It's Monday morning and you promised this time you meant it. For the next three days there are only salads, jogging and protein snacks. It turns out that Thursday has gone by unnoticed and you're stuck on the couch with Ben & Jerry's ice cream. What happened? Lack of motivation, this is why. But don't worry – if you really mean it, you can avoid the "yo-yo" diet and go back to the "you look great" diet.
Method 1 of 3: Start a Motivating Routine

Step 1. Prepare realistic achievements
Saying, "I want to lose 25 pounds in the next few months" is obviously self-demotivating. Once you've finished taking notes, you'll have to fight back against the urge to retreat, until your forehead experiences resistance. Not a wise way to start a new you! Setting realistic goals makes them achievable – and when you start pursuing your weight loss goals, you'll be happier. Those of you who are happier are more likely to achieve these achievements than those of you who are back on the keyboard.
One kilogram is 7716 calories. Eliminating 1100 calories in a day without additional exercise means losing a kilo in a week. What kind of regimen are you planning to take? To lose weight, you should do it slowly and steadily. Try limiting it to less than a kilo a week

Step 2. Find a partner to lose weight
Wouldn't it be nice if the misery was split in half? Finding a partner means you have a place to share, reducing mental stress. What's more, when we're alone we tend to discourage ourselves, saying to ourselves, "Ah, only one practice was left," or "Ah, only a third fillet of fish. And this time not even added cheese!” But if we have someone, we won't give up easily and run away carefree. We'll let him down too.
Depending on the regimen you choose, this person will help you eat better, exercise more or both. Even daily shopping companions are very helpful! Just make sure you pick someone who makes you feel better throughout the whole process – not someone who turns you into a competition

Step 3. Take a class
If your practice is difficult to realize, join the class. It's like having thirty comrades (and one training sergeant if I'm being honest). If the class is good, it usually takes attendance and you'll feel guilty if you leave (which you certainly won't). You also have the added pressure of falling behind the others, and of course you don't want that either.
Chances are there is at least one class out there that doesn't quite like the word "practice" that the word "practice" should be. If you like dancing, take a dance class. Do you like to vent your anger? Try kickboxing. Want to relieve stress? Yoga. There are many options out there; all you need to do is a little browsing

Step 4. Start (b)exercise log
Writing down the progress made makes things clear and not overlooked. You can write it any way you like but it will take two forms:
- Start a workout (and food) log. Here you write down what you do each day, how many calories you burn, how close you are to your goal and the food choices you make. If you have friends, share with them for additional accountability.
- Start an exercise blog. It will be published on the Internet – a real revelation (if anyone reads it of course). With this you'll take the creative route, factoring in all the training log factors but also getting your feelings into it. The obstacles you face and the feeling of progressing. Make sure you keep writing!

Step 5. Find a trainer
Don't have a friend who won't rein or coax you into Starbucks? In that case, a coach might be your best bet. Find someone who fits your personality; what makes you feel bad will end up with you pretending to be sick.
Generally any gym provides a trainer. It would be great if you could try some free introduction sessions. Look for reputable gym information and only work with those who know what to do and respect your weight loss goals

Step 6. Register for the race
If you have an official “due” on your workout, it's clear what you need to do. Can't run 5 km now? No problem, just sign up for the next few months. Realizing that time is coming will intensify your practice even more!
- Many exercise programs and apps are available to help you move from the “Couch to 5 km” alternating between walking and running. No problem resting while walking!
- If not already available, the Internet can be your best friend. Sites such as and NextBib provide comprehensive lists of running races taking place in America. Therefore there is no reason; register immediately just click a few options!

Step 7. Look for old photos when you looked great
Most individuals have a photo or two and when they see it they think like “Wow, I don't know how that happened. If only I really looked like that!” Find the photo and attach it to your fridge, bathroom door or desk, where ever. any and all of the places you think it would be helpful to be motivated. Realizing that the person you want to emulate is possible (by yourself!) will seem easier and will keep you on the right track.
Can't find a single photo? Then you should have enough with the Victoria Secret catalog you get every month. While it's a little more fun to compare yourself to yourself, looking at beautiful women all the time will serve as an effective reminder too

Step 8. Hang the “uniform” over your bedroom door
You know that pair of pants you bought a few weeks ago that was too small? Instead of putting it in a drawer and forgetting its existence, hang it on the bedroom door. The pants are there and won't go away. When you reach your goal, how happy will you feel when you put it on and don't put it back on the hanger? The answer: very happy.
Don't have a magic uniform to target? You can buy it. In addition, the same concept can also be applied to your fat pants. Hanging your fat pants on the door is also a constant reminder of conditions you don't want to be in. While thinking constantly about your fat pants isn't always easy, the further away you are from them, the better you'll feel

Step 9. Tell your family/roommate/close friends about your plans
If you pay close attention all this time, you will realize that all these points are aimed at holding you accountable. Tell the social circle including than that. How would you expect your friends to know about diet restrictions when you go out to buy food? They must know! If they know, they can help.
Telling the people you live with is also very important. They can keep your eating rules and keep temptation away from you. They may even be able to finish your meal, easy work for a filling paycheck

