Isabgol, also known as "psyllium husk" is a health supplement commonly used to treat constipation, other gastrointestinal disorders, and some disorders that are not related to the gastrointestinal tract. Isabgol contains 70% soluble fiber, so it is useful as a mass-forming laxative. However, the effectiveness of isabgol really depends on your body's health needs and how it is used.
Part 1 of 3: Basic Usage Guide

Step 1. Use isabgol to treat constipation
The main benefit of isabgol is that it relieves mild to moderate constipation. Although it is believed to have various other health benefits, the use of isabgol for other disorders is not authorized to be officially stated on the label.
- Isabgol can increase stool mass. This increase in mass then triggers the expulsion of feces from the intestine.
- Furthermore, isabgol increases the water content in the stool. Thus, the stool becomes softer and easier to pass.
- Most studies state that isabgol plays a role in increasing stool weight and frequency of bowel movements each day, as well as reducing transit time in the intestine. This product has been used as the active ingredient in mass-forming laxatives.

Step 2. Follow the official instructions
If your doctor prescribes isabgol, follow the dosage and frequency guidelines. If you are taking isabgol without a doctor's advice, follow the instructions on the package.
- Usually, you should take 1 to 2 teaspoons (5-10 ml) of isabgol along with 240 ml of fluids daily until the constipation subsides. However, the dosage may vary according to age, health condition, and response to treatment.
- It is highly recommended that you consult your doctor before starting treatment with isabgol, regardless of the purpose.
- If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your doctor or pharmacist.

Step 3. Take this supplement with a full glass of liquid
Isabgol is usually available in powder, tablet, or slab form. Whichever preparation you choose, take isabgol with a full glass of water (240 ml) or other liquid to prevent choking.
- Take isabgol tablets with at least 240 ml of water.
- Dissolve the isabgol powder preparation into 240 ml of liquid. Add isabgol powder to the liquid, mix well, and drain immediately. Note that isabgol may thicken if left alone and absorb the surrounding liquid.
- If using isabgol plates, chew until soft before swallowing. Continue by drinking 240 ml of fluid.
Part 2 of 3: Other Benefits for the Gastrointestinal Tract

Step 1. Treat diarrhea by mixing isabgol in curd
Mix about 2 tablespoons (10 ml) of isabgol with 3 teaspoons (15 ml) of fresh curd until smooth. Consume this mixture immediately after eating.
- You should use the mixture above 2 times a day to get a positive effect.
- The thickness of the curd causes isabgol to react differently in the intestine. Isabgol will not soften the stool, but will increase its mass and compact it.
- The mixture of curd and isabgol will also provide healthy probiotics into the digestive tract, so that it can help cure the cause of diarrhea.
- In healthcare professionals, this product is commonly used to treat diarrhea in patients receiving tube feedings.

Step 2. Use isabgol to restore the digestive tract
If you have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), or other chronic indigestion, mix 2 teaspoons (10 ml) of isabgol with 240 ml of water, and consume it immediately. Repeat once a day until your indigestion is under control.
- You can also drink isabgol with mashed milk (buttermilk) or regular milk for a similar effect.
- Since isabgol contains both soluble and insoluble fiber, this product can help cleanse the stomach while increasing the intestine's ability to expel waste more quickly.
- A healthier, toxin-free stomach, and a bowel that passes stools regularly will make your digestive tract healthier and more regular in a few weeks.

Step 3. Relieve pain from anal fissures and hemorrhoids
Mix 2 teaspoons (10 ml) of isabgol powder with warm water until dissolved. Immediately drink this solution right before bedtime.
- The content of soluble and insoluble fiber in isabgol will help cleanse your intestines. By absorbing water from the intestines, isabgol will also soften the stool, making it easier to pass without causing pain.
- Both anal fissures (tears and sores in the anus) and hemorrhoids (also called hemorrhoids) can be caused by acute or chronic constipation. If you constantly have difficulty passing bowel movements, this condition will get worse and worse.
- Softer stools prevent the anus from having to stretch and widen as before. Thus, existing injuries and wounds will heal more easily.

Step 4. Treat acid reflux
If you have acid reflux and other conditions caused by high acidity in your stomach, take 2 teaspoons (10 ml) of isabgol mixed with 1/2 to 1 cup (120-240 ml) of cold milk after each meal.
- Both milk and isabgol can help neutralize excess acid.
- The husks in isabgol will coat the walls of the stomach, intestines, and lower esophagus. This layer will reduce the wound due to the high acidity of the stomach.
- Isabgol can also regulate the amount of gastric acid secreted. Less stomach acid means less irritation.
Part 3 of 3: Other Benefits

Step 1. Lose weight by drinking isabgol with lemon water
Mix 2 teaspoons (10 ml) of isabgol with 240 ml of warm water and 1-2 teaspoons (5-10 ml) of fresh lemon juice. Prepare this mixture before eating, and finish it immediately.
- For the same purpose, you can drink this liquid as soon as you wake up in the morning.
- The mass formed isabgol will make you feel full, so it can help reduce food portions throughout the day.
- Isabgol is also a colon cleanser, so it can help get rid of waste that clogs your digestive tract and slows down your metabolism.

Step 2. Take care of your heart health
Consuming an isabgol plate once a day after a meal can help maintain a healthy heart.
- To get the same effect, you can drink isabgol immediately after waking up in the morning.
- The fiber content in isabgol is believed to help lower cholesterol in the body. Isabgol is also low in fat, so it will not have a bad effect on cholesterol problems.
- Theoretically, isabgol will coat the intestinal wall and help prevent the blood from absorbing the cholesterol contained in the food you eat. As a result, cholesterol levels in your blood will decrease.

Step 3. Fight diabetes by consuming isabgol regularly
Dissolve 1-2 teaspoons (5-10 ml) of isabgol powder in 240 ml of water or milk after each meal. Do this treatment regularly.
- As the digestive tract processes isabgol, a gel-like substance forms and coats the intestinal wall. This layer will slow down the breakdown and absorption of glucose. More regular and slower absorption of glucose will prevent your blood sugar from rising.
- Diabetics should avoid using isabgol with curd. Imbalances in the body will put isabgol at risk of causing constipation if used with curd in diabetics.
- You can buy isabgol at most department stores and convenience stores.
- Packaged isabgol is the safest choice because unpackaged isabgol may contain impurities.
- Unflavored isabgol is generally considered to be more effective than flavored options. However, if you really can't stand the taste, use flavored isabgol. Isabgol with added flavoring is usually called "isabgol diet".
- Excessive use of isabgol can cause flatulence, bloating, or diarrhea.
- Tell your doctor if your condition does not improve or if it gets worse.
- Always use isabgol with plenty of fluids so you don't choke. Drinking isabgol without a lot of fluids can actually clog your esophagus, throat, or intestines.
- Isabgol may decrease the absorption of medications you are taking, thereby reducing their effects. Thus, you should take isabgol at least 2 hours before or after taking any other medication.
- Do not use isabgol more than 7 days in a row, unless recommended by a doctor.
- Avoid using isabgol to treat chronic constipation. If used too often, your gastrointestinal tract will become too dependent on this supplement and eventually be unable to function effectively without it. It's best to regulate your fiber intake by eating a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.