cut two pieces of fabric into the shape you want with the same size.
- If you choose a rectangular shape, you can use a book or similar object as the outline.
- You can use a plate to make a circle shape.
- You can also use an old shirt sleeve.

Step 3. Pin a pin to attach the two pieces of fabric
Once you have two pieces of fabric of the same shape and size ready, you'll need to pin them together with a pin before sewing. The side of the fabric you want to show when finished should be pointed inward, and start sewing in the reversed fabric position.
That way, your stitches will be more hidden and look neater

Step 4. Sew the edges
Now you have to sew the two pieces of fabric together. You can sew by hand or by machine, whichever method you prefer. Sew along the edges of the fabric, but make sure to leave a 2.5-5cm gap on one side. You will use this slit to turn the cloth over and insert the rice.
- Press the fabric through this slit to turn the side over.
- This step can be a little tricky, so be careful, especially if your stitches aren't very strong and they loosen easily.

Step 5. Pour rice into it and sew tightly
Now, pour in the rice until it is three quarters full. Use a funnel to make it easier for the rice to enter, especially if the remaining gaps are small. Sew back the pillow gap until it is tight. Once the pillow is filled with rice, you may find it difficult to machine sew, so you may find it easier to continue by hand.
Method 4 of 4: Using a Warm Pillow

Step 1. Use it to relieve lower back pain
There is evidence that hot compresses on the lower back can relieve pain in that area, as heat can relax muscle tension. For this purpose, you just need to place a pillow on your lower back or any other part of your back that hurts. Leave it for 15 to 20 minutes.

Step 2. Use it to relieve headaches
A heating pad can also be used to relieve headaches and migraines such as back pain. The heat will relax tense muscles and relieve headaches from headaches or migraines. Just place the pillow on your head or neck to feel the benefits.

Step 3. Use a heating pad to relieve pain or other aches
Since the heat from a heating pad can relax muscles, you can use it to relieve pain anywhere you feel uncomfortable or sore. Pillows like this are often used to relieve neck and shoulder stiffness, as well as back pain.

Step 4. Consider using a heating pad as a cold compress
You can also use a heating pad as a cold compress, by chilling it in the freezer first. However, there is less evidence supporting the effectiveness of cold compresses for relieving back pain than hot compresses. If you are using a plastic bag, be sure to wrap it in a towel before placing it on your skin.