3 Ways to Stretch Your Back

3 Ways to Stretch Your Back
3 Ways to Stretch Your Back

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Although it is easy to get injured, the back is a part of the body that can be twisted, stretched, and can even become a comfortable bed. Cool? However, a back that is not stretched regularly can be painful. Stretching your back regularly will keep your back muscles flexible and prevent back strain or pain. You can stretch your back while practicing yoga, practicing at home, at the gym, or even at work.


Method 1 of 3: Stretching the Back with Yoga


Step 1. Do cat pose

Start in a kneeling pose and place your palms on the floor with your fingers pointing forward. Lower your head while arching your back up to stretch your spine.

  • If your neck is injured, don't bring your chin to your chest. Keep your neck straight.
  • If you can't arch your upper back, ask a friend to help him place his palms between your shoulder blades, then push your back toward your friend's palms.

Step 2. Do the lion pose

After doing the cat pose by arching your back as described in the previous step, do the lion pose. The trick, arch your back slowly so that it forms a concave or curved downwards. From lion pose, gently push yourself up again to do cat pose. Hold in each pose for five seconds. If you lower your head while arching your back up (cat pose), raise your head again slowly while straightening your back.

  • The gentle pressure and elongation that occurs in the vertebrae when you alternate between cat pose and lion pose will increase back flexibility and prevent/relieve lower back pain.
  • Lion pose is also known as cow pose in yoga.

Step 3. Do the cobra pose

To do this pose, start by lying on your stomach. After that, bend your elbows and place your palms on the floor just under your armpits. Press your palms into the floor while lifting your upper body so that your chest is off the floor. Perform this movement according to the ability and flexibility of your back. Don't straighten your elbows if your back hurts.

Besides being useful for stretching your back, doing cobra pose while practicing yoga breathing techniques can reduce anxiety

Stretch Your Back Step 4
Stretch Your Back Step 4

Step 4. Perform warrior sitting pose

Sit on the floor with your knees bent so that your calves are right next to your thighs with your feet facing up. Try to keep your big toes as close to your thighs as possible, but do this pose as much as you can. If your leg or thigh is uncomfortable and your buttocks are still raised, don't force it, as this could result in injury. Once you are comfortable, place your palms on your lap. In addition to stretching the back, this pose is useful for relieving fatigue in the legs after a day of activities.

Method 2 of 3: Doing Back Stretches the Other Way


Step 1. Perform the hip/lower body twisting pose while lying on your back

This exercise is done by twisting the hips/lower body while lengthening and flexing the vertebrae. Start by lying on your back with your knees bent toward your chest, then lower slowly to your right. Let your arms stretch out and relax on the floor. You can look up at the ceiling or at the fingers of your left hand for maximum stretch, if your neck is comfortable.

  • As you move your knee to the other side, move slowly and flow to avoid injury. Before starting to move, you should first tighten your abdominal muscles to support your back muscles.
  • Hold on each side for 10 seconds, then allow your body to relax. Do this movement several times.

Step 2. Do the back stretch with the help of the ball

When doing this exercise, your body will be supported by a large ball for exercise. Start the exercise by letting your abs and pelvis lie comfortably on the ball. After that, place your palms behind your head like you want to do sit ups and then lift your body while arching your back back. With the help of the ball, your back can curve naturally when stretched.

Tighten your glutes and hamstrings to keep your back from arching too much and provide support to keep your body stable during the workout


Step 3. Perform the 90/90 stretch with a neutral back

This exercise will relax your back and hamstrings. Start in a lying position on your back with your legs together. Lift both legs so that your thighs are at right angles to the floor and your shins are parallel to the floor. Let your arms relax on the floor while feeling the stretch in your back.

  • From this 90/90 position, slowly bring your knees closer to your chest for maximum back stretch.
  • You can also move your legs left and right so that only a small part of your back is pressing against the floor.

Step 4. Perform the twisting pose while sitting

This exercise is done while sitting on the floor and twisting your waist and upper body to stretch your back. First, sit on the floor while extending both legs forward. Bend your left knee and point your knee up, then cross your left leg over your right thigh. Twist your upper body to your left while keeping your right leg straight. You can press your left knee with your right elbow for maximum back stretch. Hold this position for at least 20 seconds, then repeat the movement by twisting to the other side.

  • In addition to stretching by twisting left or right, you should also stretch up.
  • As you twist to the left, try to look back beyond your left shoulder for maximum stretch, if your neck is comfortable. Repeat this movement again to the right side.

Step 5. Perform an upper back rotation

This stretching exercise will improve upper back flexibility. As you perform this movement, use deep breathing techniques while stretching your back around your lower kidneys until you're near your lower ribs.


