How to Improve Circulation with Reflexology (with Pictures)

How to Improve Circulation with Reflexology (with Pictures)
How to Improve Circulation with Reflexology (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Reflexology is a type of therapy that is done by applying pressure to certain body parts, especially the feet, hands and ears. Several studies have shown that reflexology is quite effective for reducing pain, relaxing, and improving circulation. While many people feel more comfortable seeing a professional reflexologist, you can actually apply some reflexology techniques yourself.


Part 1 of 4: Getting Started

Increase Circulation With Reflexology Step 1
Increase Circulation With Reflexology Step 1

Step 1. Learn how reflexology works

The main theory about how reflexology works was formulated in the 1890s. The theory states that by applying reflexology techniques, signals are sent throughout the nervous system thereby prompting the body to lower overall levels of tension. With reduced tension, circulation and health will improve.

  • Another theory states that by relieving stress, any pain caused by stress will also subside.
  • One final theory holds that the body contains "energetic" circuits, which can be blocked by stress. Reflexology helps remove these blockages and keeps the “vital energy” flowing.
Increase Circulation With Reflexology Step 2
Increase Circulation With Reflexology Step 2

Step 2. Find a good reflexology chart

You will find a map within the graph that shows which part of the body corresponds to the rest of the body. Many of the charts are color-coded making it easier for you to find areas that can help improve circulation.

  • A good graphic will show the area being treated from several different points of view. This method can make it easier for you to determine the specific area of the foot that is the target.
  • Look for charts with adequate labels. Don't use charts with too little or too much information. Choose a chart that you can understand easily.
  • Good graphics usually label the area directly, or use descriptive terms, numbering or symbol systems. If using a numbering or symbol system, make sure the graphic also includes captions or keys.
  • You should choose a chart that has basic information on how to apply simple reflexology techniques.
  • If you want more information about reflexology, you may need to purchase a more in-depth book or take a course.
  • Ask a reflexologist for help to recommend a good chart or book.
Increase Circulation With Reflexology Step 3
Increase Circulation With Reflexology Step 3

Step 3. Read the chart you purchased

Look for the reflection points related to circulation and cardiovascular on the chart. Any area related to the chest or heart will be the main reflection point that you will stimulate.

  • The chart should have basic information about which points should be stimulated for cardiovascular problems.
  • If the graph uses a numeric system, find the area on the leg that corresponds to the number.
  • Some charts will show areas related to circulation, while suggesting targeting organs such as the lungs, parathyroid glands, adrenal glands, kidneys, ureters, and bladder.
Increase Circulation With Reflexology Step 4
Increase Circulation With Reflexology Step 4

Step 4. Learn how to do the thumb-walk technique

Thumb-walking is a technique that you will use to press areas on your feet that have been determined based on reflexology to improve circulation. This technique also allows you to work for longer periods of time without straining your hands or thumbs.

  • Thumb-walking can be done easily. You just need to bend and straighten your thumb.
  • You will use the inner edge of the tip of your thumb to press down on the reflection point.
  • Place your thumbs evenly on the surface of your feet, or any other surface to practice on.
  • Bend your thumb. Your entire hand should move slightly upwards as you bend your thumb. Imagine a caterpillar crawling.
  • Straighten the thumb. Try not to change the position of the hand as the thumb moves forward.
  • Apply pressure between bending and straightening the thumb.
  • You can also massage using the other finger. Use the same motion with your index finger, bending and straightening it, as you work on the area to be massaged.

Part 2 of 4: Using Foot Reflexology Techniques

Increase Circulation With Reflexology Step 5
Increase Circulation With Reflexology Step 5

Step 1. Find a comfortable and clean place to do the massage

Reflexology can be done anywhere. However, doing the massage in a calm and clean setting will help you get better results.

  • A calm atmosphere can help you relax and get the most out of your massage session.
  • Dim the lights and make sure the room temperature is comfortable.
  • Consider soft music or a quiet setting if you prefer. Both can help bring about relaxation.
  • Wash your hands and trim your nails. Then remove all jewelery from hands.
Increase Circulation With Reflexology Step 6
Increase Circulation With Reflexology Step 6

Step 2. Prepare your hands and feet

Take off socks or shoes. Make sure your feet are clean and free of visible cuts or injuries. Wash your hands and feet before starting.

