4 Ways to Avoid Shots

4 Ways to Avoid Shots
4 Ways to Avoid Shots

Table of contents:


When the trigger is pulled, it is almost impossible to avoid the shot. The bullets were too fast for humans to dodge. However, you can follow these steps to avoid getting shot in the first place.


Method 1 of 4: When You're Not The Main Target

Avoid Being Shot Step 1
Avoid Being Shot Step 1

Step 1. Leave the area as much as possible

If you're in a situation where people are shooting at each other or someone is shooting at a group of people who are clearly not you, then your main goal is to try to stay away from the area as much as possible. If you see you can get away, do so as soon as you hear gunshots. If you don't know where the shots are coming from, but you know there's a safe room near you, go into it.

Avoid Being Shot Step 2
Avoid Being Shot Step 2

Step 2. Find protection

If you don't see a way to go, then you better find refuge. Hide behind something that can stop bullets, such as a car or a very solid object. Thin walls or doors are not enough, although they can obscure the shooter's vision that you are behind them. Stay still behind your cover and if the object is large enough, crouch on the ground. Lying on the ground will significantly reduce your chances of getting shot.

Avoid Being Shot Step 3
Avoid Being Shot Step 3

Step 3. Leave your luggage

Don't stop to collect your luggage before you escape the area. This action will cost you a significant amount of your time, where you should be leaving before the shooter realizes you're there. Go. You are more important than your wallet.

Avoid Being Shot Step 4
Avoid Being Shot Step 4

Step 4. Stay still

Be as quiet as possible when seeking cover or fleeing. Breathe slowly and don't cry. The act of making the shooter aware of your presence can put you in a dangerous position. Don't talk to other people or make phone calls. If you can, turn on silent mode on your cell phone. Send a short message (sms) if you want to get someone else's help or attention.

Avoid Being Shot Step 5
Avoid Being Shot Step 5

Step 5. Don't move

When you're hiding, stay hidden behind your cover object. Don't move from cover to cover unless you really have to. Staying still will reduce the noise you make and will reduce your attention to your presence.

Avoid Being Shot Step 6
Avoid Being Shot Step 6

Step 6. Create a barricade for yourself

If you seek refuge in a safe room, make sure that you barricade the entrance. Lock doors, move heavy furniture to block doors, close windows, and turn off lights or anything that makes noise. Stay still and move as little as possible.

Avoid Being Shot Step 7
Avoid Being Shot Step 7

Step 7. Wait for help to arrive

When you're in a fairly safe place, regardless of whether there's a barricade or at least something covered, it's best to just wait for help to arrive. This is the only thing you can do. Most shootings last less than three minutes, so while it may feel like you're waiting forever, you're actually not waiting that long for help to arrive.

Method 2 of 4: When You Are The Main Target

Avoid Being Shot Step 8
Avoid Being Shot Step 8

Step 1. Assess the situation

You'll want to evaluate the situation first if someone tries to shoot you specifically. If you get robbed, do whatever the shooter asks you to, and follow many of the instructions at the beginning. If you are in an argument, then your options will be even more limited.

Avoid Being Shot Step 9
Avoid Being Shot Step 9

Step 2. If you can, run away immediately

If you are being chased, do whatever you can to escape. If you are caught, but you see an opportunity to escape or distract the shooter, do so on the condition that your chances of escape are good enough. Turning your back on the shooter makes you easier to attack. So run in a zigzag pattern when you run away (this move makes it harder for you to get shot). If you can, create a visual distraction for the shooter, such as spraying an APAR (Light Fire Extinguisher).

Avoid Being Shot Step 10
Avoid Being Shot Step 10

Step 3. Locate the cover

You may not be able to escape right away, but holding onto a cover can really help you. If you see the shooter about to fire, immediately duck down and protect yourself with the cover item.

Avoid Being Shot Step 11
Avoid Being Shot Step 11

Step 4. Try to find weapons or distractions

In confrontations, look for objects that can be used as weapons. Heavy objects, especially those with sharp edges, are good weapons. However, it would be better if you have access to more powerful weapons.

