How to Be an Ideal Girl: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Be an Ideal Girl: 14 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Be an Ideal Girl: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


When you see a kind girl who is calm and smiling, have you ever thought, "Can I be like her?" This article explains how to be an ideal girl, but you are free to choose the way that feels most appropriate because there are no universal criteria for ideal girls. Want to know how? Read on for this article!


Method 1 of 2: Showing Your Best Appearance

Girl Pulling Hair Into Ponytail
Girl Pulling Hair Into Ponytail

Step 1. Get in the habit of keeping your body clean

In order to look good, you must keep your body clean by cleaning your face, washing your hair, and bathing every day. In addition to looking fresher and more attractive, a prime appearance makes you more confident.

  • Use deodorant every day. If your deodorant doesn't prevent body odor, try a different type of deodorant. (For example, if stick deodorant doesn't work, use a gel deodorant).
  • Keep your teeth clean by brushing your teeth and flossing every day.
Girl with Down Syndrome Smiling Outdoors
Girl with Down Syndrome Smiling Outdoors

Step 2. Try to maintain good posture

Get in the habit of standing straight while spreading your feet shoulder width apart and straightening your knees. As you walk, look forward while relaxing your shoulders and pulling your shoulders back slightly. Imagine a cable rising up from the top of the head that holds the head and neck from bending or twisting. Get used to sitting with your back straight. As much as possible, place your buttocks on the seat of the chair as far back as possible, place your feet on the floor, and sit back leaning.

  • If your neck and shoulders often feel sore or sore, take time to stretch your muscles. Lie facedown on the floor and do the cobra pose. Then, lie on your back on the sofa with your head hanging down to the floor on the edge of the sofa. This step is useful in lengthening the spine and overcoming pain.
  • Maintain good posture, but don't push yourself. You can sit hunched over or relax once in a while.
Watermelon on Table
Watermelon on Table

Step 3. Eat nutritious foods.

Instead of following a strict diet, do other ways to live a healthy life. Choose a menu of healthy meals and snacks.

  • Every time you eat a meal, fill 1/3 of your plate with fruits and vegetables.
  • Don't hold back hunger or go on a crash diet. This habit is bad for health and metabolism (even make you gain weight). Instead, eat as soon as you feel hungry.
  • Get in the habit of drinking plenty of water. Prepare a bottle of water on your study table or desk. Fill again if the water is low.
Silly Girl Posing with Posters
Silly Girl Posing with Posters

Step 4. Be a smiley person

You will look more beautiful when you smile and a beautiful face makes you look more attractive. When the heart is happy, express it with a cheerful smile.

You don't have to smile all the time. If you are upset, express your feelings. Don't force yourself to smile to sound okay

Neurodivergent Teen Amputee with Rainbow
Neurodivergent Teen Amputee with Rainbow

Step 5. Determine the fashion style you like

If you like to look presentable, fine. If you prefer to be relaxed, that's fine too. The ideal girl chooses clothes according to the situation and mood, rather than just going along with it.

Method 2 of 2: Behave well

Loving Person with Hearts
Loving Person with Hearts

Step 1. Be a person who is able to love and value yourself.

This step makes you always appear as a beautiful girl who behaves well. Learn to accept yourself with all the uniqueness and advantages you have. Don't compare yourself to others. Instead, be the girl with the best personality.

If you make a mistake, don't blame yourself because no one is perfect. Use this experience as a learning opportunity so you can improve yourself

Two People Stroll in Quiet Forest
Two People Stroll in Quiet Forest

Step 2. Get in the habit of exercising regularly

Instead of wasting money to become a gym member, you can exercise by running in a residential neighborhood, cycling to the supermarket, or getting off public transportation and walking to your destination. Take advantage of the little things in your daily life. Enjoy the fresh air by exercising outdoors, whether during intense training or just taking a leisurely walk. Invite someone to exercise together!

Autistic Girl Dances to Music
Autistic Girl Dances to Music

Step 3. Take time to have fun

What are your hobbies? Determine the activity that you like the most and then do it every day.

Person Listens to Happy Autistic Friend
Person Listens to Happy Autistic Friend

Step 4. Set aside time to interact with supportive people

Be selective when choosing the people you want to interact with. Make sure he is able to understand your thoughts, empathize, and provide motivation. Friends and loved ones can bring happiness and success, not jewelry or accessories.

Girl with Down Syndrome Consoles Crying Girl 2
Girl with Down Syndrome Consoles Crying Girl 2

Step 5. Be kind to others

Make sure you treat the other person with understanding, respect, and patience so that he or she feels appreciated and supported. A kind-hearted girl who cares for others is more likely to achieve success in the future.

Girl Raises Hand in Class
Girl Raises Hand in Class

Step 6. Study diligently

Finish homework before the deadline. Study the exam material and work on assignments ahead of time so you don't run out of time. Good learning achievements make life more enjoyable because it is easier for you to get a job, pay for your daily needs, and find the ideal life partner.

Hijabi Girl at Computer
Hijabi Girl at Computer

Step 7. Find out your talents

Determine the things you are interested in and then work on mastering them. Mastering skills according to interests is useful to fill spare time while having fun, for example by:

  • Learn foreign languages.
  • Play a musical instrument or sing.
  • Learn to make computer programs.
  • Write articles or paint.
Cheerful Geek Smiling
Cheerful Geek Smiling

Step 8. Be yourself

Don't change just because you heard someone tell you that a certain way makes you the "cool" or "ideal" girl. Determine the way that suits your heart and which is not useful and then apply the most appropriate method.

Think carefully before making changes. If someone tells you that you need to change, consider the benefits and whether or not you should follow their advice. You don't have to do something just to fulfill someone else's wish

Smiling Thoughtful Autistic Girl
Smiling Thoughtful Autistic Girl

Step 9. Remember that the "ideal" criteria are just opinions

Your opinion of the ideal girl may be very different from the opinion of others. So, use the criteria that you define, instead of following other people's ideas.