Step 10. Read books, blogs and success stories
Seeing hundreds of other individuals who have gone through a similar situation to yours can be very motivating. Their stories can even touch you. Why can't you be like them? Here's something that sounds crazy: You can be like them and will.
Weight loss success stories are everywhere. Try,, and for beginners. That's just three out of millions. Not only will you be motivated by it but it can also be used as a reference

Step 11. Set up a reward system
Humans have evolved to the point that “we” can train “ourselves” but have not evolved enough that we cannot “not” be manipulated by certain tricks of the trade. Set up the right reward system and your brain will fall into your hands.
- Some like to use the point system. For every good decision (either food or exercise), you earn points. Once you've earned 100 points, reward yourself with something you enjoy (like a massage or shopping).
- Some choose to collect their achievements. Whenever you have a good day, put a little money in a jar. The money can be used to earn rewards, whatever it is.
- Your rewards don't always have to be at the end! Prepare for a few kilometers, a few calories or weight loss or a few days that go by without snacking. Make this a routine so that it is always visible.

Step 12. Set up a punishment system
Sometimes the reward system isn't enough, especially when it comes to eliminating the things we really enjoy in life (eating and being lazy is both pleasure and guilt). If the idea of a massage in the near future isn't appealing enough, how about donating $100 to the Hitler Youth?
Well maybe not for the Hitler Youth at least you get the point. Give a friend some money (if you're not sure you can keep your promise to yourself). Tell them if you can't reach your goal, they can take the money and donate it to a specific organization that goes against your beliefs. They will be very happy to help

Step 13. Spend time thinking positively
If your thought process revolves around, “I'm so fat. I won't be able to make any progress.” You run the risk of getting a self-fulfilling prophecy. When you start to think positively, the idea of achieving something difficult will seem more likely to come true because you think positively of yourself. You know you can. And of course you can.
If positive thinking is hard for you (which is normal), take a few minutes each day to think about it. When you start to think negatively, stop and start over. What do you like about yourself? What do other people like about you? What are you very good at doing? Over time this will become easier as anything else
Method 2 of 3: Motivate Diet and Exercise

Step 1. Measure yourself
It's the first day of your new training routine and you've already run 10 km. Yesterday it felt great but now you are stuck in bed and your legs can barely move. Instead of being temporarily paralyzed, you should be able to "measure yourself." Doing it too much will hurt your body. Just do what you can so your body can follow suit.
If you haven't practiced in a while, start small. Spend a week measuring your fitness level. When you've figured out what's easy and what's hard, start practicing from there. Add only 10% each time to avoid wreaking havoc on your muscles/joints/self

Step 2. Keep it refreshing and fun
Maybe you've been running 5km three times a week and the 4.5kg you're trying to lose isn't happening. It's really frustrating! If this sounds like you, you should change it. You and your body may be bored with the routine. Combine it with some cross-training, find a class you enjoy, or set up a new custom training goal.
- The best way to lose weight is with cardio “and” lifting weights. If you only do one of them then this might be your problem.
- If you don't like the exercise right away, don't waste your time. Not a runner? No problem – don't run. If you don't like what you do, don't stick with it. Invest your time and energy into activities that make you happy while doing them and they will become long-term hobbies.

Step 3. Change the way you talk about diet
Telling yourself and others you don't eat certain foods rather than you “can't” eat certain foods shows you've improved your ability to stick to your resolutions..
Likewise, trying to think of exercise as part of your daily routine is not something you should do

Step 4. Count calories/kilometers/steps
If you're just after weight loss, you may be experiencing a season of achievement drought for a while. Instead consider looking at the different numbers that seem to add up every day. After a week of walking, you'll have accumulated tens of "thousands" of steps. This figure will feel absolutely incredible!
- In this situation your (b)log becomes useful. Write it all down – in no time, you'll be addicted to the after-feel, can't wait to see the numbers go up. Can you imagine running 24 km a week, losing 4500 calories and gaining 30,000 steps?
- Don't know how to count steps? Easy: use a pedometer.

Step 5. Just limit, don't eliminate food
If your trip to the supermarket includes not seeing the ice cream aisle, you're setting yourself up for disaster. There will come a day when you want to throw the rules to the wind, ignore Jillian Michaels and decide on Sara Lee as your new best friend. To avoid this day appearing on the horizon, give yourself a little wiggle room.
- Never say to yourself, “I can't eat that. I'm on a diet." You will only feel lost. Instead eat portion of what you normally eat but eat slowly, interspersed with drinking. Drinking lots and eating slowly will naturally reduce your appetite.
- Blue is an appetite suppressant. If you want to do a bit of cheating, consider putting it on a blue plate.

