Itching, also known as pruritus, can be caused by a variety of skin conditions (such as allergies, insect bites, eczema, and nettle venom). If left unchecked, itching at night can keep you up all night. In addition to disrupting sleep, scratching itchy skin can also cause scarring and infection.
Method 1 of 3: Overcome Itching at Night

Step 1. Use an oral or topical antihistamine
Antihistamine creams and tablets are medications that can relieve itching caused by an allergic reaction. This drug works by inhibiting the binding of histamine to cells thereby preventing the release of mediators that cause allergic symptoms (including itching).
- Apply Benadryl cream (diphenhydramine) to the surface of the skin, or take a tablet/syrup before bed. In addition to helping with itching, oral Benadryl can also cause drowsiness which will help you sleep better.
- If the itchy skin area is large, you should opt for an oral antihistamine instead of applying a topical cream to large areas of skin.
- Even so, choose one of them, oral diphenhydramine or cream. Never use both at the same time, or your body will be exposed to too much of the drug.
- Always follow the instructions on the drug packaging label and never use it more than the recommended dose.
- Other antihistamines you can try include Incidal (cetirizine) and Claritin (loratadine).
- Be sure to consult your doctor or pharmacist first before using oral medications if you have a medical condition, drug allergy, or use any other medications.

Step 2. Apply a corticosteroid cream to the itchy skin surface
Corticosteroids are effective for controlling inflammation by altering the function of a number of cells and chemical compounds in the skin. If the itching is due to inflammation (eg eczema), try a corticosteroid cream.
- When using a corticosteroid cream, you should cover the itchy skin with a damp cotton cloth soaked in water. This layer will help the skin absorb the cream.
- Corticosteroid creams are available in low doses over-the-counter, or high doses that must be purchased with a doctor's prescription.
- If the itchy skin area isn't extensive, your doctor may prescribe a calcineurin blocking medication (such as Protropic or Elidel) instead of a corticosteroid cream.

Step 3. Apply moisturizer, protective cream, or anti-itch cream on itchy skin
This cream can help with mild itching if you prefer not to use over-the-counter medications. Apply a moisturizing cream before bed, or in cases that have lasted a long time, at least twice a day until the symptoms subside.
- Try a Cetaphil, Eucerin, Sarna, CeraVe, or Aveeno moisturizer, which is made from oats.
- Calamine or menthol are also anti-itch products that can temporarily relieve symptoms.
- Or, protect the skin with a layer of cream containing zinc oxide, lanolin, or petrolatum. For example, petroleum jelly" which is an inexpensive and gentle treatment option for itchy and dry skin.

Step 4. Apply a cold, wet compress to the itchy skin
Not only can this compress help reduce irritation, it will also protect your skin while preventing you from scratching it at night.
- You may be tempted to scratch your itchy skin, but try to avoid it. The layers of skin can be easily injured if you are constantly scratched overnight, making the skin more susceptible to infection. If you can't avoid it, trim your fingernails or wear gloves overnight.
- Or, apply a layer of plastic to the itchy skin to protect it and prevent you from scratching too much.

Step 5. Soak in a warm solution of oatmeal or baking soda before going to bed
Oats contain the chemical compound avenanthramide, which fights inflammation and redness and relieves itching.
- Puree the oatmeal in a blender and slowly sprinkle it into the tub while turning on the tap. Then soak for at least 15 minutes before going to bed.
- Or try using Aveeno's over-the-counter, easy-to-use oatmeal bath.
- Alternatively, add 1 cup of baking soda to a tub of warm water and soak the itchy skin area for 30 to 60 minutes before going to bed.
- Itching in certain areas can also be treated with baking soda paste. Mix 3 parts baking soda and 1 part water, then stir and apply to itchy skin. Only use on uninjured skin.

Step 6. Wear loose cotton or silk pajamas
Ingredients like these can help reduce irritation. Avoid clothing that can irritate the skin, such as wool and synthetic fabrics. Avoiding tight clothing may also be beneficial.