Avoid Being Shot Step 12
Avoid Being Shot Step 12

Step 5. Talk to the shooter

If you are cornered, unable to hide, and have no other choice, then the best course is to talk to the shooter. Don't beg for your life or try to make him feel sorry for you. However, be sympathetic with him and ask him what he wants. Offer to help and ask why he is doing what he is doing now. This step can buy time until help finally arrives.

Avoid Being Shot Step 13
Avoid Being Shot Step 13

Step 6. Dodge immediately if he looks ready to fire

If it looks like it's about to shoot, the only thing you can do is quickly dodge or move. At least moving will increase your chances of getting shot in a less important area as it is very difficult to shoot accurately when the target is moving.

Method 3 of 4: In Police Confrontation

Avoid Being Shot Step 14
Avoid Being Shot Step 14

Step 1. Take off your sunglasses or hat if you haven't been seen before

If you are stopped by the police while you are in the car or anywhere that allows you more time before the police get too close to you (such as before you enter an area frequented by the police), take a minute to remove your hat and sunglasses when you wear it. If the cop can look you in the eye, he won't suspect anything. However, if the police see you or are near you when you take off your sunglasses and hat, this may make them suspicious.

Again, you should do this while you are not yet visible. If you do this and the cop sees you, he'll think you're going to take a gun

Avoid Being Shot Step 15
Avoid Being Shot Step 15

Step 2. Make sure your hands are visible

Whether you are in a car or on the road, you need to show your hand to the police. If you are in a car, raise your hand up to the window. If you're on the road, slowly raise your arms up.

Avoid Being Shot Step 16
Avoid Being Shot Step 16

Step 3. Move as little as possible

Don't reach for anything or move more than you should. Do not make sudden movements as this move can be interpreted as a sign that you are about to pick up a weapon.

Avoid Being Shot Step 17
Avoid Being Shot Step 17

Step 4. Calm down

Don't fight the police and don't let yourself look angry. Even if you feel your rights have been violated, don't fight the cops. You can take care of it at the courts and your attorney, but never get caught in an on-the-spot argument with the police.

Avoid Being Shot Step 18
Avoid Being Shot Step 18

Step 5. Speak slowly and don't shout

Speak to the policeman slowly, calmly, and tonelessly (don't shout). This will make it appear that you are not the enemy and prevent them from panicking. Yes, the burden is that your actions should calm them down, but thinking about what you should be doing isn't going to keep you from getting shot.

Avoid Being Shot Step 19
Avoid Being Shot Step 19

Step 6. Do what is asked

If they tell you to stop, then stop. If they tell you to get out of the car, then get out of the car immediately. If they tell you to put your hand on the wall, then put your hand on the wall. As we said earlier, you can stand up for your rights later, not now. It only takes one panicked and very stressed cop and you can die.

Avoid Being Shot Step 20
Avoid Being Shot Step 20

Step 7. Tell the police what you did

Whenever you feel you need to move, tell him what you're doing. Let them know why you're moving, where you're moving, and move slowly. Say the sentence calmly to them. Again, this step keeps them from thinking that you're not trying to pick up a gun.

Method 4 of 4: Avoiding the Situation

Avoid Being Shot Step 21
Avoid Being Shot Step 21

Step 1. Stay in a safe area

Avoid areas that have a reputation for gun violence and high crime rates. Sometimes, this area is unavoidable, but stay indoors as much as possible if you need to be in this area.

Avoid Being Shot Step 22
Avoid Being Shot Step 22

Step 2. Get past unsafe territory quickly

If you need to walk outside of a safe area, then quickly traverse that area instead of hanging out on the street with your friends or walking alone. Avoid walking and use the bus or car (a friend's car or yours).

Avoid Being Shot Step 23
Avoid Being Shot Step 23

Step 3. Avoid traveling at night

Crime rates increase at night, so avoid dangerous areas or even safe areas when it's dark. Nothing good happened above 2am. Immediately go inside the house and spend your night safely.

Avoid Being Shot Step 24
Avoid Being Shot Step 24

Step 4. Dress up without attracting attention

Certain types of clothing can attract the attention of the police and suspicious neighbors. Even though you can actually wear any clothes, in reality you still have to be vigilant. You should also wear group specific colors if you are going through group territory. For example, wearing orange clothes in the territory of Bonek Surabaya. Certainly not wise, right?