Step 6. Get rid of negative thoughts
It's easy to get discouraged when it comes to weight loss. It has never been and will ever be as fast and easy as we would like it to be. You'll feel like you've worked 120% over the past two weeks, get on the scales and find that you've only lost 0.2 kg. We've all felt that way and it's really hard. The easiest thing to do is think negatively. Don't give up on him! This way you will lose motivation.
Instead concentrate on your progress. The logs you have saved are beautiful. Proof that you are on the right track. Go back to him and look back at your numbers. Set aside time to worry later. Now is the time to make the right decision

Step 7. Keep it short and beautiful
Many of us use excuses, “I don't have time,” or “Practicing is so boring!” Well, newsflash: high-intensity interval training can be done in minutes and burns a lot of calories. Those reasons have just been broken down.
- To do this, all you have to do is perform bouts of intense exercise with rest periods. Then saying this would burn calories is an understatement – it would even disappear in a gust of glittering air. This can be done with anything, but an easy example is the treadmill. Start walking for a few minutes, increasing your maximum heart rate 90% for 30 seconds and returning to your walking pace for one minute. After that return to the super intense level for 30 seconds. Do it for 8-10 times. Then? "You're done".
- Consult a doctor before undertaking this regimen if you have any slight health concerns. This is not for the weak at heart.

Step 8. Purchase new equipment
Starting a run, going to the gym or going to class is easier when you have something new to try. Buy new tennis shoes, new headphones or a new training uniform. Anything to make practice fun.
Method 3 of 3: Keeping Your Routines Going

Step 1. Reward yourself
You know the reward system we talked about? Well, apply. Apply as often as you want. Nobody says you should only reward yourself once you've hit your long-term goals. What about the short term? Define a reward system too.
Stay sane by occasionally cheating. Sometimes your reward can be in the form of food. Otherwise, you'll find that the only thing you want most in the world is a Frappucino or a handful of Pringles. If you have reached the point of 1.5 km, you are allowed to pamper yourself. Just don't do it every day

Step 2. Relax
Now that your body has become more active than usual, you will need some time to rest. Take a little time for you. Take a longer shower or take a nap to get some strength. This is very much worth doing.

Step 3. Take a photo
If you're having a hard time getting up and practicing, these photos will be used to remind you of the exercises you've done. Take your photo on the first day onwards every week. How has your body changed?
Once your achievements are visible, you may want to consider posting these photos in your bedroom or around the house. It will always remind you that you've done all these exercises – why sabotage them now?

Step 4. Choose new, healthy habits in addition
Just as you should mix up your workout routine, once you've become a pro with this healthy lifestyle, think about adding a new habit. Try experimenting with a vegetarian lifestyle for a week, taking vitamins, or doing hobbies outside the home. This new you, what do you love to do?
If you've never cooked before, start cooking. This is the most enjoyable activity to control what goes into your stomach. Not only do you nourish the lives of friends and family but you also gain a skill set and make healthy eating more accessible

Step 5. Get up where you fell
This should be the top of the list on the page. Know that you are "going to have a moment of setbacks." This is unavoidable and happens to “anyone”. The only thing you can do is get up. If you leave one day of training, it will be more difficult to return to the previous position if you leave two days.
It's harder to practice getting to a point than going backwards. Leaving a week of practice will put you back in the “two weeks” position you were in. Keep this in mind when you think about spending the morning in bed. What are the effects in a few days?

Step 6. Keep a success journal
This of course involves a lot of writing, doesn't it? This doesn't have to be a separate book – it could be a part of your (b)log too. Make sure whatever you write includes a section dedicated to how great you are. It would be great if you could write it in addition.
If you feel like you haven't had a successful day yet, keep looking. What temptation did you ignore when you could have given up? Think about what you don't do in addition to what you do

Step 7. Look for a theme song or two
Rocky has his own theme song (you know that right?) so why don't you have one too? Everyone needs something to bring them into the zone. What are your favorite songs?
Take the time to find 15 or more songs that excite you. Having a playlist that excites you in seconds will lead your practice to success

Step 8. Donate your “fat” clothes to a donation agency
The time has come! That pair of pants is missing from the door, your weight goal has been realized and your old shirt is no longer needed. Donate to charity as a form of altruism and arrogance. Safe!
You can donate clothes to useful organizations but can you also donate your time and knowledge to others? You probably know at least half a dozen other individuals who are also struggling with the same thing. How can you help?
- Water is very important. Make sure you drink at least 8 glasses every day.
- Remember to always be realistic. If you have a friend who is very skinny and you want to be the same size, forget it! Find someone who has a similar body shape. This will be very helpful.
- Stay realistic. Beauty in the eye of the beholder. There are no beauty standards. You don't need to have a certain number taped to you to be beautiful.
- Don't be discouraged! If so, talk to your best friend and tell what you're going through. They will listen and try to help. Don't be ashamed of the people you care about. They love you too!
- Find a shopping buddy who won't let you buy unhealthy foods or call someone who can keep you from eating that third slice of cake.
- Don't eat sweets when you're feeling down or tired! Brace yourself. The mood will pass.
- If you have health problems, first visit your doctor or health care professional before making sudden changes to your diet or fitness routine.