  • Make sure the nails are trimmed and there are no sharp edges.
  • If it turns out that the foot is injured, do not apply reflexology techniques to the foot. Check your feet for sores, rashes, or warts before proceeding.
Increase Circulation With Reflexology Step 7
Increase Circulation With Reflexology Step 7

Step 3. Examine the graph containing the number or symbol mapped to the foot

Take a reflexology chart that maps out the area of the foot to be massaged. While you are massaging the entire foot, there are certain points that are believed to give the best results for the heart and circulation.

  • If the chart uses numeric or symbolic references, learn which numbers and symbols correspond to the areas on the feet.
  • Look for areas labeled or associated with the heart, circulation, and lungs.
  • Put the chart in an easy-to-reach place if you need a reference when you start working.
Increase Circulation With Reflexology Step 8
Increase Circulation With Reflexology Step 8

Step 4. Massage the reflex points associated with the heart

Press the heart reflex point on the left foot using both thumbs. This reflection point is quite large. So, massage using your thumb all over this area in a clockwise direction.

  • Massaging the reflex area of the heart is believed to reduce stress on the heart and result in better circulation.
  • Use the “thumb-walking” technique. Place your thumbs evenly together, then bend them, lifting your hands as you bend. Straighten your thumb so that it rests flat again and make sure your hand doesn't move.
  • You can also use the “finger walking” technique. This technique is the same as the thumb-walking technique, but you use your index finger instead of your thumb. This technique is more often used to massage the top of the foot.
  • Hold the press for only a few seconds, while you move around the area of the heart's reflection.
  • If you forget exactly where the cardiac reflex points are, look again at the reflexology chart.
Increase Circulation With Reflexology Step 9
Increase Circulation With Reflexology Step 9

Step 5. Do massage on the point of lung reflection

Apply pressure to the lung reflex point on the sole of the left foot. This area of reflection is even larger than the area of the heart.

  • The pulmonary reflex points surround the cardiac reflex points.
  • Apply gentle pressure for a few seconds while massaging the entire reflex area.
  • Use both thumbs to press and release pressure at all points of lung reflection.
  • You can also use your knuckle to apply pressure.
  • Doing massage on the point of reflection of the lungs is believed to reduce pressure on the area. Thus, you can breathe better and circulation becomes smoother.

Part 3 of 4: Using Hand Reflexology Techniques

Increase Circulation With Reflexology Step 10
Increase Circulation With Reflexology Step 10

Step 1. Find a comfortable and relaxing environment

You don't need to buy special equipment to do hand reflexology. Just like foot reflexology, a quiet environment can help you relax and get the most out of your massage session.

  • If you are doing the massage for someone else, ask him to lie down or sit comfortably.
  • Hand reflexology can be done anywhere. However, a quiet and safe environment is ideal.
  • Wash your hands and trim your nails. The person who is massaging or being massaged must remove all jewelery worn on the hands.
Increase Circulation With Reflexology Step 11
Increase Circulation With Reflexology Step 11

Step 2. Examine the chart and study the numbers or symbols mapped out for the hand

Study reflexology charts and look for reflection points that correspond to the circulatory system. Examine your hand, or the hand of the person to be massaged, to find the area indicated by the graph.

  • Graphics may have numbers or symbols mapped to the feet. If so, study the numbers or symbols associated with circulation.
  • Perhaps the chart recommends other areas related to circulation, such as the lungs or kidneys.
  • Massaging this area is believed to reduce stress on the area and improve circulation.
Increase Circulation With Reflexology Step 12
Increase Circulation With Reflexology Step 12

Step 3. Apply pressure to the fingers

The fingers are thought to be associated with everything above the neck, such as the brain, skull, hearing and vision. Start massaging on the top, back / back of the thumb of the left hand. Apply gentle, steady pressure for a few moments, before moving slowly to the bottom of your thumb. Massage from top to bottom along the thumb.

