Lack of maturity can make other people very uncomfortable and make it difficult for you to become a fully mature person. According to recent research, the average woman reaches maturity at 32 years of age, while men reach 43 years of age. This 11-year gap is influenced by the social and cultural expectations of both genders. Regardless of gender, becoming an adult helps you improve your professional life and lead you to a happier personal life. To stop being immature, you need to focus on developing habits of grooming and dressing more maturely, having a more mature approach to school and work, and acting more mature in front of others.
Part 1 of 3: Developing Adult Self-Grooming and Dressing Habits

Step 1. Maintain good personal hygiene
Present yourself in front of others in a mature manner by grooming yourself and wearing neat clothes. This means that you need to make sure your body and face are clean, brush your teeth and floss between them, and use deodorant to smell good. You also need to take a shower once a day and make time in the morning to look neat and tidy before leaving the house.
You also need to take the time to style your hair by combing it and making sure it looks clean. Use gels and styling tools to style your hair to match your overall appearance. Being mature about your appearance shows others that you care about your appearance and want to be taken seriously

Step 2. Wear the right clothes for work
If you come to the office with a wrinkled T-shirt, ripped jeans, and flip-flops, you will appear childish or unworthy to coworkers and clients. Show the appearance of a professional businessman by dressing according to the workplace to give an aura of maturity.
- For men, you need to wear a full suit that fits your body size, with an ironed formal shirt, tie, and leather shoes. If you work in a less formal environment, you still need to come to the office wearing clean and comfortable shirts, pants, and shoes.
- For women, you can wear a clean, ironed blouse with a pencil skirt or formal pants, as well as low-heeled leather shoes. If you work in a less formal environment, still maintain a professional appearance with clean and comfortable clothes and shoes.

Step 3. Wear age-appropriate clothes when going to a party or going to a nightclub
You might want to wear shorts, a tight tube top, or flashy tights, but this look can make you look childish if you're no longer of the right age. Dressing your age for a night out or going to a nightclub shows that you can present yourself in a mature way and attract people who are also mature and age-appropriate. Even though you are still relatively young, don't overdo your body and choose a more mature look so that you look presentable, but still sexy.
- Men can wear clean and tidy formal pants or jeans, as well as a clean shirt. Spritz on a little cologne and jewelry like a watch or chain to add a touch of class to your look.
- Women can wear a dress that fits their body shape, or a clean top and formal pants with high heels (or comfortable formal shoes). Use perfume and eye-catching make-up and jewelery to reflect a mature and presentable appearance.
Part 2 of 3: Demonstrating a Mature Approach to School and Work

Step 1. Attend important meetings or events early
Show coworkers and clients that you value their time by showing up 5-10 minutes early for all important meetings and events at work. This shows your maturity as an adult at work. In addition, other people can see that you want to prioritize other people's time, instead of thinking about your own time. Being late for a meeting or joining a teleconference/video call with a client simply reflects that you are unprofessional and immature.
Also try to be there early for all classes or meetings at school as this will show your friends that you are responsible for yourself and want to arrive early or on time. Also try to be able to arrive early or on time for more casual or less important gatherings with friends because they will see your attitude as a form of maturity and wisdom

Step 2. Come to class or work ready
Arrive at the office or class prepared, and make sure you have all the necessary supplies and notes with you. For classes/lectures, you must bring a notebook, pen, textbook, and markers. For the office, be prepared with pens, files, notes or information about clients, and a work cell phone.
Coming ready for class or work shows your teachers or bosses that you don't take your role lightly and are willing to work hard to be successful. This attitude also reflects an aura of confidence and respect for yourself because you can be responsible for your duties as a student, student, or employee

Step 3. Treat coworkers and friends with respect
Show your maturity when interacting with others through a good demeanor and a respectful disposition. You can take simple actions such as opening the door for someone else, helping someone who is carrying a package or heavy item, or greeting everyone with a “Good morning!” or “Hello!”. Think about the feelings and needs of others through your awareness to be a useful person to friends and coworkers.
You should also always knock before entering a room, meeting place, or office, and say "Excuse me" if you need to interrupt a chat with a client or meeting. This shows that you respect the needs and time of others

Step 4. Appreciate the hard work of others
Show those around you how much you appreciate their hard work and dedication as it reflects that you are taking a mature approach at work and in the classroom. If a coworker shows a good performance or achievement in a task/project, you can approach him and say, “Good job! I really appreciate your efforts!” If a friend is helping another friend who is having a hard time with a math assignment, let her know that you find her efforts to guide and mentor others admirable.
You can also act as a mentor or guide for others to reflect maturity. Observe friends who are having difficulty with a particular subject or coworkers who need help on a project, and provide guidance or assistance. This opportunity allows you to be a role model for others and show your maturity

Step 5. Accept constructive criticism and feedback
One of the most challenging things about being mature is being willing to accept criticism and feedback. Immature responses to criticism usually include anger, irritation, or denial. Meanwhile, responses that are considered more mature include thanking someone who has provided criticism and consideration for their criticism. Mature responses like this show that you have the confidence and maturity good enough to respect other people's opinions and listen to their feedback.
Part 3 of 3: Acting More Mature in Front of Others

Step 1. Practice the habit of active listening
Show others that you can prepare for adulthood by actively listening to chats or discussions. When you listen actively, you view each chat as a way to get to know someone better or learn something new. Also, when you listen actively, the speaker will know that you are interested in what he has to say and can respond with energy and sincerity.
- You can practice active listening with a sympathetic friend. Ask him to tell you about his day and keep your focus on him. Listen without interruption, nodding from time to time and maintaining eye contact to show that you're interested. After he finishes speaking, repeat what he said in his own words. You could start with, for example, "So, from what I've heard, …" or “I guess what you meant was…”
- If he agrees that you understand what he's saying, you can respond to him or give him suggestions or comments. This shows that you can have a mature chat and active listening.

Step 2. Show support and care for friends and partners
An important part of being mature is being sympathetic to the needs of others and showing concern for others. Show your support and care openly to your friends, family, spouse, and even strangers. This reflects that you are not just thinking about your personal needs and observing what the people around you need.
Ask how your friends are feeling or doing, and give them support by participating in things or activities they think are important. For example, you could attend a friend's game or play, or take part in a charity run by family and friends

Step 3. Show a good attitude to others
Being polite to others shows that you can be mature and present yourself with respect. Open the door for others, say “Please”, “Thank you”, and “You're welcome”, and say “Excuse me” when you pass someone.
To be nice, you can also help someone who clearly needs help, such as an elderly person who needs to cross the street. You can also talk to someone who needs help such as a homeless person who lives on the street. Having a good attitude/behavior and showing it to others is a sign that you are mature enough to consider the condition of others and care about the well-being of those around you

Step 4. Act responsibly and maturely in the relationship
If you're having trouble being mature in your relationship with your partner or partner, think about how you are committed and responsible to your partner. For example, you can make sure you show up on time for every date and try to remember all important dates or milestones in your relationship. Acting responsibly in your relationship shows your partner that you don't take your relationship for granted and are trying to be a mature person.
You also need to make sure you show commitments made to your partner, such as following any travel/vacation plans that have been made or keeping promises to give up bad habits such as drinking or smoking. This shows that you are willing to take responsibility for the promises you make and act maturely in your interactions with your partner

Step 5. Adjust the maturity level based on the situation
Being an adult may seem like a difficult thing to do. However, with a commitment to being supportive, responsible, and a good listener to those around you, you can also adjust your level of maturity based on the situation at hand. For example, when you are with your family, you can show a different level of maturity than when you are with your closest friends.