Playing hula hoop is a fun activity and can be a means of training the heart muscle because it burns 200 calories every 30 minutes of use. Store hula hoops can be too big, too small, or too light for your preference. Follow these steps to create a hula hoop that fits your individual needs.
Method 1 of 3: Setting Up Equipment

Step 1. Measure your body
To determine the length of tubing needed for your hula hoop, stand up straight and measure the distance between your feet and chest (or between your belly button and chest). This measurement is the ideal diameter for your hula hoop. Then calculate the circumference to find out how long you need the pipe to be. (Perimeter = Pi(3, 14) times Diameter (C=pD)).
- The average diameter of an adult hula hoop is 100 cm. 100 x 3, 14 = 314 cm
- The average diameter of a children's hula hoop is 70 cm. 70 x 3, 14 = 220 cm

Step 2. Go to the building shop
You need three items, namely:
- 19mm 160psi. irrigation tubing
- PVC Scissors
- One piece of PVC connector diameter 2 cm
- If you don't want to buy PVC scissors, you can use regular scissors. However, using scissors requires more effort to cut the pipe.

Step 3. An alternative way, use a hacksaw
If you have a hacksaw at home, it can replace PVC scissors-you just need to sand the sharp end of the pipe later.
In this case, you will need sandpaper or a sanding machine. So PVC scissors are actually the easier choice
Method 2 of 3: Assembling a Regular Hula Hoop

Step 1. Cut the irrigation pipe
Use PVC scissors/hacksaw/regular shears to cut the pipe to the required length. It takes a fair amount of energy, be careful.

Step 2. Soften one end of the pipe
Bring a pot of water to a boil and plunge one end of the pipe into the water for 30 seconds. This end of the pipe will become soft before we insert it into the other end of the pipe.
- If you find it difficult, you can use a hairdryer, but this method will take longer and you will have to hold it all the time. So using boiling water is easier.
- Afterwards, work as quickly as possible while the pipe is still warm and soft.

Step 3. Insert the still soft pipe into the PVC connector
Press firmly into the connector to seal. The two are said to be tight when the connector does not shift.
Be careful not to insert the pipe too deep as the other end of the pipe will also need to be inserted. Just enter it to half the depth

Step 4. If you want, add something to make the sounds in the hula hoop
If you're making hula hoops for kids or for practice, the sound makes playing hula hoops even more fun. Materials that can be used:
- Nuts (20-30 grains)
- Corn kernels
- Water (a cup or as needed)
- Sand
- Rice

Step 5. Soak the other end of the pipe in boiling water
If you insert a sound source into the pipe, be careful not to fall into the water. It didn't take long.

Step 6. After that, attach the soft end of the pipe to the PVC connector
Same as in the previous step, lock the pipe to the connector by pressing it firmly.
Work quickly before the pipe cools and becomes difficult to use

Step 7. Decorate your hula hoop
Add knick-knacks, it can be ribbons, paint or whatever you like. You can also draw it with permanent marker or special marker.
You can make it like a candy cane, a regular hula hoop decorated with colorful insulating tape. The result is smoother than regular ribbon and blends more into the pipe texture
Method 3 of 3: Assembling a Collapsible Hula Hoop

Step 1. Gather materials
You'll need all the materials in the previous section, plus a few more. Here is the list:
- Irrigation pipe 2cm 160psi
- PVC Scissors
- Four (4) pieces of 2 cm. PVC connectors
- bungee cord
- Wire hanger
- Sanding machine (optional, though preferred)
- A few pliers
- Friends (to make work easier)
- Goggles

Step 2. Measure the required length of pipe and cut it into four equal lengths
Stand straight and measure the distance between your feet and your chest (or between your belly button and your chest). The result of this measurement is the ideal hula hoop diameter for the person being measured. Calculate the circumference to find the required length of pipe. (Perimeter = Pi(3, 14) times Diameter (C=pD)).
- The average diameter of an adult hula hoop is 100 cm, so the length of a hula hoop is about 314 cm.
- Making hula hoops for kids? Then you need a circle with a diameter of approximately 70 cm. One hula hoop will be about 220 cm long.

Step 3. Put a special mark on the end of the pipe
This helps you find the right pipe cut. Like a puzzle, each piece looks the same but only matches a certain piece. There are a total of 8 marks, each exposed end is also marked.
You can mark with the tip of a knife, or even with a ballpoint pen. Don't want it permanent? Use tape

Step 4. Put on your goggles and start sanding one end of each connector
If you use a sanding machine, there will be a lot of dust and dirt generated, so make sure you wear goggles or a mask. If you don't have a sanding machine, you can do it manually-it just takes extra time and effort.
Pause while sanding and check that the connector fits the pipe. Not at first, sure, but once you're done the connector will fit snugly against the pipe. Keep sanding until it fits

Step 5. Heat one end of each pipe section
You can use a hairdryer, boiling water on the stove, or hot coals (but coals are difficult to control and there is a risk of melting). When the pipe softens, attach the unsanded end of the pipe to the connector, leaving the sanded end visible outside.
The connector sits in the pipe until it is about half the length of the pipe. If it is too deep, the connector will not be able to be attached to another pipe

Step 6. Using the marks you have made, attach all the parts of the hula hoop
You'll be taking it all off again to make it foldable, but for now you'll need the circular shape. the heated pipe was inserted into the connector snugly.

Step 7. Insert the bungee cord so it can be folded
Here's how:
- Look for an unpainted wire coat hanger that is approximately 20cm long. Use it to open the hoop at one of the four exposed points.
- Thread the bungee cord around the hula hoop until it comes out of the last end.
- Pull the rope until it is very, very tense. This is why having friends is useful. You can either pull the ends together, or clamp one into the pipe. Either way, make sure the hula hoop is pulled up to the maximum because this wire will keep the hula hoop from falling out when used.
- Stack the ends of the rope and wrap the pipe around it until the rope is invisible.
- Using pliers, tie the wire with rope. When it is tight, cut the end of the rope.

Step 8. Try disassembling and reassembling your hula hoop
It's going to take some power to pull it all out, and that's a good sign. This means that the hula hoop will continue to spin and not come off. Disassemble and reassemble to ensure your hula hoop is not damaged.
- If the hula hoop isn't like that, your bungee cord may be less tense. If it's too loose, the hula hoop will come off as it spins and can fall on you. Tighten the wire, wire again, then try again.
- If it works, take this hula hoop with you - it's easy to carry and great for travelling.