Some men have a foreskin that is so tight that it hurts. Phimosis is a medical condition when the foreskin of the penis is too tight and cannot be retracted or lowered under the head of the penis. This condition can be painful and irritating to the penis, and lead to sexual disorders. However, you don't have to worry. Most cases of phimosis are curable, and within 6-12 months the foreskin will loosen and feel more comfortable. To help with this problem, it's a good idea to do phimosis stretches on the foreskin every day.
Method 1 of 3: Stretching the Foreskin

Step 1. Pull the extreme closure on the head of the penis
If the foreskin has extreme closure or pinhole phimosis, the foreskin ring is very small and tight. This is usually noticed when you can't get your finger inside the foreskin. Therefore, you need to stretch the foreskin wide. Pull the foreskin back over the head of the penis as far as possible without pain. Hold for 30-40 seconds, then relax. Repeat 10 times.
- Try not to pull the foreskin over your head or use excessive force as this can cause injury. The foreskin ring can get caught if you slide it all the way to the back of the head of the penis.
- Stretching the foreskin can be easier when the penis is erect.
- Try doing this stretch in the shower to make it more comfortable. You can also try using a water-based lubricant. Just rinse off any remaining lubricant when you're done stretching.

Step 2. Stretch by pinching the edges of the foreskin
If the open foreskin is still too tight for your finger to enter, stretch the skin by holding the edges. Use your thumb and forefinger to pinch the edges of both sides of the foreskin. Press gently to widen the foreskin. Hold for 30-60 seconds, then repeat.
Try this method for a few minutes at a time at least 3 times a day

Step 3. Use two fingers to stretch the foreskin
After the finger can enter the foreskin, it means that your efforts are almost paying off. Continue to stretch the foreskin using two fingers. Press the backs of your fingers together while gently stretching the skin by pulling them in opposite directions. After that, relax the foreskin and repeat.
- Make sure your fingers are clean.
- Use your little finger if possible.

Step 4. Perform the frenulum stretch
If the foreskin is not long enough, the frenulum may need to be stretched. Grasp the part of the foreskin that connects to the frenulum just below the head of the penis using your index finger and thumb. Pull the skin down away from the head of the penis. Hold for 30 seconds.
You can do this stretch every time you pee, or set aside a certain time of day

Step 5. Try stretching the foreskin in the shower
Sometimes, stretching the foreskin can be painful and difficult. Warm water can help ease stretching. Try soaking in warm water or taking a hot shower. In addition to relaxing you, warm water and moisture will help to relax your skin and make stretching the foreskin easier.
Use a small amount of soap as a lubricant to prevent abrasion of your fingers against the foreskin. Rinse off the remaining soap thoroughly after stretching

Step 6. Use flesh tunnel
You may need help in stretching the foreskin. Flesh tunnel is a silicone device that can be inserted into the foreskin and left alone. This will help the foreskin stretch for several hours at a time. If at least one finger can be inserted into the foreskin, you can try using this tool.
This tool can be purchased via the internet

Step 7. Try not to forcibly stretch the foreskin
If the foreskin won't move behind the head of the penis, don't force it. This can cause the foreskin to get stuck behind the head of the penis. If this happens, you need to visit the hospital immediately.
Method 2 of 3: Applying the Right Technique

Step 1. Press gently
The foreskin is very sensitive so you have to be careful in stretching this fragile skin. If forced or too pressed, the foreskin can tear and the condition will get worse. When stretching the skin, it is best to apply gentle pressure.
Stretching should not be painful. You may feel an uncomfortable sensation, but not pain

Step 2. Try tensing and relaxing the foreskin
Instead of stretching the foreskin as far as possible, stretch it back and forth in a steady rhythm. Tense and relax the foreskin back and forth instead of tensing it in one position.

Step 3. Stretch regularly
Stretching the foreskin is so important that it should be done every day. The more often you stretch, the more flexible and loose the foreskin will be. Try stretching 1-2 times a day.
You need to stretch for a few minutes up to 3 times a day

Step 4. Stretch up and out
Instead of pulling the foreskin down, pull it up and open it. This helps prevent the foreskin from being bent or caught. Stretch the foreskin outward to loosen the opening.

Step 5. Stretch the tightest part of the foreskin
Look for the tightest part of the foreskin. To find it, you need to test the foreskin. If you find one, this is where stretching needs to be focused.

Step 6. Be patient
Waiting for the foreskin to loosen can be frustrating! However, remember to be patient. Usually you will notice a change after two weeks of daily stretching. Depending on the initial state of the foreskin, it usually takes 1-12 months for the phimosis to heal.

Step 7. Discontinue if skin is irritated
Sometimes, the foreskin can be overstretched or forced. If it happens, allow a few days so it can heal. Then, do the stretch again, this time gently and carefully.
If stretched too much, the foreskin may appear enlarged or thickened
Method 3 of 3: Seeking Medical Treatment

Step 1. Visit a doctor
You may need to see a doctor if the foreskin cannot be loosened further even after being stretched. Most doctors will refer you to a urologist who can examine and advise on treatment for your condition.
Phimosis can lead to other complications that require medical attention. These complications include irritation, bleeding, difficulty urinating or pain, swelling of the foreskin, or urinary tract infection

Step 2. Use a prescription topical steroid ointment
Your doctor may prescribe a topical corticosteroid ointment. This ointment softens the foreskin tissue, which helps it stretch more easily.
- This ointment is applied twice daily for about eight weeks, along with manual stretching and pulling.
- The doctor will show you how to use the ointment correctly.

Step 3. Consider circumcision
Circumcision is a procedure to medically remove the foreskin. Circumcision is not a common treatment for phimosis, but in rare cases it is the best course of action. Circumcision is usually only recommended if ointments and stretching are not working, if the infection recurs, or if there are other physical problems.