Avoid Being Shot Step 25
Avoid Being Shot Step 25

Step 5. Avoid drugs, gangs, and crime

Don't get involved with drugs, certain gangs, and don't start a life of crime either. In fact, never approach any gang if possible because random killings can be one of the initiatives of a gang. Putting yourself in dangerous situations can increase your chances of getting shot.

Avoid Being Shot Step 26
Avoid Being Shot Step 26

Step 6. Don't start the problem

A wise man once said, "Don't start a problem, then there is no problem". This means that if you don't start trouble, you will avoid trouble. Stealing someone else's radio or sleeping with someone else's lover is despicable. Avoid dangerous people by avoiding trouble.


  • If you have a cell phone, when you clandestinely call the police, don't 'threat' the shooter with the fact that you have a cell phone. If he knows you have it, he will take it.
  • Remember, these instructions are suggestions only and are not meant to change your instincts. Or used in preference to instructions, orders, or assistance from appropriate law enforcement authorities.
  • Do whatever it takes to increase your chances of safety. If the shooter wants you to agree to a request, go for it! If he wants you to shut up, do it! If he wants you to sound like a duck, do it! Do what he asks and wait until you are rescued or there is a chance to escape. There was no meaning in dying of prestige.
  • If the shooter uses a gun, the further away you are from the shooter, the better. Unlike in the movies, it is very difficult to shoot accurately with a gun and only a good shooter can shoot accurately over long distances.
  • If the shooter is using a revolver, remember that there is a cylinder that must be turned before the shot is fired. So if you can hold the gun, make sure you grip the cylinder so it doesn't spin. Do this only when the gun is not cocked. You can tell if the gun is cocked or not by looking at the position of the trigger, which is located at the top of the pistol grip, behind the cylinder. If the trigger goes up, the gun has not been cocked.
  • In semi-automatic pistols, if the top of the gun (slide) is not in the forward position, the cartridge is out of ammunition and you are safe for the time being.
  • Better to take the risk to move away than get shot.
  • While you're hiding, it's a good idea to pick up a rock or tool that can help you injure the shooter as he approaches you.
  • Get in the habit of carrying personal protective equipment, such as a penknife or special pen that can be used as a personal protection weapon.
  • A good idea for you if you have some knowledge of pistols, at least enough knowledge to identify the type of gun in front of you, the maximum number of rounds in the cartridge chamber (about 7 - 15 rounds), and the degree of effectiveness. Most people who were shot and killed simply gave up. It is helpful to know that you were shot with a 9mm Parabellum or.45 ACP.
  • Run in a zigzag motion as it will be more difficult to shoot at moving targets.
  • If you're in a situation where you're talking to the shooter, then keep your eyes straight. Keeping eye contact "(eye contact)" will build personal contact between two people. Pulling the trigger while looking someone in the eye is a greater personal commitment to the attacker than when shooting a familiar person.
  • If the person holding the gun hasn't shot you, don't give them a reason to shoot you. Pretend to agree with their demands and sympathize with their problems.
  • Thugs and criminals in general are bad shooters; they don't practice too much; so their shots depend on luck and as a target, keep moving erratically.


  • Try to discuss solutions and wait for outside help. Rejection will increase your chances of getting killed. It's best to comply with the shooter's wishes, unless the shooter's request increases the danger. (Follow her request, even in kidnapping. The police can find you. But they can't do anything if you're dead).
  • Realize that the best response to a confrontation with a sharp weapon is a passive response. When you are pointed at a gun, raising the tension or fighting the shooter can actually get you injured.
  • Don't attack the shooter. Unless you're close enough to pick up the gun or aren't directly in the shooter's sight, you shouldn't run toward the shooter. This can scare him off and can cause you to get shot.
  • If other methods fail do not try surrender as if you were more likely to lose than try to survive.
  • If the bullet chamber is not found on the semi-automatic pistol, it is likely that the gun still has one round.
  • Saying to the shooter "don't do this to yourself" means that the shooter has more to lose than you.