Step 6. Do the seal pose in Pilates

Seal pose requires good flexibility and should not be done if you have a back injury. This pose is done by arching the lower back and strengthening the abdominal muscles. First, sit on the floor with your knees bent. Lift your legs up until your thighs are almost perpendicular to the floor while extending your knees apart. Bring your feet together, but keep your knees apart so that there is a gap between your legs.

  • After that, tuck your arms between your legs just below your calves and try to reach your ankles.
  • Hold this pose for at least 20 seconds, if it still feels comfortable.

Method 3 of 3: Stretching the Back at the Office


Step 1. Perform a twist while sitting

This good stretching exercise for the back can be done without having to get up from the seat. Start this exercise from a sitting position while straightening your back. Slowly, do a twist to one side starting at the waist. Twist your waist, stomach, back, and shoulders in one direction. After you've twisted to one side for 15-20 seconds, return to the starting position, then do the same movement to the other side.

  • Do this movement carefully and slowly. If you twist too fast or too far, you could injure your neck or back.
  • You can twist your body further by pressing your hand on the outside of the opposite knee. If you want to twist to the left, place your right hand on the outside of your left knee. Also do this movement for the other side.
  • Look back beyond your left shoulder if you are twisting to the left. If twisting to the right, look back over your right shoulder.
  • You can also twist while holding the armrest in the direction of the twist. If you want to twist to the left, grab the arm of the chair on the left.

Step 2. Do a shoulder twisting motion

You can do this stretch not just at work, but while walking around your house, sitting in the car, or taking a shower in the shower. To conclude this exercise, sit up straight with your back straight. Rotate your shoulders in one direction 10-15 times, pause, then repeat in the opposite direction. Repeat this movement back and forth for at least five sets in each direction.

As you rotate your shoulders, look straight ahead so you don't strain your neck muscles


Step 3. Hug yourself

This simple exercise is great for stretching your shoulders and upper back. Grasp your right shoulder with your left hand and hold your left shoulder with your right as if you wanted to hug yourself. Hold this position for ten seconds while inhaling and exhaling to release the tension from your body.


Step 4. Do the “hug legs” pose

This exercise will stretch your back, neck, and shoulders. Start by sitting comfortably in your work chair. If you are sitting in a chair with wheels, slide it first until the back of your chair touches the table or wall. After that, bring your body closer to your feet so that your chest is close to your thighs. Let your arms hang limply down. Finally, hug your legs by wrapping your arms. Use your right hand or dominant hand to grip your wrist, forearm, or elbow.

Hold this position for 10 seconds or so, then return to a sitting position. Repeat this exercise at least two more times


Step 5. Stand up and try to touch your toes

This exercise is easy to do but very useful for stretching the upper back and lower back. When doing this movement, you will be exerting more of the hamstring muscles than the back muscles. Your spine will extend all the way to your tailbone. So, keep your back and buttocks from tilting to one side. Try touching your toes while slowly straightening your knees. If your hamstrings or calves are uncomfortable, don't force it.

Hold this position for at least 10 seconds, stand up straight again, then repeat this movement at least five times


Step 6. Perform a shoulder stretch by pulling your upper arm out to the side

This technique is excellent not only for stretching the shoulders, but also for stretching the upper back. You can do this exercise while sitting in a chair. Straighten your right arm to the left in front of your chest and then hook your left inner elbow to your right arm. Bend your left elbow so that your right arm is "tucked" between your bicep and left arm, then try to pull your right arm toward your body while feeling a deeper stretch in your right shoulder.

  • Stay in this position for 10-15 seconds.
  • Repeat this exercise again by straightening your left hand in front of your chest.

Step 7. Perform the upper back stretch

Sit in a chair with your back straight while extending your arms forward parallel to the floor. Gently squeeze your palms together. Slightly arch your back while leaning forward for 20-30 seconds as if you were stretching with a large ball. Let your head and neck relax as you practice. Sit up straight again, letting your arms relax at your sides, then repeat this movement at least five times.


  • Some of the movements for this stretching exercise require an assistive device, such as a chair or ball, but in most cases you can do it without an assistive device. Do each movement slowly and calmly and try to stretch every day to increase your flexibility.
  • A flexible back not only makes it easier if you have to do twisting movements in daily activities, but also during sports such as playing golf, baseball, or tennis.
  • Yoga poses can be a good and fun way to stretch your back. In addition, there are many other benefits that you can enjoy by practicing yoga, for example to enjoy relaxation and improve concentration.


  • If your back feels strained while doing the exercises in this article, don't continue. You should rest for a few days before stretching again.
  • If you have experienced chronic back problems, injuries, or are pregnant, consult your doctor before doing these stretching exercises to prevent further problems from developing.