  • Use the thumb of the other hand to press these points. Press firmly and move your thumb in a very small circle.
  • Apply pressure for about three to five seconds.
  • Once you've finished massaging your thumb, move on to your index finger. Again, start at the top and work your way down, applying pressure with your thumbs.
  • Continue massaging all fingers in the same way.
  • Applying this technique to the hands is believed to reduce tension in the body. With reduced tension, circulation will improve.
Increase Circulation With Reflexology Step 13
Increase Circulation With Reflexology Step 13

Step 4. Begin applying pressure to the palms

The palms are thought to have reflex points that relate to the torso and the internal organs. Place your hands on a flat surface, palms facing up. Apply sharp pressure with the tip of your thumb to the pads just below the fingers. Do massage from up and down and from right to left on each pad.

  • When you're done massaging the pads under your fingers, continue with your palms.
  • When you're done with your palms, continue massaging down, up, left and right, this time on the outer edges of your hands.
  • Now, massage from the base of your thumb to the outer edge of your hand. This massage will cover a large area of the hand and many reflex points that relate to other parts of the body.
  • End the massage session by applying gentle pressure to the wrist, from left to right, and vice versa.
Increase Circulation With Reflexology Step 14
Increase Circulation With Reflexology Step 14

Step 5. Switch to the other hand

Follow the same steps to massage all the reflex points on the other hand. Massaging both hands is believed to produce a balanced and optimal effect.

Part 4 of 4: Finding a Trained Reflexologist

Increase Circulation With Reflexology Step 15
Increase Circulation With Reflexology Step 15

Step 1. Gather information to find a reflexologist in your area

Just like finding a good doctor or mechanic, you should examine their practice carefully. Finding a reflexologist with a good reputation will ensure you get quality treatment and your money is not wasted.

  • Look for references. Try asking your doctor and see if he or she can recommend a reflexologist in your area. You can also ask family and friends who have visited reflexologists in the area for their opinion.
  • Look for professional organizations and reflexologists with whom they are affiliated. Look for information about organizations such as the Indonesian Association of Massage and Medicine (AP3I).
  • Research the training or certification that the reflexologist has. Ask him about any training he has attended and any certifications or accreditations he has received. AP3I has competency standards for reflection training graduation and usually includes written exams and interviews, as well as practical exams.
Increase Circulation With Reflexology Step 16
Increase Circulation With Reflexology Step 16

Step 2. Discuss pre-existing health conditions

There are several health problems and conditions that do not allow reflexology to be done. Tell the reflexologist about any of the following conditions as they may not allow you to have a massage:

  • Avoid reflexology altogether if you have any of the following conditions:

    • Deep vein thrombosis
    • Thrombophlebitis
    • Cellulite on the feet or legs
    • Acute infection with high fever
    • Stroke (within the first two weeks)
    • Unstable pregnancy
  • Only a well-trained reflexologist should perform a massage if you have any of the following conditions:

    • Pregnancy in the first trimester
    • Insulin dependent diabetes
    • Cancer
    • Epilepsy
    • Taking anticoagulant drugs
    • People who take high doses of drugs or various drugs
    • Recent heart surgery (within the last 6 months)
    • Have an infectious disease such as plantar warts, AIDS, Hepatitis B or C
Increase Circulation With Reflexology Step 17
Increase Circulation With Reflexology Step 17

Step 3. Get ready to do several massage sessions

Reflexology will give the best results if done regularly. A single massage can be beneficial, but the results of reflexology seem to be cumulative.

  • It is recommended that you start with one massage session each week for six to eight weeks.
  • If you want to treat certain ailments, you may need to do the massage more often.
  • Do not use reflexology exclusively. While massage can help in some ways, it's a good idea to combine it with other types of treatment recommended by your doctor.


  • Foot and hand reflexology is not the same as traditional foot and hand massage.
  • Foot and hand reflexology techniques differ from one another. Hand reflexology uses constant pressure near one point, while foot reflexology uses pressure that moves over a larger area.
  • Reflexology should be used in conjunction with other medical treatments, not a substitute for it.
  • Make sure you drink enough water as it will help get rid of waste products from the body.


  • Never do reflexology on the injured body part. Any cuts, rashes, or bruised areas should be avoided.
  • When doing reflexology, use firm pressure, but not too hard.
  • Don't forget to always tell the reflexologist about any medical conditions you have.
