Dreams are mysterious things. There are a number of theories as to why we dream, but no one knows for sure which ideas are correct, or whether each one is true to some degree. A dream journal can serve as a memory trigger and is a great source of insight into your inner world. Keeping a dream journal requires a bit of self-discipline, but once you get used to keeping it, it may become a long-term source of reassurance and interest.
A dream journal is a great way for you if you want to see patterns that reoccur in dreams, recall important aspects that need to be interpreted, or improve your ability to remember dreams more generally. In the end, this will be a fun exercise and one that can help you understand your subconscious. Here's how to write a dream journal, the diary of your inner soul.
Part 1 of 2: Get ready

Step 1. Find the appropriate journal
There are a number of journals that are meant to be dream journals, but that aren't necessary and in many ways making your own can be a lot more fun and creative. Some useful things to keep in mind when choosing an appropriate journal include:
- Long: Do you plan on keeping your dreams in a journal for a year, or for a shorter or longer period of time? Think about how detailed you want to be to make notes each night; this and the length of time targeted for recording your dream will indicate the length of the journal needed.
- Ability to scroll through pages: If you want to be able to organize pages into existing themes (e.g., “Recurring Dreams”, “Dreams about Dogs”, etc.), it helps to use a loose-leaf notebook that allows You to switch pages easily. Use a quality binder to keep loose-leaf journals organized.
- Quick notes: The ability to add to brief notes that have been written elsewhere can also be important. Make sure there is room in the journal to add paper clips, etc.
- Don't forget to buy a suitable marker. If you want to write in different colors for a specific theme or repeated interpretations, keep this in mind when buying markers.
- Consider finding cans, baskets, or other storage areas for your dream journal and markers. This allows all the things you need to be neatly stored and ready to use at any time.
- Consider using a protective cover for travel or a protective bag if you travel a lot and want to take your dream journal with you with you wherever you go.

Step 2. Create a physical space to put your dream journal
A dream journal is best written after you wake up, so the best place to keep it is by your bedside. The downside of looking around for something to write about is that you tend to forget about your dreams for a while, so make sure your dream journal is within easy reach!
- If you store it in a container such as a can or basket, the journal will be easy to move and put in a drawer or cupboard when cleaning or to keep it away from curious people.
- Another good idea is to keep a reading lamp next to the bed. If you wake up in the middle of the night and feel compelled to write about your dream, an easy-to-reach light will allow you to do it before you forget the dream.
- If you prefer to speak and record using an MP3 player, make sure that the MP3 player is within easy reach and that the dream journal files are stored in the correct order, and moved regularly as a back-up. It also doesn't hurt to keep some spare battery in case you forget to turn off your MP3 player all night and need to take a new note right away.

Step 3. Write down the date for the next note after you have finished writing a note
That way, you won't have to spend time thinking about the date when you first woke up and can write about the dream right away. Some dream journal writers like to write down the date the next day after the journal entry for the morning is complete, others prefer to write it in the evening before engaging in some kind of "preparation ritual."
If you did write down the date the night before, you might also enjoy taking notes about how you feel. The feelings you feel can have an important influence on the dreams you have at night, so keeping a short note of them can lead you to some insight later on. This can be especially useful as a mood reminder for dreams that startle you or startle yourself that sometimes feel as if they came out of nowhere

Step 4. Keep a proper journal to record your dreams
There is no right or wrong way to keep a dream journal or record it, but you can help make the connection between dreams and interpretations easier to see.
- Column method: If you create a column at the bottom center of each journal page, it will be possible to write dreams on one side of the page, then write possible interpretations at the bottom of the other side of the page, directly behind each interpreted dream section.
- Write it down and move on: If you don't like cramming everything into columns, just follow the dream writing process first, then move on to writing dream interpretations. After all, writing dreams is the most time-related part and should be given a lot of space; interpreting dreams at a later time is not too urgent.
Part 2 of 2: Documenting and Interpreting Your Dreams

Step 1. Dream
Use your usual method of falling asleep and dreaming. You may find it helpful to remind yourself that you are going to write down your dream in the morning, so you should focus on your subconscious mind the importance of remembering dreams.
- Check out the many articles on dreams on wikiHow for ideas on dreaming, controlling, and influencing your dreams.
- It's a good idea to use an alarm that produces a beep or ringer instead of a radio or music alarm. Talking or singing can distract you from remembering the contents of the dream. If waking up without using an alarm isn't a problem for you, it's even better and much more relaxing.