Step 7. Avoid wearing anything that can irritate the skin at night
Certain materials can cause irritation or allergic reactions, such as jewelry, perfume, strong scented skin care products, cleaning products, and cosmetics. Don't use them at night.
Also, use unscented laundry soap to wash pajamas and bedding, and give an extra rinse when washing in the machine
Method 2 of 3: Try Natural Treatments

Step 1. Apply lemon juice to itchy skin
Lemon contains aromatic compounds that are efficacious as an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory. Applying lemon juice to your skin before bed can reduce itching and help you sleep.
- Squeeze pure lemon juice onto itchy skin and allow it to dry before going to bed.
- However, lemon juice can make the injured skin sting and sting. So, be careful when trying to use lemon on irritated skin.

Step 2. Try juniper and cloves
The combination of volatile compounds that have anti-inflammatory properties in juniper with eugenol (which numbs nerve endings) from cloves can help relieve itching at night.
- Combine the two by melting 85 grams of unsalted butter and 2 tablespoons of beeswax in a separate saucepan.
- Once the beeswax has melted, mix it into the butter.
- Add 5 tablespoons of ground cumin and 3 tablespoons of ground cloves to the butter and beeswax mixture, then stir.
- Allow to cool and apply to itchy skin before going to bed.

Step 3. Try using herbs like basil, mint, and thyme to relieve itching
Compounds in this herbal plant are efficacious as anesthetics and anti-inflammatory so that they can help relieve itching on the skin.
Make a tea of mint, basil, or thyme by dropping the dried leaves or tea bags in boiling water. Cover to prevent the aromatic compounds from escaping, let cool, and strain. Dip a clean cloth in tea and apply it to itchy skin before going to bed

Step 4. Apply aloe vera gel to the itchy skin
Aloe vera is commonly used to treat burns, but the inflammatory compounds and skin blisters in aloe vera can also help relieve itching.
Apply aloe vera gel to itchy skin before going to bed

Step 5. Take fish oil supplements
This supplement contains fatty acids that can help moisturize the skin. If the itching is caused by dry skin, regular intake of fish oil supplements may be of benefit to you.
Method 3 of 3: Overcoming Special Conditions

Step 1. Treat a rash from nettle, poison oak, or sumac
The oil contained in this plant can irritate the skin and cause itching.
- Apply calamine lotion or hydrocortisone cream to itchy skin before going to bed.
- You can also take an antihistamine before bed or apply an antihistamine cream to itchy skin.
- If the skin reaction is serious, a dermatologist may prescribe a steroid ointment or oral prednisone.

Step 2. Treat insect bites
Insect bites are a common cause of itching, especially in the dry season. Minor bites can be treated by washing the surface of the skin with soap and water, then applying an anti-itch cream before going to bed.
- However, if the bite is painful or swollen, apply a hydrocortisone cream, anesthetic, or antihistamine to the itchy skin before going to bed.
- To reduce the temptation to scratch, apply a cold compress to itchy skin overnight.

Step 3. Treat eczema
Eczema (atopic dermatitis) is a skin condition that can cause itching as well as other symptoms. Try these ways to treat nighttime itching caused by eczema:
- Over-the-counter or prescription corticosteroid cream or ointment.
- Oral antihistamines such as Benadryl.
- Prescription medicated creams that help repair skin such as Protopic and Elidel. These drugs have side effects so they are only used if other treatments have not worked.

Step 4. Treat cercarial dermatitis
This condition is a skin rash caused by an allergic reaction to microscopic parasites found in dirty water. Try these ways to treat night itching caused by cercarial dermatitis:
- Apply a cold compress to itchy skin to reduce irritation.
- Take an Epsom salt, baking soda, or oatmeal bath before bed.
- Apply a corticosteroid ointment or anti-itch cream to the itchy skin.
- In addition to the methods above, you can also use over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen to relieve discomfort at night.
- Try drinking a soothing tea or sleeping pills to help you sleep through the night.
- Consult your doctor if you have any particular concerns or if your condition does not improve after a few days. In addition to helping relieve itching, your doctor can also help determine the cause and treat the underlying condition.
- Use all over-the-counter and prescription drugs as directed, and never take more than the recommended dose.
- In rare cases, hives may indicate an internal disease, such as a problem with the liver or thyroid.
- Talk to your doctor if you are unsure about which medication to take, and if you have any medical conditions or allergies, are pregnant or breastfeeding, or are taking any other medications.