Step 2. Write down your dream
After waking up, start recording your dreams. If you can, refrain from going to the bathroom until the dream is finished recording because any distraction between waking up and taking notes can cause you to lose your memory of the dream, or lose the main point or sharpness of the dream. With more experience and practice, you may find that this is not a big problem and remember it becomes easier, but for beginners, the less distractions, the better.
- Write down everything you can remember. At first it can be difficult to decide what to write down and distinguish between thoughts that may come to mind when you wake up from the memory of your dream. But with practice, you will soon be able to remember the things that have been shown in the dream. Enter characters, symbols, colors, textures, feelings, actions (such as flying or swimming), interactions with other beings, shapes or anything else that appears in the dream.
- Think of some adjectives to describe the most vivid and pressing images and feelings that arise in you because of the dream. For example, if you dream of a burning house, you can write: "a terrible, thrilling and burning house", with your feelings of "fear, panic and curiosity".
- Some dream journal writers enjoy drawing or using different colors to express different emotions or themes in dreams. (Color itself can be an important part of dream interpretation).

Step 3. Write freely
Don't try to compose a narrative when writing down the content of your dream. Focus on entering all the information you can remember and as quickly as possible before the details of the dream fade from memory. You can compose a narrative and interpret your dreams at a later time.

Step 4. Learn to know when to stop
A dream journal is not a marathon and few people have time throughout the morning to just lie down and write a journal. The best approach is to choose one or two dreams that feel most intense or enduring to you. After the first or second dream, your memory may be more blurred, and above all, it's best to write down the most vivid memory because it is usually the one that is most relevant and meaningful to you.

Step 5. Name each dream
Naming your dreams is a good habit. In breaking down each dream by title, try to capture the main feeling or theme behind it. This is an easy way for you to rediscover the dream for future reference and is a great way to summarize your general reaction to the dream.

Step 6. Review your progress
At first, it can be difficult to simply remember a dream to be able to write more than a few lines of sentences. Be diligent because with practice, it will become easier to remember more and more elements in the dream so that it becomes a habit. That's why it's important to stick with writing in a dream journal every morning even if you feel like you're having flat or non-occurring dreams. Sometimes these dreams have clear meanings and sometimes in writing them down, you realize that they actually have meaning.

Step 7. Begin to interpret the dream
If you don't want to start interpreting dreams at the beginning, that's okay. Getting into the habit of noting dreams is a new skill and recording dreams in advance is an important part. You can always come back later and take notes on the interpretation, by adding some feeling keywords to the dream. In time, it's a good idea to start interpreting dreams using the dream interpretation knowledge you've learned from books, online websites, or your own intuition. Some things will be clearer than others, but try it first.
- Sometimes the meaning of dreams may not become clear until you realize the dream is recurring and there is something happening in your life that you may need to pay attention to. More important messages do tend to repeat themselves as a way of telling yourself.
- Read the article How to Interpret Your Dreams for more information on how to interpret dreams.

Step 8. Customize your dream journal with your personality
Ultimately, how you use and organize your dream journal is personal and it's up to you how you want to organize it. If you find that any of the suggestions listed here don't work for you, but other methods work, please use your own dream journal. Use whatever makes sense and works best for you.

Step 9. Travel with your dream
Keep a dream journal with you when traveling or on vacation. If you don't want to take your main journal with you for fear of losing it, make a travel journal version that's lightweight and can be included in another journal when you get home. Or take electronic notes with you when away from home; whatever works best for you. What's important is to keep the process going, especially since traveling can trigger very different types of dreams and generate insight for yourself, something you definitely don't want to miss!
Traveling or changing locations can also bring up memories of dreams you've had, essentially filling in the blanks in your notes. Take this opportunity to write them down and add them to previous dreams
- Keep journals and writing supplies within reach of your bed and in the same place every day.
- If you move around too much in the morning to do things like brushing your teeth or preparing breakfast before documenting your dream, the dream may fade.
- Try not to share your personal dreams with other people. While some people "understand" dream interpretation and the purpose of dreams, others simply don't like the idea, or find your personal dreams too overwhelming to digest. Keep it to yourself and nurture that inner side of yourself as part of your journey in life.
- If you have extra time in the day, and you have a dream journal with you, leave a little space under the dream log so you can draw the dream. This will help if you often doodle or draw in your spare time, or if you're short on ideas.
- Buy a dream card set. This is a set of cards containing symbols and pictures to help you figure out what your dream really means. It can also give you ideas on how to calm yourself down in difficult situations.
- If you have a dream, for example, dying, don't think you will die. It could mean that you are feeling stressed and just feel like you are dying. Dying can also mean letting go of a part of you or a part that has been holding you back, and can indicate that you are ready to move on to a new stage in your life.
- If you find yourself going through a phase where your dreams look "dry," hold on. Sometimes external factors such as stress, drugs, alcohol, lack of sleep, or other REM cycle disorders are the cause. Other times, you may need to take a short break to give your creativity a little room to renew itself. Don't worry too much about it and dreams will come back as long as you get rid of external stressors.
- Scientists don't yet understand or agree on the function of dreams, so while it can be fun to interpret your dreams, be careful and use common sense above all else if you use interpretation to make important decisions.